JUNE 2007 |

Every June the Men's Health Week is celebrated as the week leading up to and including Father's Day.
By offering guidance, support, and unconditional love, a father is one of the most important influences in a child's life. On Father's Day, we honor our fathers and celebrate the special bond between a father and a child.The purpose of Men's Health Week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.
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Who decides When You Can't?e
An Advance Health Care Directive enables people to decide the course of their medical treatment in the event they become too ill to speak on their own behalf. In this free workshop, health care experts will explain the issues, answer questions and provide the proper forms for you to establish an Advanced Health Care Directive. Free notary available. DAY- Friday, June 1 -TIME- from 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.PLACE- the Sharp Outpatient Pavilion, Education Classroom at the Cushman Wellness Center, 3075 Health Center Drive, San Diego.INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277.. |
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The 15th Annual international Village Celebration
The City Heights Community Development Corporation (CHCDC) presents the 15th Annual City Heights International Village Celebration.This free one-day, free and family friendly festival celebrates one of San Diego's oldest Mid City communities, home to over 90,000 people speaking more than 30 languages and dialects in the City Heights community of San Diego.The event will also host a career corner job fair, where employers meet and screen thousands of potential employees and a Health Fair offering free screenings, insurance and information covering various health related subjects. -DAY-Saturday, June 2, 2007-PLACE-The celebration will be held at City Heights Urban Village Park off of Fairmount Ave. and Landis St. -TIME- 10:00 – 6:00 a.m.- INFO-For More information, contact Tayari Howard at 619-584-1535 Ext. 120. or log on http://cityheightscdc.org/ivc.html |
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Skin Saving Tips from Licensed Dermatologists
Healthy skin is in…and so is the derm! Head over to Sephora and learn how to save face. Get valuable skin-saving tips from a licensed dermatologist, receive a complimentary skincare consultation and have all your burning questions answered. And, don’t forget to check out Sephora’s new Sun Safety Kit – a spectacular sampler of travel-sized sun protection for the whole body. What’s more, 100% of the net proceeds from this kit go to benefit the Skin Cancer Foundation. Show your skin some love! WHERE- Head over to Sephora Fashion Valley and get the scoop on staying protected.- TIME- from 12:00 to 6:00-WHEN- Saturday June 2- INFO- For more information, call 619-220-0771 or by email fashion.valley@sephora.com or VISIT
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The Rady Children's Miracle Makers Gala
The Gala is a San Diego tradition - a great party filled with delicious food, exciting entertainment and, most importantly, the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping our region's children. DAY-Saturday, June 2, 2007, TIME- Reception starting at 6:30 p.m.,PLACE-San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina -INFO-For reservations, call Elise Patkay at 858-966-7537. |
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Relay For Life of Chula Vista
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Chula Vista High School - DAYS- June 2-3, 2007- INFO-For team information contact Mauricia Saucedo msaucedo@cvesd.k12.ca.us or VISIT
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Relay For Life of Fallbrook
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Fallbrook High School- DAYS- Saturday June 2, 2007and Sunday, June 3, 2007-INFO-INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT |
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New Book on Fall Prevention for Seniors and Care Providers
Book signing, meet and greet with author and mini-fall prevention program. New book helps seniors remain independent, 'Fall Injury Prevention for Older Adults and Those Who Care About Them.-WHERE-The Healthy Spirit at 272 Third Avenue, Chula Vista-TIME-1p.m.,-INFO-(619) 427-1210 or by email to rep@fallpreventioninfo.com |
2-9 |
• senior safety
AARP'S Driver safety Course
Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center hosts this 2-part Driver Safety Course on Saturdays, June 2 & 9, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., at Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 16, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. Cost $10. Reservations required. 619-641-7020. |
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• June 3 -JUNE 9 National Headache Awareness Week
The National Headache Foundation provides you with the best possible weapons in your fight against headache pain: knowledge and support. We explain the causes and symptoms of headache and keep you apprised of the latest advances in headache treatment through our newsletters, educational publications.For more information please contact Suzanne E. Simons or call 1-888-643-5552 or visit Thr National Headache Foundation www.headaches.org |
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• June 3 -JUNE 9 Sun Safety Week
As the days lengthen and the weather warms up, more people are outside enjoying the outdoors and so the overexposure to the sun. Contrary to popular myth, a good tan is not a measure of good health, but actually "Sun safety" should actually be practiced year-round, but we are more likely to experience the dangerous effects of the sun...more |
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• National Cancer Survivors Day
National Cancer Survivors Day is held annually in hundreds of communities throughout the world on the first Sunday in June. It is a symbolic event to demonstrate that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality. For material available please contact The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation info@ncsdf.org or visit their website www.ncsdf.org |
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CVD Risk Factors
Educational Lecture Interactive question & answer period Speaker: Franklin Zalman, M.D., F.A.C.C. For the residents of Carlsbad By The Sea.DAY- Sunday June 3, 07-TIME-2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.-PLACE- Carlsbad By The Sea 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008-INFO-Event Telephone: Malinda Engerer (760) 730-1471 Event Email Contact: info@cvdf.org Event Website: www.cvdf.org |
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Mothers and Daughters—Puberty and Growing Up
This popular two-hour seminar presents accurate information for mothers and daughters (9-11 years old) about the normal physical and emotional changes that preteens experience during puberty. Topics include menstruation and a simple discussion about the “birds and the bees.” The seminar is taught by pediatrician, author and mother of three, Chrystal de Freitas, M.D. Cost is $60 for mother daughter pair. Presented by The Parent Connection at Scripps Mende
Well Being.-DAY- Sunday, June 3- TIME- 2:30–4:30 p.m.-INFO For more information, call 1800 scripps or log on www.scripps.org |
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Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome. Open to the public. INFO- For information, call 619-740-4214.-PLACE-Peninsula Family YMCA, 4390 Valeta, San Diego -DAY-Tuesday, June 5-TIME- 9:30-11 a.m. |
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Women's Discussion/Support Group
A free discussion/support group facilitated by Dr. Susan Guzman. This group provides the opportunity to meet and share the concerns unique to women with Type 1 diabetes. How do we juggle the demands of relationships, motherhood, work, home and diabetes? Or also importantly, where do we hide our insulin pump when wearing an evening dress? WHO: Women with Type 1 diabetes. Cost: There is no charge but registration is required.WHEN: Tuesday, June 5th, 2007, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m- WHERE: Scripps Whittier Institute for Diabetes (on the campus of Scripps Memorial Hospital), 9894 Genesee Ave, La Jolla, CA 92037, 2nd Floor Conference Room -INFO-For more information, please call 858-336-8693 or visit www.behavioraldiabetes.org
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Combined Health Agencies Honors Volunteers of the Year
Combined Health Agencies is honoring 26 Volunteers of the Year on behalf of the agencies to which they have devoted their time and talents. KUSI news anchor and fellow San Diego volunteer, Bridget Naso, will emcee the event. The presenting sponsor is Amylin Pharmaceuticals. Additional sponsors include gold sponsor Biocom, and silver sponsors Grossmont Healthcare District and Aflac. Please join us in celebrating the honorees’ hard work and accomplishments. These individuals have given selflessly to our organizations and their efforts are evident throughout the entire San Diego community in the form of summer camps, leadership boards and volunteer clinics. - PLACE-Amylin Pharmaceuticals Corporate Offices 9360 Towne Centre Drive San Diego, CA 92121-TIME- 6:00 p.m.-INFO-To make a reservation, call Courtney Walsh at(858) 636-4158 or e-mail cwalsh@combinedhealth.org. |
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• senior safety
AARP'S Driver safety Course
AARP offers a 2-part Driver Safety Course on Tuesday June 5 & Thursday June 7 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St. San Diego. Cost is $10. Call 1-619-641-7020 to register. |
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Fruit and Veggie Festival
In an effort to decrease the rates of childhood obesity and overweight, the Network for a Healthy California—San Diego & Imperial Region, Albertsons and local chefs will kick off the Fruit and Veggie Fest, a month long celebration to encourage Southern California residents to be “Champions for Change” and improve their health by consuming more fruits and vegetables and being physically active every day. The event will include student tours of Albertsons’ produce department, physical activity sessions lead by players from the San Diego Shockwave, food demonstrations by local chefs and dietitians offering advice on how to eat more fruits and vegetables every day.-DAY-Tuesday june 5-TIME-from 11:00 A.M to 1:00 .M- WHERE-Albertsons, 4421 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92105 -INFO-Contact Kaiti Ferguson 916-446-9900 or kferguson@rs-e.com
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Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome. Open to the public. INFO- For information, call 619-740-4214.-PLACE-St. Agnes Catholic Church, 1145 Evergreen, San Diego -DAY-Wednesday, June 6-TIME- 8:30-10:30 a.m. |
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FREE Mental Illness Education & Advocacy Meeting
The Why’s and How’s of NAMI’s new program: Senior Mental Health Partnership. Presenters: Maureen Halpain, Steering Committee Chair; Sally Shepherd, NAMI San Diego Board; Dahlia Fuentes, Steering Committee Member; and Shannon Jaccard, Coordinator. -WHERE-Only this month on St. John Garabed Armenian Church Conference Room 4473 30th Street San Diego, CA. 92116 (Across the street from the NAMI San Diego office)-TIME-6:30 Special Recognitions 7:00 Announcements & Advocacy 7:15 Program 8:30 Social and Refreshments-INFO-For more information, call the Albright I & R Center at: (619) 543-1434 or 1-800-523-5933 Email: namisd@sbcglobal.net Website: http://www.namisandiego.org
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NAMI monthly Education and Advocacy Meeting
Our goal is to provide the most accurate, up to date and comprehensive education about mental illness. The monthly meetings are open to anyone interested in learning about mental illness and are free of charge. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) San Diego holds its monthly Education and Advocacy Meeting the first Thursday of every month. We see these meetings as introductions for people new to NAMI, but also as continuing education for anyone who is already familiar with NAMI and its programs.
-WHERE- University Heights 92116 -TIME-from 6:30pm - 9:00pm-INFO-For more information, call (619) 543-1434 or send an email to: brandimarcoe@namisd.org
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Cancer Survivorship: San Diego! 10th Annual Celebration of Life
The annual Cancer Survivorship Celebration of Life is provided free to cancer patients, their friends and families, the health care community and the general public. This year’s theme is “Survivor Heroes II: Honoring Cancer Survivors and Health Care Providers.” Keynote address from world-renowned cancer researcher Dr. Albert Deisseroth of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center in San Diego and from Dr. O. Carl Simonton, director of the Simonton Cancer Center- DAY- Saturday June 9, 07-TIME-from 11:00 a.m to 4:45 p.m-INFO- For more information, call 760-598-7304 or email cancersurvivorshipSD@gmail.com or visit http://www.cancersurviorshipSD.com
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Cancer Coping Center Volunteer Orientation
Cancer Coping Center will be holding its volunteer orientation. Please RSVP by June 7th. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. No Fee. This 501(c)3 nonprofit serves cancer patients, their families and medical caregivers. WHEN- Saturday June 9, 07- TIME- from 09:30 a.m to 2:30 p.m -INFO- For more information, contact Maryam Email maryam@cancercopingcenter.com Ph.619-709-8112 or log on www.cancercopingcenter.com
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Basics of Diabetes Care and Management
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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Sing for the Cure: A Proclamation of Hope
“Sing for the Cure: A Proclamation of Hope” presented by San Diego Men’s Chorus & San Diego Chorus of the Sweet Adelines International Saturday, June 9, 2007 4:00pm performance (w/optional 6pm VIP reception) 8:00pm performance (w/optional 6pm VIP reception) Stephen & Mary Birch North Park Theatre (29th & University) Tickets are on-sale now for this landmark event. Join the 60 men of the San Diego Men’s Chorus and the 100 women of the San Diego Chorus as they perform music by, for, and about women....songs of struggle; songs of survival. The centerpiece of the evening will be selections from the powerful song cycle “Sing for the Cure.” The beautiful voices of the combined groups will be accompanied by a special orchestra comprised of San Diego County music teachers. Starring Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura on the original Star Trek series) as narrator. Jeff Gelder of KYXY Radio will be host for the evening. You will not want to miss this event, featuring an optional VIP reception catered by the talented staff of Hawthorn’s Restaurant. - PLACE- North Park Theatre 29th & University San Diego, ca 92104 -DAY-Saturday, June 9, 2007 -TIME- 4:00pm & 8:00 PM- INFO- Get your tickets now: www.birchnorthparktheatre.net For more info call: 619.296.SONG |
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A One-day Workshop for Mastering the Stresses of Diabetes
Adults who are struggling with their diabetes management and have poor blood sugar control (for example, an A1C greater than 8.0%, problems with hypoglycemia, or very erratic blood sugars) are recommended at most to participate. Group size is limited to 20 participants.- GETTING ON TRACK is a one-day workshop designed to help you manage diabetes more effectively. Workshop participants will: · Learn about the emotional and behavioral pitfalls associated with diabetes · Determine their own pattern of diabetes-specific stresses · Develop and practice specific strategies for mastering the challenges of diabetes · Gain greater confidence and control over diabetes- Is GETTING ON TRACK right for you? Living with diabetes can be tough. Do you ever: · Feel confused, discouraged or frustrated by your diabetes? · Get tired with the daily effort and vigilance that diabetes requires? · Feel unmotivated to manage your diabetes? · Feel angry, depressed or guilty about your diabetes? · Have disagreements with loved ones over your diabetes management? · Feel frightened or helpless about long-term complications? GETTING ON TRACK will help you to feel less stressed and more motivated about diabetes care. -WHEN: Saturday, June 9th , 8:30 am registration, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 pm (lunch provided)- WHERE: Scripps Whittier Institute for Diabetes (on the campus of Scripps Memorial Hospital), 9894 Genesee Ave, La Jolla, CA 92037, 2nd Floor Conference Room - COST: $10 per person. Due to the group size limitation, registration is required. To register, call us at 858- 336-8693.-INFO- For more information, please call 858-336-8693 or visit www.behavioraldiabetes.org |
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• cancer
Cancer Survivorship: San Diego! 10th Annual Celebration of Life
The annual Cancer Survivorship Celebration of Life is provided free to cancer patients, their friends and families, the health care community and the general public. This year’s theme is “Survivor Heroes II: Honoring Cancer Survivors and Health Care Providers.” The event is expected to include: • Medical lectures on the latest in cancer treatments, complementary therapies and survivorship issues by leading cancer experts • Keynote address from world-renowned cancer researcher Dr. Albert Deisseroth of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center in San Diego and from Dr. O. Carl Simonton, director of the Simonton Cancer Center • A large health fair with more than 30 exhibitors • Information on community resources available to cancer patients • Information on privately sponsored patient assistance programs • Free melanoma and oral cancer screening • Complementary therapy demonstrations • Spanish-language program and activities • Entertainment, refreshments and door prizes • Fashion show featuring cancer survivors as models - PLACE- Cancer Survivors Park at Spanish Landing 4100 N. Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101 -DAY-Sunday, June 10, 2007 -TIME- 11:00 AM - 4:45 PM- INFO-For more info call (760) 598-7304 |
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Annual California State Walk4Hearing 2007 Walk-a-thon
There are 31 million Americans with hearing loss.To raise awareness of 31 million Americans with hearing loss and to raise funds to support HLAA and its chapters provide education, support and information services to the hearing loss community.
When? Sunday, June 10th, 2007 Where? Long Beach Marina in Long Beach, CA What Time? Registration at 9:00 A.M. with Walk-a-thon beginning at 10:00 A.M. Distance? Walk-4-Hearing will be 5 kilometers / 3.1 (Note: .5 mile, 1 mile and 1.6 mile increments will be marked off around the marina. A second loop of 1.5 mile through Shoreline Village around the lighthouse will equal a 5K walk. -INFO-For more information, contact Earl Krone Email www.hearing4you@yahoo.com Ph. 562-291-4104 or visit http://www.walk4hearing.orgWhatFund-raisers
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Celebration for Health
Local health and fitness businesses, such as Fitness Together Del Mar, Optimal Nutrition, Max Muscle and others, will be offering free information, free samples of organic food, drinks and services to promote healthy living. In addition, there will be an opportunity drawing for great prizes with all proceeds of the drawing going to Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego.- DAY-Sunday June 10,07-TIME- from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.,-WHERE-Fitness Together Del Mar- 2720 Via de la Valle, Ste E-110-Contact Amy Ventetuolo Ph.858-720-8229 or by email to: amy@link-pr.com
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YMCA Family Fun Day with the San Diego Chargers
The Downtown YMCA is hosting a Family Fun Day. Come join us for a free football clinic hosted by the San Diego Chargers, Bounce Houses, Free Food, Games & More. Please note that the football clinic is for ages 8 to 18. We're excited to see you. We have something for everyone:) DAY-Saturday June 16,07- TIME- from 11:00 to 3:00 -INFO- For more information, contact Alicia Gettys, by email agettys@ymca.org or Ph.(619) 232-7451 or visit http://www.downtown.ymca.org
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The Incredible Power of Music
Join the College Avenue Senior Center of Jewish Family Service for a special performance by Jacquelyne Silver. The pianist, stage personality, artistic innovator, and educator, has performed and taught in major music centers throughout North America and has appeared on radio and television. Tickets are $3 for senior center members, $5 for Non-Members. DAY- Thursday June 14-TIME- from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.,-INFO-For more information about the center and events or membership, contact (619) 583-3300 or email to:seniorcenter@jfssd.org or visit http://www.jfssd.org
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• June 11 -JUNE 17 National Men's Health Week
AThe purpose of Men's Health Week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This week gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. For information contact Erin Hoffman, email info@menshealthweek.org, or call the Men's Healthline 1-888-636-2636. For materials available please visit Men’s Health Network www.menshealthweek.org |
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Reducing Your Risk of Skin Cancer
Over one million new cases of highly curable skin cancer are diagnosed each year. Nearly all skin cancer is preventable and highly curable if found and treated early. Free. Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista -DAY- Monday June 11-TIME- 10:00 or 11:00 am.-PLACE- —Senior Health Chats at Norman Park Chula Vista-INFO For more information, call 1800 scripps or log on www.scripps.org |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, June 12, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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Support Group
WomenHeart meeting is a Support Group for Women with Heart Disease. The San Diego North Coast Chapter of WomenHeart will meet -WHEN- on Tuesday, June 12, -TIME- from 10:15 a.m. to noon -WHERE- at GlenView Assisted Living, 1950 Calle Barcelona in Carlsbad. We welcome all women with concerns about their cardiac health. INFO-For more information, contact Jane Lazzati at (760) 726-6577o email to: rmarilyndeak@sbcglobal.net |
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Event Raises Funds for Women Seeking Second Chance
Dress for Success San Diego’s ART WITH HEART™ Event Raises Funds for Women Seeking Second Chance. Dozens of local artists, entertainers and restaurants will share their talents with the community at Art with Heart, an exciting festival and art fair benefiting Dress for Success San Diego, a non-profit organization recognized for programs that help low-income women secure jobs and build careers. Guests will be treated to appetizers, wine, refreshments and live music; and can also participate in a raffle and silent auction featuring prizes from popular local retailers and a variety of original art pieces. Admission to the event is $10 and proceeds will benefit Dress for Success San Diego. All exhibiting artists have also pledged to donate 15 percent of their Art with Heart proceeds. Dress for Success San Diego is a non-profit organization focused exclusively on transitioning economically disadvantaged women into the workforce by providing business attire, interview preparation, professional mentoring, life management consultation and job retention programs.- DAY- On Saturday, June 16, 2007-TIME- from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. -PLACE- at North Talmadge Drive in Kensington, the public is invited to support Dress for Success San Diego and enjoy a festive display of local artists’ work, including jewelry, paintings, pottery, fiber arts and more.- INFO-For more information on Art with Heart, contact Lorraine Iverson at (619) 997-0822 or by email: lai92116@yahoo.com. or LOG ON |
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Free Workshop: Girls Can Grill!
FGrilling isn’t just for men anymore! Come on down to your local Henry’s Farmers Market for a free workshop that will show why grilling is an easy, fun and healthy way to prepare your favorite foods. Join Nutritionist – and grilling expert – Janet Little and discover the joys of grilling. All attendees are entered to win a $25 Henry's gift card and will receive a $5 off coupon. -WHEN-Tuesday June 12 -TIME-5:30 p.m. -WHERE- Henrys Market Point Loma 3315 Rosecrans St. -INFO-For more information, call Henry's Farmers Market Point Loma at 619-523-3640 or 1-877-743-6797 |
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Father of the Year
Father of the Year Award Dinner is a semi-formal dinner honoring 5 deserving fathers to raise funds for the American Diabetes Association.100% of the funds raised by the event go to support the mission of the ADA.Please contact Liz Cornejo 619-234-9897 ext.7435 for more information or by email at lcornejo@diabetes.org |
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"Conozca Su Corazon to San Diego"

The American Heart Association and Astra Zeneca Bring: "Conozca Su Corazon to San Diego"
Diseases of the heart and stroke are the leading killer of Latino/Hispanic Americans, claiming almost 30 percent of the more than 122,000 Hispanics or Latinos that die each year. Among Mexican-American adults, almost 32 percent of men and over 34 percent of women have cardiovascular disease. The bottom line: Latinos have some of the highest numbers of physical inactivity and obesity, especially among Mexican Americans.
Conozca Su Corazón is a comprehensive, informative program designed to educate Latinos about the causes, symptoms and preventions of cardiovascular disease. The program consists of three modules: heart disease/stroke, nutrition, and physical activity. Each module provides participants with knowledge along with tools that they can use to assess their cardiovascular risk as well as make necessary changes to live healthier lives.
Blood pressure screenings will be provided by medical assistant students from San Diego Center from Employment Training throughout the event. Dr. Paulo Guillinta, a cardiologist affiliated with Scripps Health in Chula Vista will speak about the state of heart health in the Latino community.
Dr. Gloria Sotelo, a Nutrition and Retail Specialist with San Diego’s Champions for Change Network for a Healthy California will conduct a brief workshop on the role of nutrition in the prevention of cardiovascular Disease. Community Volunteers will provide food demonstrations.-WHEN: Wednesday, June 13, 2007-TIME- from 9:00 to 10:20 - WHERE: Neighborhood House Association 841 South 41st Street, San Diego, CA 92113- INFO- For more information contact Eric Thompson at (858) 410-3822 or by email to: eric.thompson@heart.org . The Spanish email requests can be sent to Malka.sierra@heart.org or by calling to (909) 424-1670 o Para información en español visite AQUI |
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Free Workshop: Girls Can Grill!
Grilling isn’t just for men anymore! Come on down to your local Henry’s Farmers Market for a free workshop that will show why grilling is an easy, fun and healthy way to prepare your favorite foods. Join Nutritionist – and grilling expert – Janet Little and discover the joys of grilling. All attendees are entered to win a $25 Henry's gift card and will receive a $5 off coupon. -WHEN-Wednesday June 13 -TIME-5:30 p.m. -WHERE- Henrys Market Oceanside 471 College Blvd -INFO-For more information, call Henry's Farmers Market Oceanside at 760-726-7274 or 1-877-743-6797 |
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Parkinson's Support Group
This support group helps those with Parkinson’s and their families understand various aspects of the ailment and learn beneficial ways of coping. Free. No appointment needed. Sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and Southern Caregiver Resource Center. For information call 619-221-3779 .-WHEN-This free support group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, June 13-TIME- from 10–11:30 a.m. -WHERE-at the Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center. -INFO- For information call 619-221-3779. |
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Writing Your Life Story
Come learn how to capture and preserve your priceless life experiences for your loved ones. This class will guide you through the process of creating a beautiful, memorable, regarding heirloom that will delight your family and friends. A free class offered by San Diego Community College, taught by Marsha Kay Seff. The class is a program of Jewish Family Service taught at the College Avenue Senior Center, near SDSU. WHEN-from Wednesday June 13 to August 29, 07 -TIME-12:30 - 2:30 PM-WHERE- College Avenue Senior Center-- 4885 College Avenue, San Diego, 92115-INFO- For more information, contact Elissa Landsman at 619-583-3300 or elissal@jfssd.org or visithttp:// www.jfssd.org |
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Volunteer training
LightBridge Hospice is actively seeking compassionate and caring individuals, who are willing to share their time, talent and heart. We are seeking people who are willing to spend a few hours a week with our patients and families. We have volunteer opportunities available in your area. -WHEN-Wednesday June 13-TIME- from 5:30-7:30 pm. WHERE-LightBridge Hospice-INFO- For more information about volunteering with LightBridge Hospice please contact us at (858) 458-2992 or elizabeth@lightbridgehospice.com. -CONTACT- Elizabeth Marshall- The next training schedule is: June 18, June 20, June 25, June 27 and July 2 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Please RSVP by June 13 to reserve your spot! |
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Diabetes Prevention and Management
Learn about Diabetes and how the proper nutrition can make a difference from Tracy Begg, Registered Dietician, Sharp Diabetes Education Department -DAY-on Thursday, June 14 -TIME- from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. -PLACE- at St. Peter’s By the Sea Lutheran Church, 1371 Sunset Cliffs, San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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How to live to 100-Secrets of Older Doctors
With a combined 150 years of medical experience, what do these physicians know about living healthy longer? Ask questions and get tips from the true experts of longevity and health care. Reception begins at 5:30 p.m. COST-Free. Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla at Schaetzel Center.-DAY- Thursday June 14, 07-TIME-5:30 p.m.-7:30-INFO For more information, call 1800 scripps or log on www.scripps.org |
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Alternatives to Hysterectomy
You don’t have to suffer any longer! Join Angelica Zaid, M.D., obstetrics and gynecology, Ross Christensen, M.D.,interventional radiologist and Seema Agarwal, licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbologist for a discussion of uterine fibroids and an introduction to the latest innovative therapies. This is your opportunity to learn more about a non-surgical approach to an old and troubling problem. Free. Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas,
Conference Center.DAY- June 14,07-TIME-6:30-8 p.m.-INFO For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org |
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Stroke Prevention
Join cardiologist, Ali Salami, M.D., as he discusses important information on stroke-the number one cause of adult disability and the third leading cause of death in the United States.Learn about risk factors, warning signs and stroke prevention.Cost $3.WHERE- presented by Scripps mercy Hospital at OASIS in Mission Valley -TIME- 1:15-2:45 p.m. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-SCRPPS or log on www.scripps.org |
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Vital Aging Conference: Caring for Yourself and Others
San Diego’s largest conference for older adults and caregivers: June 15, 2007 !!!
The conference will take place in two locations. The main conference site is at the Town and Country Resort in Mission Valley. In addition, the conference will take place in North County at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido. The North County location will simulcast the keynote address by Edward James Olmos and there will be local speakers on similar topics. The registration fee ($15 for Town & Country plus $5 for parking; $5 for Escondido) includes a continental breakfast, information tables and screenings, dynamic speakers, and lunch.
"Vital Aging: Caring for Yourself and Others" on Friday June 15, 2007, from 9:00am -2:00pm. This conference, coordinated by the County of San Diego's Aging & Independence Services, is for older adults and caregivers of San Diego County. The keynote speaker will be Oscar-nominated actor Edward James Olmos. Other speakers will address health topics including diabetes, exercise, caregiving, nutrition, and stress management. This conference promises to be a day of both information and inspiration!
* Call to ask about complimentary Guest Passes: 1-800-827-4277
Special services for this event include translation from English to Spanish at Town & Country, respite care for family caregivers, and free transportation from several “park and ride” sites around the county. Call the Sharp registration line to inquire about these services: 1-800-827-4277
Here is a link to more information and to register: www.sharp.com/seniors
There are still sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities available. Regular Exhibitor booths range from $200 - $450. Sponsorships start at the $1,000 level. For more information, contact Kristen Smith at kristen.smith@sdcounty.ca.gov
Aparte esta fecha en su agenda para asistir y participar de la conferencia de: Vital Aging que va a tener: "traducción simultanea al español". |
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How Do I Do This? Caregiving at Home
Learn & practice the basics of caring for a loved one at home from a registered nurse. Learn practical tips to help someone bath, dress, eat, transfer, etc, Learn proper body mechanics so you don’t hurt yourself. Practice using medical equipment. Reservation required. Cost $10. -WHEN- Sat., June 16, - TIME- 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. - WHERE- Grossmont Hospital Brier Patch Campus, Work Fit Room, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. - INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Relay For Life of Imperial Beach
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Sports Park Recreation Center - DAYS- June 16-17, 2007- INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619)299-4200 or VISIT |
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Relay For Life of Poway
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Lake Poway Recreation Area - DAYS- Saturday June 16, 2007 and Sunday June 17, 2007- INFO-INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT
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• father'S day
A Father's Day Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
By offering guidance, support, and unconditional love, a father is one of the most important influences in a child's life. On Father's Day, we honor our fathers and celebrate the special bond between a father and a child.
Fathers play a significant role in shaping the character of their children and the future of our country. By spending time with their sons and daughters and listening to their experiences, fathers can have a profound impact on their children's lives. As advisors, role models, and friends, fathers help their children to understand the difference between right and wrong and to recognize how the decisions they make today can affect the rest of their lives. Fathers instill important values and prepare young people for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Through their daily sacrifices, fathers provide a loving and secure home in which their children can grow to become successful adults and good citizens. Their love and dedication inspire the next generation of Americans to achieve their dreams and demonstrate the true spirit of our Nation. Source: White House News Release |
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Alzheimer’s Support Group
This free support group, sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and the Alzheimer’s Association, is for caregivers, family members and friends of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. No reservation required. Free to the public. -WHEN- This group meets the third Tuesday of each month, June 19, -TIME-from 3:30-5 p.m. -WHERE- at the Senior Resource Center, 3475 Kenyon St, San Diego -INFO- For information call 619-221-3779. |
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Learn how to get income from your home. If you or your parents are “house rich” and cash poor” and would like to receive a meaningful income without moving, then you need to attend this free, information seminar. Those attending will be offered a free consultation. Presented by J.P. LaMontagne, CTA, Sharp Health Care Foundation -DAY-on Tuesday, June 19 -TIME- from 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. -PLACE- at Sharp Cabrillo’s Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Free Community Workshop
“Relationships You Can “BANK” On!” is this month’s free community workshop; open to the public. Has your bank lost their personal touch? Are you just a number at your bank? Then join us for this outstanding workshop. Pamela Carson is a Banking Vice President who takes pride in educating people about the advantages of personalized banking. Pam says that with regard to banking, “What you don’t know will cost you”! Come and understand the importance of personal banking! DAY- Tuesday, June 19th. -TIME-7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. -WHERE- Pacific Beach Recreation Center 1405 Diamond St., San Diego, CA 92109. No RSVPs Required. -INFO- For more Info Call Robynne's Nest at 858-413-2121 or email: info@bringingpeoplehome.com |
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Who decides When You Can't?
An Advance Health Care Directive enables people to decide the course of their medical treatment in the event they become too ill to speak on their own behalf. In this free workshop, health care experts will explain the issues, answer questions and provide the proper forms for you to establish an Advanced Health Care Directive. Free notary available. DAY- Wednesday, June 20 -TIME- from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. -PLACE-at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego-.INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Having Problems Falling Asleep?
Over time, those nights of missed sleep can build into a sleep de?cit. People with a sleep de?cit are unable to concentrate, study and work effectively. They can also experience emotional problems, like depression. Attend and learn steps you can take to get good sleep. Free. Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista at Scripps Mercy Well Being.-DAY- , Wednesday, June 20, 07-TIME-8:30 - 10:30 a.m.-INFO For more information, call 1800 scripps or log on www.scripps.org |
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Come visit the SDSU MOVE/Me Muevo Project at the Del Mar Fair
MOVE/Me Muevo project staff will be talking with parents about the great opportunity to get involved with our project. MOVE/Me Muevo will have a booth in the Discover San Diego Pavilion, which is in the infield where the family area of the fair is located. Our booth is between the wine tasting booth and the rest rooms with a Culinary Demonstration not too far away.-PLACE: at the Del Mar Fair --DAY- Wednesday, June 20, through Sunday, June 24, -TIME-from 10:00 am – 7:00 pm. -INFO - Call Lisa White at 619- 594- 6152 for more information.
• SDSU MOVE/Me Muevo RESEARCH STUDY- Seeking parents with children ages 5-7 to participate - The purpose of this project is to learn more about how children and families use their time outside of school, make food choices, and participate in recreation and leisure activities. You and your child will be asked to participate in annual measures of height and weight and complete a survey about your family’s lifestyle related to physical activity and eating. -PLACE: At one of 30 City of San Diego or City of El Cajon recreation centers -INFO - Call Lisa White at 619- 594- 6152 for more information and to complete the screening to see if your family is eligible.-FLYER
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• National ASK Day
ASK Day is a national day of focus on the lifesaving message of the ASK (Asking Saves Kids) campaign. ASK Day will take place on Thursday, June 21, the first day of summer, a time of year when children play more often in other homes. Just talking to your child about the dangers of firearms is not enough. Children are naturally curious. If a gun is accessible in someone's home, there is a good chance a child will find it and play with it. For information contact PAX/Real Solutions to Gun Violence by email ask@paxusa.org, or by ph.(212) 269-5100-For materials available please visit www.askingsaveskids.org |
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Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome. Open to the public. INFO- For information, call 619-740-4214.-PLACE-St. Peter's by the Sea Lutheran Church, 1371 Sunset Cliffs, San Diego -DAY-Thursday, June 21-TIME- 9:30-11 a.m. |
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Health Care Directives and Will Workshop
It is estimated over 60 percent of American adults do not have a will. Our speakers, Ellen Kealy Pels, attorney, Scripps legal department and David E. Williams, attorney and senior director of gift planning at Scripps, will explain the importance of having a properly written will. Issues such as nominating guardians for your children, nominating executors and setting up testamentary trusts will be covered. In addition, they will guide you through the process of drafting your health care directive. Attendees will come away with a draft of their personal health care directive and a will workbook. Free. DAY- Thursday, June 21-TIME- 9:30–11 a.m.-Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla at Schaetzel Center.- INFO For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org |
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Free Blood Pressure Screenings
No appointment necessary. Open to the public. For information, call 619-740-4214.La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd., Friday, June 22, from 9:30-11 a.m. |
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Medicare Fair in Chula Vista
Medicare event brought to the South County Community by collaborative efforts, namely Senator Ducheny’s office and staff, HICAP, SSA, and CCHEA and the South Chula Vista Library. We will assist Medicare beneficiaries to make this event successful and a positive experience for these very deserving folks-our elders and disabled members. Our efforts will be devoted to: Helping potential eligible Medicare beneficiaries learn and enroll, if appropriate, in the” extra help” (LIS –Low Income Subsidy) Program; Answer and assist Medicare beneficiaries with questions, concerns and problems dealing with their current Medicare benefits; Assist those individuals interested or soon to be enrolled in Medicare with their questions and concerns about Medicare benefits; Encourage and connect Medicare beneficiaries with vital programs for the aged and disabled within the San Diego community. -WHEN- Thursday June 22,07 -TIME-10 a.m. to 2 p.m.--WHERE-So Chula Vista Library 389 Orange Ave Chula Vista CA 91911 -INFO- To register or for more information, call the HICAP at 858-565-8772 or (619) 409-7690 |
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Lower Back Pain and Degenerative Conditions of the Spine
Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common causes of lower back pain and also one of the most misunderstood. Please join orthopedic surgeon, William Tontz, Jr., M.D., as he presents information on the pathophysiology, implications, and nonoperative and operative treatments for degenerative conditions of the spine. Cost is $3. WHO- Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital -WHERE- at OASIS in Mission Valley. -DAY- Friday, June 22,07-TIME-1:15–2:45 p.m.-INFO-For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org
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Learning Together: A free event in Spanish on mental health
Come to enjoy a day of discussion, informational resources, music, food, and more. The event will be in Spanish. To participate, register before the day of the event. INFO- Register by contacting: Dahlia Fuentes at 619.563.2723 or dfuentes@ucsd.edu -WHEN- June 23, 2007-TIME-8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.-WHERE-Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108 
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Relay For Life of Coronado
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Village Elementary School - DAYS- June 23-24, 2007- INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT
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Relay For Life of La Jolla
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- UCSD North Track - DAYS- Saturday June 23, 2007 and Sunday June 24, 2007- INFO-INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT
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Relay For Life of El Cajon
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- at Granite Hill High School- DAYS- Saturday June 23, 2007 and Sunday June 24, 2007- INFO-INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or call Kathy Woodland at (619) 299-4200 by email kswoodland@cox.net
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Free Workshop: Girls Can Grill!
Grilling isn’t just for men anymore! Come on down to your local Henry’s Farmers Market for a free workshop that will show why grilling is an easy, fun and healthy way to prepare your favorite foods. Join Nutritionist – and grilling expert – Janet Little and discover the joys of grilling. All attendees are entered to win a $25 Henry's gift card and will receive a $5 off coupon. -WHEN-Saturday June 23 -TIME-5:30 p.m. -WHERE- Henrys Market Carlsbad 3243 Camino de Los Coches -INFO-For more information, call Henry's Farmers Market Carlsbad at 760-635-0625 or 1-877-743-6797
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The Doggy Dash Run/Walk for charity
Run, walk or dash to a fun-filled festival for pet lovers in Memorial Park in Chula Vista on Saturday, June 23! The Doggy Dash Run/Walk for charity kicks off at 9 a.m. Don’t miss SNAP’s Neuter Scooter bus, Chula Vista Police canine unit, pet contests with prizes, on-site adoptions, low cost rabies/licensing clinics, a vendor village, and plenty of fun for families and furry friends alike! All proceeds will benefit the Chula Vista Animal Care Facility. -DAY-Saturday June 23- TIME-from 08:00 to 1:00 -WHERE-at Memorial Park - 351 Park Way, Chula Vista- INFO- To register for the fun run or for more details, call the Third Avenue Village Association, contact Beth Andre at (619) 422-1982 or Email beth@cvdba.com or log on to www.chulavistaca.gov/pets
24-30 |
• Blind Awareness Week
Helen Keller National Center Office for Development mission is: to enable each person who is deaf-blind to live and work in his or her community of choice. More information and materials are available at www.hknc.org |
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“Finding the Balance in the Art of Caregiving”
A free conference for family caregivers. Learn tips about hands-on care and transfer techniques.Free continental breakfast and lunch plus information and resources. PLACE- at Silverado Senior Living 335 Saxony Road, Encinitas CA 92024 -TIME-from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m -INFO- for reservations call Southern Caregiver Resource Center al 1-800-827-1008 |
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Free Workshop: Girls Can Grill!
Grilling isn’t just for men anymore! Come on down to your local Henry’s Farmers Market for a free workshop that will show why grilling is an easy, fun and healthy way to prepare your favorite foods. Join Nutritionist – and grilling expert – Janet Little and discover the joys of grilling. All attendees are entered to win a $25 Henry's gift card and will receive a $5 off coupon. -WHEN-Tuesday June 26 -TIME-5:30 p.m. -WHERE- Henrys Market Poway 13536 Poway Road-INFO-For more information, call Henry's Farmers Market Poway at 858-486-7851 or 1-877-743-6797 |
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Snap Out of it Now!
Join the Scripps EAP team for a very special presentstion to help you reach your full potential and live life to the fullest! Wheather you're working in the ER responsible for life or death situations or juggling so many adminstrative dealines that you're stressed to the max every day, Dr. Adrianne Ahern, Ph.D. offers practical tools to help you achieve peak performances..at work..home..or on the playing field. It offers the key to controlling stress, minimizing emotional turmoil and maximizing performance.PLACE: Scripps Hospital La Jolla9888 Genesee Ave.La Jolla, CA 92037 -DAY- Wednesday, June 27, 2007-TIME- At: 6:00 PM-INFO Call 1-800-Scripps to register. |
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Grossmont Hospital Blood Drive
We need your help! Free parking and thank you gifts provided. Drop-ins are welcome or make an appointment by calling 619-740-4059 -PLACE-Grossmont Hospital Main Auditorium, 5555 Grossmont Center Dr., La Mesa -DAY-Thursday, June 28-TIME- 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. |
• For a FREE Event listing
Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form. |
Top |
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Padres Blood Drive
11th annual drive featuring incentives to all donors and appearances and autographs by SD Padres players.-WHEN-Jul 1, 2007 to Jul 31, 2007-PLACE-675 L Street San Diego- INFO-Contact name: Lynn Stedd orWebsite: www.sandiegobloodbank.org |
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The Rady Children's Miracle Makers Gala
The Gala is a San Diego tradition - a great party filled with delicious food, exciting entertainment and, most importantly, the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping our region's children. DAY-Monday, June 2, 2007, TIME- Reception starting at 6:30 p.m.,PLACE-San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina -INFO-For reservations, call Elise Patkay at 858-966-7537. |
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Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome. -WHERE-Peninsula Family YMCA, 4390 Valeta, San Diego, -WHEN- Tuesday, July 3, -TIME-9:30-11 a.m.
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No appointment necessary. Open to the public. -INFO-For information, call 619-740-4214. -WHERE- Sharp Grossmont Hospital Brier Patch Campus, Senior Resource Center, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa -WHEN-on Wednesday, July 3, -TIME- 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, June 12, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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Is a Life Estate Gift Annuity Right for You?
Learn about the best alternative to a Reverse Mortgage. If you seek additional income from your home, this charitable technique may be for you. J.P. LaMontagne, CTFA, Senior Director, Gift & Estate Planning for Sharp HealthCare Foundation, will enlighten you about this unique opportunity. -WHEN-Tuesday, July 10, -TIME- 9 - 10 a.m. -WHERE- at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. This free presentation includes a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m. provided compliments of Grossmont Hospital Foundation. -INFO- Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
11 |
Aging in Place
Most of us are afraid to talk about aging (really getting older, losing skills, coping with changes that are unwanted). Learn how to get your house in better order, develop an emergency plan, practice home safety, and learn who we can count on and who we can trust from Maggie Marshall, Director, Caregiver-to–Caregiver Network, Southern Caregiver Resource Center -WHEN- on Thursday, July 11 -TIME- from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. -WHERE- at St. Peter’s By the Sea Lutheran Church, 1371 Sunset Cliffs, San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Support Group
This free support group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, -WHEN-July 11, -TIME- from 10–11:30 a.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center. This support group helps those with Parkinson’s and their families understand various aspects of the ailment and learn beneficial ways of coping. Free. No appointment needed. Sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and Southern Caregiver Resource Center. -INFO- For information call 619-221-3779. |
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Demystifying the Diabetic Diet
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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Aging in Place
Most of us are afraid to talk about aging (really getting older, losing skills, coping with changes that are unwanted). Learn how to get your house in better order, develop an emergency plan, practice home safety, and learn who we can count on and who we can trust. Presented by Maggie Marshall, Director, Caregiver-to–Caregiver Network, Southern Caregiver Resource Center. -WHERE-St Peter’s By the Sea Lutheran Church, 1371 Sunset Cliffs, San Diego- WHEN-Thursday, July 12,-TIME- 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.For other programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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Initiating and Intensifying Insulin and Incretins: The Art and Science of Insulin
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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Fire Expo 2007
Bring the entire family to the 17th Annual FIRE EXPO in parking area J of Qualcomm Stadium. Admission is FREE. The Burn Run Parade of nearly 100 fire trucks and fire engines will arrive at 1 pm. Enjoy live firefighting demonstrations, fire engine rides, a kiddie karnival, food, live entertainment, a fire and burn prevention education pavillion and much more. All proceeds benefit the Burn Institute.-DAY-Saturday, July 14, 2007 -TIME-11 am - 5 pm-PLACE-Qualcomm Stadium parking section J-INFO- http://www.burninstitute.org/ |
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Relay For Life of Carlsbad
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Carlsbad High School - DAYS- Saturday July 14, 2007 and Sunday July15, 2007-INFO-For team information contact Dave Mann by email dave@patriotroofing.com or call The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or VISIT |
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Relay For Life of Uptown San Diego
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- TBD San Diego, CA 92103 - DAYS- Saturday, July 14, 2007 and Sunday July 15, 2007- INFO-For team information contact Vigdal,Alexis by Phone (619)299-4200 x454 or by Email Alexis.Vigdal@cancer.org.You can also contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 |
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AARP’S Driver Safety Course
Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center hosts this 2-part Driver Safety Course -WHEN- on Saturdays, July 14 & 21, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., -WHERE- at Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 16, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. Cost $10. Reservations required. -INFO- 619-641-7020. |
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Life Estate Gift Annuity vs. Reverse Mortgage
This free support group, sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and the Alzheimer’s Association, is for caregivers, family members and friends of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. -WHEN-This group meets the third Tuesday of each month,July 17, -TIME- from 3:30-5 p.m. -WHERE- at the Senior Resource Center, 3475 Kenyon St, San Diego. No reservation required. Free to the public. -INFO-For information call 619-221-3779.
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Life Estate Gift Annuity vs. Reverse Mortgage
Learn how to get income from your home. If you or your parents are “house rich” and cash poor” and would like to receive a meaningful income without moving, then you need to attend this free, information seminar. Those attending will be offered a free consultation. Presented by J.P. LaMontagne, CTA, Sharp Health Care Foundation -WHEN- on Wednesday, July 18 -TIME- from 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. -WHERE- at Sharp Cabrillo’s Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. -INFO-Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277.
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Teens ages 13-18 Leadership in Environmental Action and Protection
Are you a teen interested in doing something exciting and meaningful with your summer? Then join us for Camp LEAP and learn leadership and project planning skills while saving our earth and making new friends! Volunteer San Diego’s Camp LEAP (Leadership in Environmental Action & Protection) brings teens together for a unique combination of leadership training, environmental education, and team-based volunteering. Camp LEAP’s leadership training will focus on project planning, goal setting, team building, and decision making while emphasizing the importance and means of applying these skills to community service endeavors. Throughout the course of the camp, teens will learn about issues affecting the environment and will participate in a wide variety of service projects relating to these issues. On the last day of camp, teens will celebrate by leading their friends and family in an environmental service project which they have helped to plan.-WHEN-Weekdays July 18th - 27th -TIME- 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.,WHERE-County-wide (transportation required)-INFO-For more information, contact Melissa Higgins at (858)636-4123 orsavy@volunteersandiego.org or visit Volunteer San Diego's Camp LEAP
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Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome. -WHERE-St. Peter's by the Sea Lutheran Church, 1371 Sunset Cliffs -WHEN- Thursday, July 19, -TIME-9:30-11 a.m.
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No appointment necessary. Open to the public. -INFO-For information, call 619-740-4214. -WHERE- La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd., -WHEN-on Friday, July 20, -TIME- 9:30-11 a.m.
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AARP’S Driver Safety Course
AARP offers a 2-part Driver Safety Course -WHEN- on Saturday, July 21 & 28 -TIME- from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St. San Diego. Cost is $10. -INFO-Call 1-619-641-7020 to register.
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Relay For Life of Southeastern San Diego
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Jackie Robinson YMCA - DAYS- July 21-22, 2007- INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT |
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2007 Naked Juice 5K Walk/Run
BECAUSE EVERY THREE SECONDS SOMEONE NEEDS BLOOD You probably know someone who has been an accident victim; a burn victim; stricken with a life threatening disease like leukemia or sickle cell anemia; or had a newborn baby that needed a blood transfusion to live. Help Us Save Lives.You and your friends and/or teammates will enjoy a beautiful walk or run along a scenic course with spectacular views of San Diego Bay, cruise ships, U.S. Navy ships and the classic sailing craft, the Star of India. Come and enjoy delicious food and beverages and visit our sponsor vendor booths. Test your skills on the Rock Climbing Wall.There’s something for everyone and fun for the whole family. PLACE- Embarcadero Marina Park North at Seaport Village-DAY-Sunday, July 22, 2007 -TIME- Registration begins at 7 a.m. and at 8 a.m., the walk begins and ends at Embarcadero marina Park North at Seaport Village.-INFO-CLICK HERE TO REGISTER TODAY |
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Bonita Valley Softball 5th Annual Golf Tournament
Grab your clubs for a great day of golf and help the Bonita Valley Softball 14 & Under Girls All Star team. Participation from our friends, families and community sponsors help get these talented and dedicated young ladies on their journey to victory. • Registration deadline July 8, 2007 • Single golfer $100 (includes range balls, cart & dinner) • Foursome $375 (includes range balls, cart & dinner) • Hole sponsor $200 (your name displayed at hole) • Cart sponsor $125 (your name displayed on cart) • Closest to the pin–$10 entry–50/50 prize • Mulligans–$5 each • Longest drive & straightest drive prize • Great raffle prizes! • Dinner/raffle tickets available for non-golfers-WHEN- Sunday July 22-TIME-from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m.,- PLACE- Eastlake Country Club • 2375 Clubhouse Drive, Chula Vista -INFO- For more information, contact Michelle Lara ph.619-422-8387 or email BVG14U@cox.net or visithttp://bvgasa.org |
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Driving is a complex activity that requires quick thinking and reactions, good perception, and split second decision-making. For a person with Alzheimer’s, driving eventually becomes difficult. Understand the warning signs of unsafe driving, learn tips in easing the transition from driver to passenger and find balance between independence and safety. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association -WHEN- on Monday, July 23 -TIME-from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. -WHERE- at the Peninsula Community Service Center, 3740 Sports Arena Blvd. # 2, San Diego. -INFO- Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
24-27 |
Please join us for fun, adventure and the oportunity to meet new friends! Dates-Tuesday July 24 and friday 27- PLACE- Santee lakes- 9310 Fanita parkway santee, CA 92071- Camp fee $ 50- INFO- If you have questions please call Debbie Niemi-Escalera with the American Diabetes Association at 619-234-9897 ext.7519 |
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Basics of Diabetes Care and Management
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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Caregiving workshop
“Good Start” Workshop for newly diagnosed Parkinson’s patients and their families, presented by the Parkinson’s Disease Association of San Diego. This free workshop covers basic information, the importance of exercise and nutrition, support for caregivers, helpful resources, legal and financial issues, medications, alternative therapies and research.-WHEN- Saturday, July 28th, 2007 -TIME- 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.INFO- Pre-registration required. Call (858) 273-6763. |
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Enjoy an action-filled week of age-level, directed sports activities led by trained coaches. Events include basketball, soccer and cheerleading. Daily devotions teach children Christ-honoring character. Welcomes kindergarten through grade 6. Meet at the church, 9 am-noon. The cost is $70 per person. Children learn skills in soccer, basketball, or cheerleading. 1st grade - 6th grade Children receive skills instruction from collegiate athletes. The day ends with songs and a motivational message.-DAY-Monday July 30-TIME- from 8 :00 to noon-WHERE-San Diego First Assembly Church-INFO-For more information,contact Robert Griffith at 858-560-1870 or info@sdfa.org or visit http://www.sdfa.org |
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• For a FREE Event listing
Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form.
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AARP's Driver Safety Course
AARP offers a 2-part Driver Safety Course on Tuesday, August 2 and Thursday, August 7 -TIME-from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St. San Diego. Cost is $10. Call 1-619-641-7020 to register. For information on additional programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
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AARP's Driver safety course
Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center hosts this 2-part Driver Safety Course on Saturdays, August 4 & 11, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., at Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 16, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. Cost $10. -INFO- Reservations required. 619-641-7020. For other programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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Relay For Life of Vista
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Vista Magnet Middle School 152 Escondido Ave., Vista, CA 92084 - DAYS- Saturday, August 4, 2007and Sunday, August 5, 2007-INFO-For team information contact Silvana Vargas at (619)299-4200 x452 or by email Silvana.Vargas@cancer.org or call The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or VISIT |
6-10 |
Summer Camp Rise
A day camp for children, teens and adults ages 6-adult developmental disabilities, 6-16 with physical disabilities. A day camp that includes arts & crafts, sports & games, music, crative drama, exercise, recreational swimming, and a field trip.The campers will have the opportunity to develop leisure skills, improve socialization and learn new activities! Register Now!!! Cost: $125.00 Resident of Chula Vista $156.25 Non-Resident Cost includes a camp t-shirt. Vendorization: Camp is vendorized through the San Diego Regional Center. You may use your respite care money to pay for camp. This must be arranged through your child's social worker at the SDRC. -PLACE-Parkway Community Center - 373 Park Way (near civic center) - DAY-August 6 - 10 -TIME-9 am - 2 pm- INFO- For more information and to register please contact: Carmel Wilson, C.T.R.S. Recreation Supervisor II Therapeutics / Inclusion City of Chula Vista 619-409-5800 |
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No appointment necessary. Open to the public. For information, call 619-740-4214. -WHERE- Sharp Grossmont Hospital Brier Patch Campus, Senior Resource Center, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa -WHEN- on Tuesday, August 7, -TIME- 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
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The 8th Annual Hispanic Caregiver Conference
The UCSD Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and Major Co-Sponsors Invite You to the 8th FREE Annual Hispanic Caregiver Conference.
This conference is specically designed for Spanish speaking caregivers in San Diego County facing the challenge of caring for loved ones diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The conference provides education, community agency exhibit tables and information, luncheon, prizes, CDs and one lucky attendee will win a one-of-a-kind grand prize from our master of ceremonies, Ricardo Vela. This is not to be missed.
RSVP by calling Frances Martinez-Goodrich, MSW at (858) 622-5800 or 1-800-251-2495 Free day care for your loved one with dementia is being provided at the George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Day Care Center in Chula Vista compliments of CEO, Joy Glenner. ADVANCED reservations however, are absolutely necessary since this day care is on a rst come, rst served basis. Please call (619) 420-1703.
WHEN- Wednesday August 8th -WHERE at Holiday Inn South Bay located at 700 National City Blvd. National City, CA 91950 |
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Relay For Life of National City
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Kimball Park - DAYS- August 11-12, 2007- INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT
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Relay For Life of Alpine
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Joan Mac Queen Middle School - DAYS- Saturday August 11, 2007 and Sunday August 12, 2007- INFO-INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT |
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Learn how Palliative Care can assist in managing pain and other symptoms to help improve quality of life for patients with serious illnesses. Presented by the Palliative Care Team of Sharp Grossmont Hospital. WHERE- Grossmont District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -WHEN- Monday, August 13, -TIME-9:30 – 10:30 a.m.-INFO-Registration required. 1-800-827-4277. For other programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, August 14, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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Estate planning experts J.P. La Montagne, CTA of the Sharp HealthCare Foundation and James F. Watts, Esq., Attorney at Law will explain why everyone should have a current will and why some need a trust. Without adequate planning, your heirs may not receive their full inheritance. This free session will provide valuable information on inheritance taxes and legal issues-WHEN- on Tuesday, August 14-TIME- from 9:30 to 11 a.m. -WHERE-at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 For information on additional programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
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Learn how to get income from your home. If you or your parents are “house rich” and cash poor” and would like to receive a meaningful income without moving, then you need to attend this free, information seminar. Those attending will be offered a free consultation. Presented by J.P. LaMontagne, CTA, Sharp Health Care Foundation -WHEN-on Wednesday, August 15, -TIME- 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. -WHERE- at Sharp Cabrillo’s Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. For information on additional programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
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Help! I’m a Caregiver
Family caregivers can learn about resources, placement options, support groups and more from Andrea Holmberg of the Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Centers. This free class also covers emotional issues about caring for a loved one. WHEN-Thursday, August 16 -TIME- from 2 - 4 p.m. -WHERE- at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -INFO- Registration required. 1-800-827-4277. For other programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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No appointment necessary. Open to the public. For information, call 619-740-4214. -WHERE- La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd. -WHEN- on Friday, August 17, -TIME- 9:30-11 a.m- For other programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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Relay For Life of Downtown San Diego
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Embarcadero North Kettner Blvd & W. G St Near the San Diego Port Authority San Diego, CA 92101 - DAYS- Saturday, August 18, 2007 and Sunday August 19, 2007- INFO-For team information contact Vigdal, Alexis by Phone (619)299-4200 x454 or by Email Alexis.Vigdal@cancer.org.You can also contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335or VISIT
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Relay For Life of Encinitas
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- Oak Crest Middle School - DAYS- Saturday, August 18, 2007 and Sunday August 19, 2007-INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or (619) 299-4200 or VISIT |
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Are digital hearing aids for everyone?
This free workshop will help those who are struggling with hearing loss to understand the advancements in digital hearing aid technology. Presented by Bob Faillace, Doctor of Audiology, Audiologist, Chears, Inc. -WHEN-on Tuesday, August 21 -TIME- from 10:30 - 12 noon -WHERE- at the Grossmont Healthcare District, Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. For other programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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Relay For Life of Uptown San Diego
Relay For Life® is a fun-filled overnight event designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer in our community. At the Relay For Life® teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps to celebrate survivorship and raise money to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back. During this event, we honor survivors during the Survivors Lap and we remember those we lost to cancer during the Luminaria Ceremony. We also celebrate life, friendship, and a chance to work together toward a cancer-free future.
Sign up today to become a part of the Relay phenomenon! Together we will fuel the work – and the hope – that can help make a cancer-free future a reality. PLACE- TBD San Diego, CA 92103 - DAYS- Saturday, August 25, 2007 and Sunday August 26, 2007- INFO-For team information contact Vigdal,Alexis by Phone (619)299-4200 x454 or by Email Alexis.Vigdal@cancer.org.You can also contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 |
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Relay For Life of Uptown San Diego
Hearing loss has been called the silent epidemic. This problem now affects about 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65. Do you have a problem hearing over the telephone or hearing conversations when there are background noises? Come have your hearing checked by our SCMG Audiologist. Free.-WHEN-Tuesday, Aug. 28, -TIME- 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. Appointment required. -INFO- Call 1-800-827-4277 For information on additional programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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ElderHelp of San Diego’s Walk of Ages
ElderHelp of San Diego’s Walk of Ages promises a morning full of fun and inspiration for all generations. Family, friends and employee teams are encouraged to walk together to demonstrate their support for low-income, frail and homebound San Diego seniors. Special recognition will be given to intergenerational teams of 3 or more people spanning over three generations with a combined age of 100+. (One team member must be 18 years of age or younger). Prizes will be awarded to the largest team and the youngest and oldest members of an intergenerational team. You can also raise money to support your walk and win fun prizes! Challenge yourself to raise funds for ElderHelp! - Price: $35 per adult participant, $25 per child, 12 and under-WHEN- Saturday, September 8th, 2007 -TIME- 8am-11am WHERE--NTC Promenade, Liberty Station, Point Loma's Historical Naval Training Center. (The Walk of Ages staging ground will be at the NTC Promenade, Legacy Plaza accessed via Roosevelt Road off Rosecrans Street)- INFO- Call 619-284-9281- Email: info@elderhelpofsandiego.org |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, September 11, 2007-TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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This free conference is for seniors and families. The topics presented include Family Relationships & Communication Skills; A Time for Hospice; A Review of Wills & Trusts; Powers of Attorney, Advance Directives and Medical Options; Spirituality & Forgiveness; Making Funeral Arrangements. Free continental breakfast & lunch. WHERE-Santa Sophia Church, 9800 San Juan, Spring Valley --WHEN-Tuesday, Sept. 11, -TIME-8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. |
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Basics of Diabetes Care and Management
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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16th Annual San Diego Heart Walk
The 16th Annual San Diego Heart Walk will draw over 10,000 walkers to Balboa Park on September 15, 2007. This year we hope to raise over $2.25 million to support cardiovascular and stroke research and education programs. Companies and families participate by forming teams of walkers, who obtain pledges on behalf of the American Heart Association.
It is a great opportunity that combines a sense of fun, spirited competition, and physical fitness for all ages. Participants are encouraged to set a personal fundraising goal of $350 and will receive the commemorative event T-shirt and other great prizes. PLACE- Balboa Park 3325 Zoo Drive San Diego, CA 92101 -TIME-7:00am -- 10:00am-INFO- For more information contact:Rebecca Heath, Logistics Director 858-410-3839 or by email rebecca.heath@heart.org For more information, please visit our event website at www.sdheartwalk.org |
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Hearing & Speech Screenings
"Hearing & Speech/Dysphagia Screening." Hearing screenings are a quick & valid test to determine if hearing sensitivity is normal or if a hearing loss exists. An audiologist conducts the screening which consists of a brief questionnaire, an otoscopic examination, & presentation of tones through a headset. Speech & dysphagia screenings are a quick & reliable tool to determine whether patients are experiencing difficulties with speech, language, cognition & swallowing. Main Hospital - Mericos Eye Center. $20. -PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, September 18, 2007 -TIME- From 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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The San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative Childhood Obesity Summit “Working Together to Shape a Healthy Future”
Everyone has a role to play in reducing and preventing childhood obesity. This full-day event will bring together individuals who want to impact childhood obesity by improving the social, cultural, and physical environment in San Diego County.WHEN-Thursday, September 20, 2007-WHERE-Town and Country Resort & Convention Center 500 Hotel Circle North San Diego, California 92108-Registration: $25-INFO-Watch for registration materials in August or visit www.ourcommunityourkids.org |
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The State of Walking Forum
WalkSanDiego will hold its first Bimonthly Brown Bag lunchtime forum The forums are free of charge and will provide an opportunity to exchange information and ideas on walkability in the San Diego region. At the inaugural forum, Andy Hamilton, WalkSanDiego co-founder and v.p., will present "The State of Walking in San Diego County (The Good, the Bad, and the Truly Dangerous)." Here is a great opportunity to see Dr. Jim Sallis present at the WalkSanDiego Brown Bag Forum.-WHEN- Thursday Sept. 20 -TIME-from noon to 1 p.m.- PLACE-at CCDC's Downtown Information Center, 225 Broadway. Location: Downtown Information Center , 225 Broadway, rear of the NBC Building (facing Horton Plaza ). If you can't find us, the DIC's phone number is 619-235-2222. Parking: Available at Horton Plaza . Transit routes available at www.sdcommute.com-Cost: Free and open to the public. -What to bring: Your lunch and a friend or co-worker. "Everyone is talking about traffic congestion, affordable housing, the obesity epidemic and global warming," says WalkSanDiego President Andy Pendoley. "Walkable communities are an antidote to all four. Home buyers are looking for neighborhoods where they can walk and get to know their neighbors. The Bimonthly Brown Bag is a critically needed forum for highlighting the great developments, street designs and other projects that are making communities walkable again." |
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Learn and practice the basics of home care nursing from a registered nurse, including transfers, personal care, proper body mechanics & more! Cost is $10. -WHEN-Saturday, September 22, -TIME- 9 a.m.-1 p.m. -INFO- Call 1-800-827-4277 For information on additional programs visit our web site at www.sharp.com |
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The National Psoriasis Walk for Awareness is a nationwide program designed to generate awareness about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, while raising funds for National Psoriasis Foundation programs and services. If you want to make a difference for those affected by psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, get active and Walk for Awareness! -DAY-Saturday, September 29, 2007-TIME- 9:00-PLACE-Mission Bay Park, De Anza Cove 3000 East Mission Drive North Mission Bay San Diego, CA 92109-INFO-(800) 723-9166 or log ON |
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Please join us Sun., Sept. 30, 2007 in beautiful Balboa Park for the 18th annual AIDS Walk San Diego 5K Walk and 10K USA Track & Field sanctioned Run beginning at 8am.-INFO- For more information about the Walk, forming a Team, fundraising ideas, etc., please contact us at 619.291.WALK (9255) or via email at info@aidswalksd.org. |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, October 09, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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2007 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of San Diego, California
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events have no registration fee and no fundraising minimum. These noncompetitive walks range in distance from three to five miles, and men, women, and children of all ages are encouraged to participate. Whether this is your first Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk or your 10th, we are happy you have chosen to support the American Cancer Society, and we look forward to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer with you.-PLACE-Balboa Park-DATE-Sunday, October 21, 2007-TIME-Registration 7am, Official Start at 8:30am -INFO- INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2335 or VISIT |
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"Varicose Veins: What Can you Do?"
Recapture the Beauty. If varicose veins get in the way of your lifestlye, you're not alone. Join Zachary Rattner, MD Interventional Radiologist and learn about Endovascular Laser Therapy, the latest advancement in treatment options. DAY-On: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 TIME- 6:30:00 PM-PLACE- Scripps Mende Well Being at UTC Mall. Address: Scripps Mende Well Being 4305 La Jolla Village Dr. L-5 San Diego, CA 92122 -INFO- Phone: 1-800-SCRIPPS- Registration is required. Please call 1-800-SCRIPPS to register for this free program. Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and La Jolla Radiology. |
24-30 |
Comprehensive Diabetes Educator Training Program
RecaptureAccreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Days:Wednesday-Friday, Monday-Tuesday, 24th-26th and 29th-30th-
INFO: Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training--PLACE-- The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630
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We're on the MOVE to end Alzheimer's!
The Alzheimer’s Association San Diego/Imperial Chapter will be holding “Memory Walk ’07 Weekend” on Saturday, October 27 and 28 at Balboa Park and CSU San Marcos. Get started now by registering your team online - there is no registration fee to participate! Call us for your Team Captain Packet. Visit us at www.sanalz.org.

27-29 |
• National Hemophilia Foundation's 57th Annual Meeting
October 27-October 29, San Diego
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting Working Group 2005, we are pleased to invite you to attend the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) 57th Annual Meeting. This year we convene in sun-drenched San Diego with a top notch program designed to expand our knowledge and our impact in helping people with bleeding and clotting disorders. This important conference brings volunteer and staff leadership from our national organization, chapters and associations across the country together with providers and consumers. One key feature is our “community caucus” – an open dialogue between all these groups that has been instrumental in sparking the new vision and direction for our organization. This year, we are pleased to celebrate our collective achievements under the theme: Renewed, Strengthened, Empowered. The built-in formal and informal networking time at this conference is enhanced by the caliber of our education sessions. This year we are featuring a new pre-conference Project Red Flag consumer symposium on von Willebrand disease. This important program, especially for women, will be held on Thursday, October 27.--INFO:More information please visit http://www.hemophilia.org/events/sandiego_05/home.htm |
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• diabetes
Step Out to Fight Diabetes
Back at the Festival Zone, walker and volunteers will get to learn more about the American Diabetes Association and diabetes as ADA Central and our new "Ask the experts" tent. Enjoy great food, prize giveaways, a Kid Zone and so much more! There will be fun for everyone, including your four-legged friends! Pets are allowed as long as they are on a leash and well-behaved.For more information please contact Shelby Dopp @ 619-234-9897 ext. 7433 or by email at SDopp@diabetes.org or visit Step our to Figth Diabetes |
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Using Dream Interpretation with the Bereaved DAY-Wednesday, November 8,07-TIME-6:00 - 9:00 pm-INFO-For more information Call 866-688-1600 or visit www.sdhospice.org |
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Demystifying the Diabetic Diet
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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San Diego Breast Cancer 3-Day
The Breast Cancer 3-Day. Because everyone deserves a lifetime. Lace up your shoes, leave your limits at the door. Taking place in 12 cities nationwide, the Breast Cancer 3-Day is a three day, 60-mile walk that unfolds before you like a 60-mile-long pink carpet of hope. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure, to fund breast cancer research and community outreach, as well as the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, to provide an endowment for breast cancer initiatives.-DAY-Friday, November 09, 2007 thru Sunday, November 11, 2007-TIME-All Day Event-PLACE-San Diego, CA-INFO-For More Information Please Call: 1.800.996.3DAY or log ON |
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Healthy Eating ActiveLifestyle
Choosing healthy lifestyle habits promotes good health and reduces the risk for chronic diseases. Maintaining a healthy diet, healthy weight, exercising regularly, quitting (or not starting) smoking, and minimizing stress will help improve your health and wellness. Free. Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, Scripps Mercy Well Being Center -WHERE- at Villa Serena Senior Apartments. Address: Scripps Well Being Chula Vista 311 Del Mar Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910-WHEN-Friday, November 10, 07-TIME-11 a.m.-INFO- For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org |
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Sharp Chula Vista Gala 2007
Choosing healthy lifestyle habits promotes good health and reduces the risk for chronic diseases. Maintaining a healthy diet, healthy weight, exercising regularly, quitting (or not starting) smoking, and minimizing stress will help improve your health and wellness. Free. Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, Scripps Mercy Well Being Center -WHERE- at Villa Serena Senior Apartments. Address: Scripps Well Being Chula Vista 311 Del Mar Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910-WHEN-Friday, November 10, 07-TIME-11 a.m.-INFO- For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org |
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Initiating and Intensifying Insulin and Incretins: The Art and Science of Insulin
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, November 13, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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Favorite Interventions: Helping the Bereaved through the Holidays-DAY-Thursday, November 16-TIME- 6:00-9:00 PM- INFO-For more information Call 866-688-1600 or visit www.sdhospice.org |
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has designated the week after Thanksgiving as National Influenza Vaccination Week. This week long event is designed to raise awareness of the importance of continuing influenza (flu) vaccination, as well as foster greater use of flu vaccine through the months of November, December and beyond. Since flu activity typically does not peak until February or later, November and December still provide good opportunities to get vaccinated.
During October a record 100 million-plus doses were distributed nationwide this year. - MedImmune had released for distribution all 3 million doses of its nasal spray vaccine, FluMist, which is approved for healthy people over the age of 5.
"The best way to guard against the flu is to get vaccinated, which helps to protect you, your loved ones, and your community," says Dr. Jeanne Santoli, deputy director of the Immunization Services Division at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Health officials advise certain groups to get a flu shot every year: Adults age 50 and older; pregnant women; children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years; and anyone with a medical condition that raises the risk of complications. |
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"Helping Seniors Beat the Holiday Blues"
The Senior Mental Health Partnership (SMHP) has joined forces and has become a program of NAMI San Diego in order to strengthen it’s mission of addressing the needs of older adults in San Diego County. Almost 4 years ago SMHP was founded by a core group of community members. It is the only group in San Diego County that brings together consumers, family, and other community members, and various mental health and social service professionals to network with one another and increase education and advocacy for the specialized mental health and substance abuse needs of older adults. -DAY-Saturday, December 08, 2007
Please join us at our December meeting: "Helping Seniors Beat the Holiday Blues" --TIME- at 8:30am -LOCATION- Behavioral Health Administration Building 3255 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108
Presenter: Daniel D. Sewell, M.D. Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Director, UCSD Senior Behavioral Health Program
Dr. Sewell’s current research interests include: 1) the use of the neuropsychological test, the Clock Drawing Test (CDT), to distinguish older patients with major depression from older patients with major depression and early dementia; 2) unrecognized medical illness as the cause of behavioral disturbance in patients with dementia; 3) the use of aroma therapy to reduce agitation in patients with dementia; 4) sex, aging, and dementia, 5) metoclopramide-associated tardive dyskinesia; and 6) the use of atypical antipsychotic medications in older patients. Dr. Sewell spends the large majority of his time working with patients admitted to the Senior Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit at UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest. About half of the inpatients are experiencing severe behavioral disturbance as a complication of dementia and about half are experiencing problems with depression or anxiety but do not have dementia. Occasionally, he treats older patients with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. He works closely with a multi-disciplinary team that includes a geriatric internist, neuropsychologist, social worker, occupational therapist, and nurses. His work frequently includes family therapy.
The mission of the Senior Mental Health Partnership is to improve the quality of life for older adults in the diverse communities of San Diego County by addressing the issues of mental health and substance use through education and advocacy. |
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Don't miss:
Diabetes Conference & Health Fair THE MISSION of Taking Control of your Diabetes is to educate and motivate people with diabetes, and their loved ones, to take a more active role in their condition in order to live healthier, happier, and more productive lives. "The San Diego TCOYD Conference and health fair brings together the best healthcare professionals in the field to show you how to take control of your diabetes and become empowered to advocate for your own healthcare". Steven V. Edelman, MD TCOYD Founder & Director-WHEN-on Saturday, December 8 -TIME-from 7:30- 8:30 Registration Open- Closing General Session 4:30-5:00 p.m. - WHERE- at San Diego Convention Center INFO-For more information and registrations, please call our office 1-800-998-2693 or For more information about TCOYD or for online registrations please visit www.tcoyd.org |
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The 2007 Jingle Bell 5k run/walk for Arthritis
Thousand of jingle bells will be ringing in Balboa Park to raise awareness of the #1 disability in America. Join the fight for a cure. Jingle Bell Run/Walk is a fun and festive way to kick off your holidays by helping others! Wear a holiday themed costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. Run or walk a 5 kilometer route with your team members and celebrate the season by giving. WHEN- Saturday December 8, 2007-TIME-8-10 a.m-INFO-For more information call: (858) 492-1090 ext 124 Contact name: Sandra Hayhurst or visit www.arthritis.org |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, December 11, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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Catch the Holiday Spirit...Unleash Your Dreams
Did you know that the average age of a homeless person in San Diego is NINE years old? The Monarch School for homeless and at risk kids provides education, healthcare, clothes and food along with the support that give these special kids a fighting chance to break their cycle of poverty and homelessness. Monarch School, which serves about 450 students a year, is making a real difference in children’s lives. For every six months a student spends at Monarch School, he/she will progress more than a year academically. Their dedication and foresight has inspired San Diego Business Travel Association members to choose the Monarch School as our 2006 Charity. Come and be a part SDBTA's Annual Holiday Gala - "Catch the Holiday Spirit…Unleash Your Dreams". Each year SDBTA members select a local charity to sponsor, which culminates at this event. Through various corporate donations we hold both a Silent and Live Auctions which raise money for our selected charity. COST- to attend is $60 for Members, $65 for Guests. Registration after 12/8 is $70 for Members, $75 for Guests.-DAY- Thursday, December 13, 2007- TIME-5:30 pm
LOCATION-Palm Court at the US Grant Hotel 326 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101- INFO-For more information about the event, please contact Kerryann Sheridan at the e-mail listed below. For further information about SDBTA, please contact Debbie McKay at dmckay123@aol.com. |
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Favorite Interventions: Helping the Bereaved through the Holidays-DAY-Thursday, January 24-TIME- 6:00 - 9:00 PM- INFO-For more information Call 866-688-1600 or visit www.sdhospice.org |
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Diabetes is an urgent health problem in the Latino community. Their rates of diabetes are almost double those of non-Latino whites. Getting information to the community about the seriousness of diabetes, its risk factors and those who may be at risk and ways to help manage the disease is essential.
Feria is an outdoor event that is intended to reach thousands of local Latino members of the community with the important message that they may be at risk for diabetes. Feria captures the festive elements of a street fair, but maintains the important aspects of choosing and managing a healthier lifestyle for the entire Latino family.
The Feria will be highly interactive for those with or interested in diabetes. The day will include educational seminars/ speakers, exciting exhibitors offering a wide range of products and services, culinary exhibitions, live music, Spanish language materials, ADA World and much more.
Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
WHERE: Veteran's Park -1515 6th Street Coachella, CA 92236 (Behind City Hall)We look forward seeing you at Feria de Salud: ¡Unidos Contra La Diabetes!
For more information, call Ana Gonzalez at (619) 234- 9897 ext. 7513 or agonzalez@diabetes.org
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• For a FREE Event listing
Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form.
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8th Annual Go Red For Women Luncheon
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in America and Go Red For Women is the American Heart Association’s national call for women to take charge of their health and live stronger, healthier lives. Go Red For Women combines style with substance. The red dress and the color red are the symbols driving awareness around the issue of heart health. Help the American Heart Association celebrate the vitality and energy of women!
Join us for our 8th Annual Go Red for Women Luncheon on Saturday February 2, 2008. This will be a day of women’s health educational breakout sessions, a health and fitness expo, health screenings, and a heart-healthy lunch. It is imperative that we join forces and become ambassadors for this important cause. February 2nd promises to be an exciting way to get involved in the Go Red For Women movement.
DAY-Saturday February 2, 2008.-TIME- 9:30am -- 2:30pm-LOCATION-Hotel Del Coronado - Grande Hall 1500 Orange Avenue Coronado, CA 92118 MORE INFO |
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MARCH 08 |
01 |
The Spring season brings a shower of flowers but for many also sneezings
People who normally wouldn't even notice the change of season experienced watery eyes and sneezing. Allergy sufferers all too familiar with the perils of high pollen counts were forced indoors, giving up visits to the park or a pick-up game of basketball because the sneezing, stuffiness and general misery of allergy symptoms were overwhelming.
Whether pollen counts will be high again this year or settle back into what is considered to be a normal range remains to be seen. Seasonally, and daily, weather conditions impact pollen counts, making it difficult to predict pollen counts more than a few days in advance. "On windy days, or for days after high winds, pollen counts are high because the pollen has been spread throughout the air," said Gillian Shepherd, MD, FAAAAI, chair of the Education Sub-Committee of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. "After it rains, counts drop as the rain washes the pollen away."
Allergic diseases are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States. Protect yourself and your dear ones getting the facts on allergies by visiting The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology site |
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Diabetes is an urgent health problem in the Latino community. Their rates of diabetes are almost double those of non-Latino whites. Getting information to the community about the seriousness of diabetes, its risk factors and those who may be at risk and ways to help manage the disease is essential.
Feria is an outdoor event that is intended to reach thousands of local Latino members of the community with the important message that they may be at risk for diabetes. Feria captures the festive elements of a street fair, but maintains the important aspects of choosing and managing a healthier lifestyle for the entire Latino family.
The Feria will be highly interactive for those with or interested in diabetes. The day will include educational seminars/ speakers, exciting exhibitors offering a wide range of products and services, culinary exhibitions, live music, Spanish language materials, ADA World and much more.
Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
WHERE: Kimball Park 12th Street & D Avenue National City, CA 91950 We look forward seeing you at Feria de Salud: ¡Unidos Contra La Diabetes!
For more information, call Ana Gonzalez at (619) 234- 9897 ext. 7513 or agonzalez@diabetes.org
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• San Diego: SAVE THE DATE!!!
The California WIC Association 2008 Annual Conference
Mon, March 31 - Wed, April 2, 2008
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center 500 Hotel Circle San Diego, CA 92108 |
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APRIL 08 |
April is the National Youth Sport safety Month
Accidental injury is the number one killer of America’s children,
taking more lives than disease, violence and suicide.
Prevention is the cure. It’s estimated that by taking these and other simple precautions, almost all (90 percent) of these accidental injuries can be avoided.
Fitness. Teamwork. Self-discipline. As more and more parents recognize the benefits of children’s sports, their popularity – especially among girls – continues to grow.Nearly three-quarters of U.S. households with school-age children have at least one child who plays in organized sports. Still more children participate in recreational activities such as bicycling, inline skating, riding scooters and skateboarding.
The accompanying risks, though, are sometimes forgotten in the excitement. In fact, serious sports injury is on the rise. Although death among children participating in sports is rare, more than 3.5 million children ages 14 and under suffer medically-treated sports injuries each year.
Fortunately, getting hurt doesn’t have to be “part of the game.” It is estimated that half of all sports- and recreation-related injuries can be prevented. Protective equipment, safer playing environments and rules designed to prevent injury are important elements of any game plan to reduce the frequency and severity of injury. For more information and materials please visit National SAFE KIDS Campaign |
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• For a FREE Event listing
Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form.
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MAY 08 |

May is the Older Americans Month
Saluting Older Americans, Healthy Options
For 44 years, our nation has paused to honor older Americans during May. During this special month, the ongoing contributions of older citizens are highlighted with a national proclamation, plus activities across the U.S.
County of San Diego Agency Aging & Independence Services is joining this month to salute older Americans. Each of the branchs libraries will be presenting separate programs and materials that honor our elders, plus provide opportunitie for them to continue to contribute to and enjoy their communities.
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• Planning an event?SAVE THE DATE!!! |
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JUNE 08 |
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• For a FREE Event listing
Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form.
2009 |
15-20 |
The American Thoracic Society ATS International Conference
We are pleased to invite you to attend ATS 2009 • San Diego, the International Conference of the American Thoracic Society. The ATS meeting is one of the largest gatherings of Pulmonary and Critical Care clinicians and researchers in the world. In San Diego’s Conference 2006 was attended by over 16,000 people from 90 countries, and we expect this year's meeting in San Diego to be even more exciting and diverse. The conference program will offer information on the latest and most significant developments in clinical practice, in research (clinical, basic, and translational), in health advocacy, and in education.
INFO-If you have any questions regarding this information please contact:
Deborah Richardt, CMP Director, Meeting Services American Thoracic Society
ATS International Conference 61 Broadway, 4th Floor New York, NY 10006-2755
Fax: (212) 315- 8665 E-mail: drichardt@thoracic.org
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