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• Home Safety Month
Each year there are nearly 20,000 deaths and 21 million medical visits due to home-related injuries. The top five leading causes of injury-related deaths in the home are: 1. falls- 2. poisonings-3. fires and burns-4. choking and suffocation and 5. drowning. If you want to learn more about taking some simple hands-on steps to create a safer home environment,and for materials available please visit the Home Safety Council Web site at: www.homesafetycouncil.org

By U.S.Department of the Interior
.....Now that summer is almost here, it's the perfect time to get outside and celebrate our country's magnificent landscapes, waterways and historical sites. In cities and towns across the country, public lands and waters provide unparalleled opportunities for affordable, family-friendly recreation. From rugged trails to urban rivers, and from sandy coastlines to rolling battlefields, these places are meant to be explored and enjoyed by all!
...If your vacation or weekend plans include visits to national parks and recreation areas, consider getting a National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass.The pass provides entrance to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites across the United States!

Saturday, June 1st - Aquatica SeaWorld's waterpark 
in Chula Vista is finally open to the public!
Arriving just in time for summer, the new and improved water park in Chula Vista opened to the public with a dedication ceremony featureding Aquatica™ Hula dancers who brought delight to the audience, Mayor Cheryl Cox, former San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, county Supervisor Greg Cox, and the South Bay-area beauty pageant winners.

Saturday, June 1st - National Trails Day
Supervisor Greg Cox will help celebrate National Trails Day by kicking off activities at the Discover OVRP Day at Otay Valley Regional Park. Activities will include a Native American dance presentation, guided walks and mountain biking. When: Saturday, June 1, 2013-Time: Noon, -Where: Otay Valley Regional Park, Beyer Blvd. Ranger Station, 2155 Beyer Blvd.
• Sunday, June 2nd - MyPlate Anniversary Celebration Start!
Let’s Move! is celebrating the second birthday of MyPlate, the new food icon that reminds us tobuild a healthy plate with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and fat-free or low-fat dairy at every meal. It’s a helpful tool for making meals with healthy portions and a friendly image for parents and kids to talk about making half our plates fruits and vegetables.
MyPlate’s 2nd birthday is on June 2, 2013 and USDA is throwing a week-long virtual party. We’re asking everyone to wish MyPlate a Happy Birthday on Facebook! The sample messages below can be used throughout the week of June 2-8 to share with your Facebook followers and friends. You can also create custom MyPlate messages for your Facebook pages.
Twitter fans can participate, too! Let your Twitter followers know they can join the party by sharing the tweets below. Make sure to mention @MyPlate in your posts and link to MyPlate’s new Facebook page: www.facebook.com/myplate. The hashtag for the birthday is #MyPlateBirthday.
Photo credits for My Plate (cake)

Monday, June 3 - Free blood pressure screenings
About one-sixth of all Americans have high blood pressure and the incidence of this disease increases with age. High blood pressure can cause diseases without any early warning symptoms. High blood pressure can cause arterial disease (atherosclerosis) that can lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Routine screening tests are part of basic prevention medicine.They allow doctors to find illness and treat it much earlier than they could otherwise. Patients with high risk factors for screened diseases can make sure they don't acquire the illness as well, and if they do they can treat it early on. Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. No appointments necessary. Public welcome.
WHEN-Monday, June 3, 2013-TIME-9:00 to 11:00 a.m. -WHERE-Sharp Grossmont Senior Resource Center, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa.

Monday, June 3 - White House National Conference on Mental Health
.....It’s a busy, busy day at the National Council BHive! President Obama and Vice President Biden are hosting a National Conference on Mental Health today. Beginning at about 9:30 EDT this morning (Monday, June 3), Linda Rosenberg, together with many people living with mental illnesses and addictions, family members, behavioral health leaders, and advocates from across the country, will discuss how to work together to reduce stigma and help the millions of Americans living with mental health problems and substance use recognize the importance of reaching out for help.
...You can watch the conference live at whitehouse.gov/live from about 9:30 am to 2:45 pm EDT
Wed. June 5 • Aerial applications of mosquito larvicide throughout the county
San Diego County Vector Control Program will conduct aerial applications of mosquito larvicide at various wetlands throughout the County on Wednesday, June 5, 2013.
...The County of San Diego Vector Control Program contractor applies mosquito larvicide by helicopter to wetlands in an effort to reduce the mosquito population and the risk of West Nile virus. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 200 eggs at a time in the still water found in wetlands. These eggs hatch into larvae which feed on organic material. Larvicides are made from bacteria that are specific to mosquito larvae and will not harm other wildlife. This results in the efficient elimination of larvae before they can develop into biting adults which can spread diseases such as West Nile virus.
. Continu
Wednesday, June 5 - CARFIT Event for Older Drivers
Does your Car “fit” you? CarFit is based on a 12-point checklist and provides one-on-one interaction with a trained CarFit technician. The primary purpose of the program is to convey safety information; it is not a driving evaluation. The goals of CarFit are: HELP older drivers improve the “fit” of their vehicles for safety and comfort. PROMOTE conversation among older adults and families about safe driving and mobility, and LINK adults with local resources that can help ensure they drive as long as safely possible.
When: Wednesday, June 5, 2013- Time: 10 am - 2 pm- Where: Jewish Family Service North County Inland Center (located at Temple Adat Shalom) 15905 Pomerado Road
Poway, CA 92064. - INFO- An appointment is required to attend the event
Reserve your spot today at (858) 674-1123. ( FLYER)

Friday, June 7 - A Symposium on Elder Abuse & Neglect
Training for Health Care Providers
Hear the latest information and find out about empowering resources for your senior-aged patients and clients. You’ll hear from Elder Abuse prosecutors and police, health care professionals specifically trained in Elder Care fields as well as specialized attorneys and fiduciaries so that you feel confident in identifying and reporting cases of suspected Elder Abuse and Neglect in your practice and community. A list of speakers and detailed agenda will be available in May at www.glenner.org - Cost: $60.
When: Friday, June 7, 2013- Time: Where: Sharp Spectrum Auditorium- 8695 Spectrum Center Blvd. , San Diego, CA 92123- Info: For more information or to register by phone: call (619) 543-4700. (FLYER)

Friday, June 7 - Taking Care of Your Nutritional Health
WEBINAR: Wendy Shigenaga, RD Aging & Independence Services
How can you eat healthy with all the demands of caregiving… and work? Watch and learn how to shop smart and prepare great-tasting meals that are quick and ready when you are. Discover new menu ideas that will please the palate and promote health, even if you or your loved one face medical restrictions.
When: June 7th, 2013- Time: 12 P.M- Info: Info: To register, please visit: www.CaregiverCoalitionSD.org

Monday, June 10 - Do More and Hurt Less:HAND SCREENING
Have you noticed an increase in swelling, redness or deformity in your elbows, wrists and fingers or decreased grip strength? Come to this free screening program sponsored by Sharp Occupational Therapy and learn about treatment options. When: Monday, June 10,2013-Time: 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. -Where: at the Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavilion, Classroom A, 3075 Health Center Dr, San Diego. -Info:Appointment required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com.

Join us in San Diego, California, on June 10-12, 2013, for the National Energy and Utility Affordability Conference presented by the National Fuel Funds Network and National Low Income Energy Consortium. The annual three-day event is the largest single U.S. gathering to address the need for affordable home energy and other utilities for people with low income.
NEUAC attendees will be eager to learn about new approaches and resources to help them relieve the energy burdens of low-income households. The conference allows attendees to share experiences, common problems, solutions and successes in helping low-income energy consumers so that they can become more effective at helping those they serve – be it providing benefits to those in need, ensuring that customers do not have utility service terminated or creating a more favorable living environment.
The conference website contains information about NEUAC 2013. It is a work in progress and will be updated on a regular basis.
Online Registration | Registration Form | Click Here to download the NEUAC request letter.

Tuesday, June 11- Alzheimer's Research
Learn about a research study that Sharp Mesa Vista is conducting for Alzheimer’s Disease. This presentation will discuss some facts about Alzheimer’s Disease, explain how clinical trials work, what’s new in Alzheimer’s research and what we can do to potentially slow down the onset or effects of Alzheimer’s disease. Presented by Mark Dobrina, BS, LPT, Lead Clinical Research Specialist.
When:Tuesday, June 11,2013- Time: 1 to 2 p.m.-Where: at the Peninsula Family YMCA,
4390 Valeta St., San Diego- Info: Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or
register online at www.sharp.com.

Wednesday, June 12-How to maintain a healthy voice
Learn how normal voice is produced and how the voice can change with aging or stress. Learn how to maintain a healthy voice and how to use your most effective voice from Kathleen Catterall, Manager, Speech Therapy and Deborah Governski, Speech Therapist, Sharp Grossmont Rehabilitation.
When: Wednesday, June 12, 2013- Time- from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. -Where: at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -Info-Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com
Wednesday, June 12-HICAP Insurance counseling
Receive free information about Medicare, HMO’s supplement insurance or long-term care insurance from trained volunteer counselors of HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program).
When: Wednesday, June 12, 2013- Time: 9 a.m. to 12 -Where: at the Sharp Senior Health Center, 4320 Genesee Ave. #104, San Diego. -Info- Appointment required. Call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or 858-565-8772.

Thursday, June 13- Vital Aging 2013
Eating Well and Staying Active! Vital Aging 2013 Conference for older adults, featuring education on healthy eating and staying active.
Keynote speakers include Cornell McClellan, fitness trainer for Barack and Michelle Obama; also Deborah Szekely, a pioneer of the mind/body/ fitness movement. In 1940, she and her husband, the late Edmond Szekely (health researcher, philosopher, and author), founded Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico. In 1958, Deborah established the Golden Door in Escondido.
The talks will be webcast to the North County location. Each site will also have demonstrations of healthy cuisine by local chefs, plus other indoor and outdoor activities. There will also be exhibitors and local resources, plus lunch.
When: on Thursday, June 13, 2013
Time: The free event, to be held from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Will be held at two venues: Liberty Station in Point Loma and in North County, at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Dr., San Marcos.
INFO-Reservations required; call AARP at (877) 926-8300. Dont' miss out! REGISTER TODAY

Thursday, June 13- 100 Years of Stories!
San Diego County Library is celebrating its centennial, 100 Years of Stories, with events and activities taking place throughout 2013. The San Diego County Library Del Mar Branch is hosting a celebration in honor of the system's centennial and the branch's recent remodel. The event will include music by acoustic guitarist KEV, refreshments, and special remarks by: Supervisor Dave Roberts, District 3, San Diego County Board of Supervisors; Terry Sinnott, Mayor, City of Del Mar; José Aponte, Director, San Diego County Library.
..."The Del Mar Library remodel coincided perfectly with our centennial," said Library Director José Aponte. "It shows that even after one hundred years, we're still growing and making sure our branches are the absolute best they can be for our customers."
When- Thursday, June 13, 2013- Time: at 3:30 p.m.-Where: at Del Mar San Diego County Library Branch, 1309 Camino Del Mar- INFO-For more information on the Del Mar Library's centennial celebration and remodel, contact branch staff at (858) 755-1666. For more information on centennial celebrations taking place at branches throughout the year, visit www.sdcl.org/centennial.

Friday, June 14 - Traveling and Caregiving
WEBINAR: Andrea Holmberg, Sharp Senior Resource Center
How do you travel when you are also caregiving? Whether you are vacationing on your own or with your loved one, planning ahead can help you all enjoy your vacation time. What help is available while you travel? Find out how to get the most from your time away.
When: June 14, 2013- Time: 12 P.M- Info: To register, please visit: www.CaregiverCoalitionSD.org

Friday, June 14 - Chairman Cox, Community Unveil
Library Mural and Kick Off Teen Summer Reading Program
County Supervisor Greg Cox and community residents today unveiled a mural created by local artists and children for the new Lincoln Acres library.
The mural was completed by the Rainforest Art Project, a local program that encourages children and their families to build a sense of pride through the creation of ceramic and mosaic art.
“This mural depicts images of the community and of children laughing and playing,” said Supervisor Cox. “That’s appropriate because this library is helping our children laugh, play and exercise their imaginations.”
The Rainforest Project held two workshops at the library where local children helped contribute to the mosaic by bringing favorite quotes, drawings and other items. Characters in the mural were pulled from photos of Lincoln Acres Library events and the mural includes the County Library’s mission statement to inform, educate, inspire, and entertain.
The mural is also a tribute to Jose Luis Rodriguez, a former library staff member who worked with children in the library and who was murdered in 2007. A boy walking his younger sister in the mural represents Jose Luis Rodriguez

Saturday, June 15 - A Day for Women's Heart Health
Heart Health Expo
Attend our free women's heart health expo where you'll meet and learn from Sharp Chula Vista-affiliated physicians and nurses who specialize in heart health.
You'll hear about women's heart disease risks and symptoms and understand the signs of a heart attack; and you'll learn from a dietitian about the link between nutrition and heart health. You'll receive free health screenings and find out what your numbers mean and how to improve them. There will also be a healthy breakfast and giveaways.
When: Saturday, June 15, 2013- Time: 8 to 9 am: Screenings | 9 am to noon: Presentations -Where: Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center Nellie Barrington Room (first floor)- Info- Call 1-800-82-SHARP or Register online

Tuesday, June 18- Health Care Decision Making
What medical decisions would you want honored if you were unable to speak for yourself? Who is the best person to speak on your behalf? Hear from Colleen Linnertz, Advance Care Planning Facilitator, Sharp HospiceCare, on how advance care planning is designed to assess your personal beliefs, values, and health care goals so you make decisions with more comfort.
When:This free program is Tuesday, June 18,2013-Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m. -Where: at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -Info-Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com
Wednesday, June 19-Life Estate Gift Annuity VS Reverse Mortgage
Learn how to get income from your home. If you or your parents are “house rich and cash poor and would like to receive a meaningful income without moving, please attend this free, informative seminar presented by Norm Timmins, J.D., Gift & Estate Planning Director, Grossmont Hospital Foundation. A free consultation is available. Free.
When: Wednesday, June 19,2013- Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m. -Where: at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -Info-Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com

Friday, June 21 - What It Means to be Family
WEBINAR: Pam Smith, Director of Aging & Independence Services
Hear from the Director of Aging & Independence Services, as she transitions to new horizons, what it means to be a family and why we care for each other.
When: June 21, 2013- Time: 12 P.M- Info: To register, please visit: www.CaregiverCoalitionSD.org

Friday, June 21 - Free blood pressure screenings
About one-sixth of all Americans have high blood pressure and the incidence of this disease increases with age. High blood pressure can cause diseases without any early warning symptoms. High blood pressure can cause arterial disease (atherosclerosis) that can lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Routine screening tests are part of basic prevention medicine.They allow doctors to find illness and treat it much earlier than they could otherwise. Patients with high risk factors for screened diseases can make sure they don't acquire the illness as well, and if they do they can treat it early on. Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. -WHEN-Friday, June 21, 2013-TIME-9:00 to 11:00 a.m. -WHERE-La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd

Saturday, June 22- How Do I Do This? Caregiving at Home
Family caregivers can learn and practice the basics of caring for a loved one at home including transfers, personal care, proper body mechanics & more! Learn from a registered nurse how to physically care for your loved one and how to protect yourself from injury. Cost $10.
When: Saturday, June 22,2013- Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. -Where: at the Sharp Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 13/14 - 9000 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -Info-Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com
Monday, June 24- HELP! I’m a Caregiver
Are you helping a loved one with socialization, finances, transportation, meals or other activities? Find out about resources for family caregivers, placement options, support groups and more from Andrea Holmberg, Program Coordinator, Sharp Senior Resource Center. This free class also covers emotional issues of caregiving.
When: Monday, June 24,2013-Time- 12:30 to 2 p.m. -Where: at the Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavilion, Classroom B, 3075 Health Center Dr, San Diego. -Info-Reservation required. Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com.
Wed. June 26- Mosquito populations have begun to rise
...San Diego County Vector Control Program conducted aerial applications of mosquito larvicide at various wetlands throughout the County.This was the fourth aerial drop of mosquito larvicide for the 2013 mosquito breeding season.
...Mosquito populations are monitored and tested for the presence of West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases throughout the county during the mosquito season.
...West Nile virus is a mosquito transmitted disease that has its peak occurrence during the warm summer months. Controlling mosquito abundance is essential in preventing the spread of West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases.
Wednesday, June 26- HICAP Insurance counseling
Receive free information about Medicare, HMO’s supplement insurance or long-term care insurance from trained volunteer counselors of HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program).
When: Wednesday, June 26,2013- Time: 9 a.m. to 12 -Where: at the Sharp Senior Health Center, 4320 Genesee Ave. #104, San Diego. -Info- Appointment required. Call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or 858-565-8772.

Save the date: Saturday November 9, 2013 • Dont' miss out— REGISTER TODAY!
Each June, the National Safety Council encourages organizations to get involved and participate in National Safety Month. NSM is an annual observance to educate and influence behaviors around leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths.
Keeping your family out of harm’s way is your Number 1 priority. Unfortunately, many of our homes can be dangerous – preventable injuries and deaths continue to rise in homes and communities.
What you can do to keep you and your family safe at home |
National Men's Health Month
Each June National Men's Health Week is celebrated. The goal is to raise awareness of men's health issues, with an emphasis on prevention and early detection. The greatest risk to men's health comes from heart disease, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and colon cancer. All of these health conditions are highly treatable with early detection and may be preventable with proper diet, exercise and by quitting smoking.
One area of men's health that this observance hopes to improve is preventive care for men. Studies have shown that men are much less informed about their health needs and are more reluctant to see a physician. They often do not seek treatment until the condition is advanced. |
• Vision Research Month
With the aging baby boomer population and lack of affordable health care for many in the United States , the number of blind and visually impaired is expected to double by the year 2030. While millions of Americans benefit from vision research, many eye diseases have no effective treatments or cures. An overview of vision research successes and the urgent need for future studies will be covered. For information, email shecker@preventblindness.org, or call 1-800-331-2020.
For materials available please visit Prevent Blindness America www.preventblindness.org
and http://everharteyes.com
• A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart
Grandparents are a family's greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, The greatest storytellers, the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory. Grandparents are the family's strong foundation. Their very special love sets them apart. Through happiness and sorrow, through their special love and caring, grandparents keep a family close at heart.
• Dance like there's no tomorrow
Exercise increases oxygen to the brain and releases a protein that strengthens cells and neurons. Dance involves all of the above plus the cerebral activity present in learning and memory
Dance for Your Health
Friday October 4th, 2013
More information coming soon! |
• Dance like there's no tomorrow
Exercise increases oxygen to the brain and releases a protein that strengthens cells and neurons. Dance involves all of the above plus the cerebral activity present in learning and memory