Salud+Health Info is celebrating it's 15 anniversary providing health information to families of the greater SanDiego region and the international border community. The magazine is the first bi-lingual, English and Spanish, magazine written specifically for the greater San Diego region.
We introduce you to available health services and provide information concerning the efforts, works and views of our local leaders. This is our service to the community.
We provide you information in three key areas: Health, Family and Community -
Providing information concerning current health issues, risk, hints and help guides have guided thousands of families to available health services benefiting our children, families and the Greater San Diego community.
Your support has been strong, not only in reading the Salud Health Info, but also in using those agencies that advertise with us. We ask you to review not only our articles but the advertiser’s information as well. Many of the advertisers bring you health care options for free or at little cost, and using our publications is one way for them to get the word out to you. They make it possible to bring both the written and web site to you for free.
Your gain is our gain and we continue to grow, we are now producing this magazine quarterly, and the continued support has made it possible to establish this web site - providing you more information any time of the day you need it.
We would like to thank our advertisers, you the readers and those that have supported us. We hope to increase our services to thousands more in the coming years.
Salud Health Info magazine, SaludHelthInfo.com ,Sd Health info.com. Sd Saludinfo.com, HealthySanDiego.com and SaludHealth info.net are all produced, published and distributed free of charge by Info Option Network (ION) Publishing Company.
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Salud + Health Info is for information and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned abut your health or that of a child, please consult your family’s physician or health provider immediately and do not try and diagnose yourself.
Salud+Health Info is published and distrusted free of charge by Info Option Network (ION) Publishing Company. All rights reserved. ION reserves the right to edit all information provided to the publisher as it deems necessary with regard to legal, public health, State, Federal, International other standards for the proper publishing of this periodical. We reserve the right to refuse articles and advertising at any time. No reproductions of this magazine by any means are permitted without the express written consent of ION Publishing Company. ION has no affiliation with any health organization or political group. ION is not responsible for the claims of advertisers, or the variety of submitted written articles.
The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Salud Health info magazine, Info Option Network, SaludHealthinfo.com or HealthySanDiego.com, of the information, products or services included in other sites. We do not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided to provide you information sources.
All logos or trademarks displayed on the pages of this web site are owned and copyrighted by the respective organizations.
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This is a privacy policy for Info Option's http://www.saludhealthinfo.com and http://HealthySanDiego.com web sites. Privacy Policy Generated by P3PWiz.com
Our homepages are on the Internet and located at http://www.SaludHealthInfo.com ; SDHealthinfo.com ; SDSaludinfo.com , and http://HealthySanDiego.com
Contact info:
Mailing address: |
Telephone (619) 427- 4111
e-mail - info@saludHEALTHinfo.com
P.O. Box 3150 Chula Vista, CA 91909 |
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We do not collect any identifiable data about our visitors. Our web servers do collect unidentifiable information such as the last URL you visited, the web browser you are using, the number of pages visited on our web site, etc. These are standard internet web server collection tools and we may use them occasionally to tailor our serves to better fit your needs.
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