.Everyone... Needs to know about: Suicide Prevention
.......According to the World Health Organization more than one million people worldwide die by suicide each year.It is estimated that for every suicide, there are as many as 20 attempts. Suicide and the associated mental health costs take an enormous toll not only on families and friends, but .......Economic turmoil can result in a whole host of negative health effects. Both physical and mental. It can be particularly devastating to your emotional and mental well-being. Although each of us is affected differently by economic troubles, these problems can add tremendous stress, which in turn can substantially increase the risk for developing depression,anxiety,compulsive and destructive behaviors, and substance abuse. .......In the case of unemployment and other kinds of financial distress do not "cause" suicide directly, but they can be factors that interact dynamically within individuals and affect their risk for suicide. These financial factors can cause strong feelings such as humiliation and despair, which can precipitate suicidal thoughts or actions, especially among those with underlying mental or emotional conditions (e.g., depression, bi-polar disorder) that place them at greater risk of suicide. These are some of the signs you may want to be aware. The person that could be at risk for suicide will: If you or someone you care about are having suicidal thoughts or showing these symptoms SEEK IMMEDIATE HELP. Contact your healthcare provider, The County of San Diego Access and Crisis Line at 1--888-724-7240, hospital emergency room or call for help 1-800-273-8255 to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. ............ ................• ESPAÑOL |
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