Vital Aging 2015:
Boosting Your Brainpower
Vital Aging 2015 is an excellent way to energize the community and to invite participation from a wider range of San Diego county residents.
Join Aging & Independence Services for a stimulating day of dynamic speakers, interactive workshops, and fun activities at Vital Aging 2015, hosted by County of San Diego Supervisors Dianne Jacob and Greg Cox. Explore how nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, and social connection affect our memory, mood, and cognitive functioning. You’ll hear about the latest research on what works—and what doesn’t—to keep your brain at its best. Information and resources for families affected by Alzheimer’s disease will also be available.
This year’s theme is “Boosting Your Brainpower” in support of the Alzheimer’s Project, and will focus on improving your brain health through nutrition, exercise, social interaction, mental stimulation and more.
The Vital Aging conference will be held at:
• McMillin Center, Liberty Station:
2875 Dewey Road, San Diego, 92106
The program includes the live in-person keynote presentation, as well workshops on Alzheimer’s disease, lifelong learning, food and mood and exercise. The event will be held at Liberty Station and the keynote speech will be held inside the McMillan Center. Other event activities will be held outside at Luce Court and Legacy Plaza. Lunch will be provided.
• California Center for the Arts, Escondido
340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, 92025
The program includes a live webcast of keynote speaker Dr. Paul Nussbaum shown on a large screen inside the community center. In addition, the event will have seminars with in-person speakers, information tables, and workshops. Lunch will be provided. |
We expect at least 1000 older adults at Liberty Station, and 500 at the North County site.
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We look forward to a wonderful event!

Vital Aging Speaker Announced!
Dr. Paul Nussbaum, an international expert in brain health, will be a speaker at the Vital Aging conference scheduled for Wednesday, June 17.
Dr. Nussbaum, a neuropsychologist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, is the founder of the Brain Health Center, Inc., and author of “Save Your Brain.”
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