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County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division Alcohol and Drug Services

Red Flags of Teenage alcohol and or drug abuse
... Some of the Important Events that Has Happened in San Diego.
Michelle Obama in San Diego

First Emergency Alert System Test

......San Diego County, FEMA and the FCC conducted the EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM first national test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). This test was planned to last about 30 seconds, and was transmitted via television and radio stations within the U.S.
......The national Emergency Alert System is an alert and warning system that can be activated by the president, if needed, to provide information to the American public during emergencies. NOAA's National Weather Service, governors, and state and local emergency authorities also can issue more localized alerts.
......The San Diego County Office of Emergency Services, along with FEMA, were encouraging the public to use this test as an opportunity to create a family disaster plan and create an emergency supplies kit at home.

Every Californian Should be Prepared

......“Understanding your level of risk is important, but action is required to save livesAyuda-Help and property,” said California Emergency Management Agency Secretary Matthew Bettenhausen. “Every Californian should be prepared to be self sufficient for at least 72 hours after a major disaster. Every Californian is an essential member of our state’s emergency response team. By taking a few simple steps now, each of us can make sure we are better prepared for the next emergency or disaster.”
.....Imagine that you have no electricity, no gas, no water, and no telephone service. Image that all of the streets and shops are closed and...Continued


Mobile West Nile launchedMobile West Nile Virus Website Launched

.......County Environmental Health officials announced that local residents and visitors can now get the latest updates about the potentially-deadly West Nile virus on their mobile telephones, thanks to a new mobile website.

.......“We’re doing everything we can to keep people informed and protected,” said San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox. “This new mobile website will let folks see --- right on their phones --- how to protect themselves, prevent the disease from spreading, report problems and help keep the lid on West Nile virus.”

.......West Nile virus has been largely contained in San Diego County since it became a national concern in 1999, but the mosquito-borne disease remains a public-health threat. Last week, an elderly woman in Fresno died of West Nile virus complications, making her California’s first West Nile virus fatality this year. There were four human cases and... Continued

Coalition To Focus On Technology

Elder searching for information.......Technologies can improve communication and reduce isolation for seniors, improve safety through electronic monitoring, are also helping families who care for seniors.
.....New devices can help people better monitor and treat their chronic diseases, provide quick access to reliable medical information in an emergency, and make a private residence safe enough for an older person to continue living independently. To promote greater awareness of technology that would be of value for older adults, AIS is helping to coordinate a Technology & Aging Coalition.
.....The idea for the Technology & Aging Coalition rose from our June "Aging Summit" on Technology. The focus of the coalition will be to promote awareness of new technology, increase education and access, help the disconnected and advocate for quality products/services for older adults. Registration requested; contact Sarah “Sally” Jackson or (858) 495-5525.


Change Your Mind, Up grade Your Mood,

Change the Course of Your Life!

County Offers No Cost Depression Screenings, Referrals and Resources

....Nearly one in 10 U.S. adults have depression. The CDC recently reported. 1 in 4 adults Depression Screening day- Depression screenings saves lifes!and 1 in 5 children in San Diego County suffer from a mental disorder or difficulty in any given year.

...Depression is one of the most common. It could happen to everyone. Even to those who are fine, but suddenly find themselves dealing with serious financial and personal situations.

....People with illness such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, usually become depressed. They go under the stress of diagnosis, treatment, medications, and they are constant worrying about how the progress of the illness is affecting ....Continued


Please Waiting Linkedin Scam Surfacesricans have old medicine, old prescriptions sitting in theirLinkedin

.......LinkedIn has proven to be a successful tool to many employers and employees, in both finding new hires and those looking to land their next job. But beware of a Linkedin contact request message. Ciber criminals have been sending a spam email messages targeting users of the Linkedin social media community. In the attack, victims are emailed an alert that contains a link with a fictitious social media contact request. Clicking the link takes victims to a web page that says, “PLEASE WAITING…. 4 SECONDS,” and redirects them to Google. During those four seconds, the victim’s PC is infected with the ZeuS data-theft malware via a drive-by download. ZeuS embeds itself in the victim’s web browser and captures personal information, such as online banking credentials, and is widely used by criminals to pilfer commercial bank accounts.
......How can you protect yourself? The Better Business Bureau recommends that instead of opening an email message and logging in, login to your LinkedIn account first through your browser and then view your inbox.


Hundreds of San Diego residents Got a Free Flu Shot at

Qualcomm Stadium's Drive-Thru Clinic

...... Kaiser Permanente Drive through Flu vaccinationsThe Flu Vaccinations were offered by Kaiser Permanente San Diego as part of its commitment to proactively helping people get and stay healthy.
..... The best way to protect against the flu is by getting immunized. This year's seasonal flu vaccine included protection against the H1N1 virus.
......Kaiser Permanente San Diego provided 6,0215 flu shots to KP members, and to the general public to increase access for flu prevention and awareness. In addition, people were able to speak with nurses and health educators about clinical concerns and the Kaiser Permanente's Mobile Health Clinic was providing free health screenings for blood pressure, weight, hip-waist ratio, Body Mass Index. The, KP Blood mobile was also helping everyone who wanted to donate blood.


National Weather Service has Issued a Red Flag Warning in San Diego

...... National Weather Service advice announced rain and frequent ground lightning. A public advisory is in effect for central San Diego County as scattered showers and thunderstormsred flai in San Diego continue to develop through San Diego towards the northwest of the County.
...... Lightning is one of the leading weather-related causes of death and injury in the United States. Lightning is a giant discharge of electricity accompanied by a brilliant flash of light and a loud crack of thunder. A single stroke of lightning has 125,000,000 volts of electricity. That's enough power to seriously hurt or kill someone. Lightning outside the rain areas may produce isolated fire starts. Roofs, sidewalls, framing, and electrical wires are the areas most ignited by lightning fires.
...... If you're outdoors, seek shelter. Buildings are best for shelter, but if no buildings are available, you can find protection in a cave, ditch, or a canyon. Trees are not good cover! Tall trees attract lightning.
...... Avoid going out at all. When encountering water of unknown depth.Turn around. Don't drown. Stay informed of weather conditions, DON'T pass in a flooded area, and FOLLOW all possible safety precautions.


On the "Prescription Drugs Take back Day" Health Oficials and

Federal Authorities Collected Old Medicines

as a Part of National Anti-Drug Programmericans have old mediUn dia de recoleccion de medicamentos de prescripcion en todo Estados Unidoscine, old prescriptions sitting in their

.......Every day, nationwide 2,500 youths ages 12-17, abuse prescription drugs for the first time. Prescription drugs­ pain relievers, tranquilizers, sedatives and stimulants - are the drugs most often abused by teens after marijuana and misuse increases as they grow older, according to ONDCP. Typically, young people get prescriptions drugs from their home’s medicine cabinet or from friends.

...... In an effort to rid households of unused prescription drugs, County of San Diego Health and Humans Services and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has launched its first ever national "Prescription Drug Take-Back Day" campaign .....Continued


Flu Vaccine Recommended for Everyone

...... Last flu season, because of the H1N1 influenza pandemic, there were more flu-related Residente del Condado vacunandosedeaths in the County than any previous year; 57 H1N1-related deaths since the novel H1N1 virus was discovered in April 2009. Furthermore, more than 900 people had to be hospitalized due to complications from H1N1.

......“These deaths and hospitalizations can be prevented,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H, County Public Health Officer. “Getting vaccinated is the single most important action people can take to protect themselves from the flu.”

......This flu season, age and health status won’t matter as the vaccine will be available to everyone 6 months and older.
......The San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) and ,,,,Continued



Gov. Schwarzenegger Urges a Legislature to Protect California's most

vulnerable citizens.

...... Many violent criminals were allowed to care for California's most vulnerable citizens, theHermoso vitral del SELLO DEL ESTADO DE CALIFORNIA elderly and disabled who need state subsidized in-home care. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants the law changed to forbid felons from working in these positions.
......Last year, nearly 1,000 convicted felons working or seeking jobs in the In-Home Support Service workers (IHSS) program were identified because Schwarzenegger successfully got a legislative to require background checks. Eight-hundred were fired, but some felons continue to work as employees of the state In-Home Supportive Services program because a court ruled by the state can only disqualify those who had committed physical child abuse, elder abuse and defrauding public assistance programs, and there are still 70,000 workers needing background checks.
......Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger have sent a letter to legislative leaders urging them to take immediate action to bar these felons from providing In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS).



¡Yes You Can! Therapy for Quit Smoking it Works!

School supplies are not all what a child needs to

succeed in school?

ninos saludables tienen exito en la escuela

.......Health and Dental Check-Ups are Needed for School. Make sure your children have the necessary health check-ups to start school, San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency officials reminded parents today.
California law requires all children entering first grade to have a health check-up. Check-ups, even when a child is not sick, allow the doctor to find and treat many health problems before they become serious and affect a child’s ability to succeed in school. Check-ups are also .



Everyone needs to know about Suicide Prevention

Prevencion de Suicidio

...... According to the World Health Organization more than one million people worldwide die by suicide each year.It is estimated that for every suicide, there are as many as 20 attempts. Suicide and the associated mental health costs take an enormous toll not only on families and friends, but the entire community.
......Economic turmoil can result in a whole host of negative health effects. Both physical and mental. It can be particularly devastating to your emotional and mental well-being. Although each of us is affected differently by economic troubles, these problems can add tremendous stress, which in turn can substantially increase the risk ,,,,Continued



¡Yes You Can! Therapy for Quit Smoking it Works!

......A video of a small child still in diapers and smoking circulated the Internet in May. This La noticia recorrio el mundovideo got the worldwide attention to the extreme and disturbing trend in Indonesia. The shocking video was showing a child named Aldi Rizal, only two-year-old, but already addicted to smoking 40 cigarettes a day.
..... The baby Rizal, who lives in a fishing village Musi Banyuasin, Indonesia, became famous after the video
circulated the Internet. He has been under the care of the National Commission on ...Continued


Ovarian Cancer is Typically Viewed as a "Silent" Disease

Ovarian cancer

..Cancer begins at a cellular level. Normally, cells grow and divide to form new cells. These new cells take the place of old cells as they die. Cancer cells continue to grow and divide. These abnormal cells continue to create new cells forming a tumor.
..... The ovaries are a pair of organs in the female reproductive system. They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of,,,,Continued


San Diego is Now

Part of the Scenic Journey Across California Coastline

California Coastline

....... The California Coastal Trail was established by the State to stretch from the Mexican to the Oregon borders and to become one of the great trails of our nation.
..... California Mission Trail, connected a series of missions (religious outposts), assistencias (supporting sub-missions), presidios (fortified military bases), pueblos (towns), and other Spanish interests in the region. Spain, then Mexico, controlled California until 1848, when Mexico ceded Alta California



San Diego County Breaks Record for Pertusssis Cases

Pertussis-Tos ferina

..... The number of pertussis cases reported in San Diego County now has surpassing 500 and the previous high of 371 cases in 2005, according to County Health and Human Services Agency officials.
....As part of its continuing efforts to control the whooping cough (as pertussis is commonly called) epidemic in California,San Diego County Health Department has scheduled Whooping Cough Vaccination Clinics.
“We are continuing our efforts to vaccinate San Diego County residents, put health care professionals on watch and educate the public,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County Public Health Officer. ...Continued



Why are immunizations important?

Immunization is one of the most significant public health achievements of the 20th century. Vaccines have eradicated smallpox, eliminated wild poliovirus in the United States. and significantly reduced the number of cases of measles, diphtheria, rubella, pertussis, and other diseases. But despite these efforts, people,,, Continued


  San Diego's Health Info Continued

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