Why Immunization Are Important? ..... Immunizations aren’t just for babies.We all need shots. Not only do vaccines protect children New Nationwide Report Estimates That 40 Percent of Underage Drinkers Received Free Alcohol From Adults Over 21.....Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is the future of health care. Volunteering Can Change Lifes.....First lady Michelle Obama is asking for volunteers across the country to help kids stay active Photo: Chuck Boles with More about Volunteering A good idea born from a bad situation.......One summer, there was humid heat and hot suffocating air. People were suffering, physically and financially, as a result of an energy crisis that shook the entire state of California. The costs to keep cool exceeded the budgets of many older adults on fixed incomes. And that summer was a scorcher. Because of the increased use of fans and other coolers, California suffered its largest planned blackout since World War II. That was the .......Supervisor Dianne Jacob, whose District 2 includes some of the hottest areas in the County, was concerned particularly for the seniors. She realized that some elders were deciding between paying for medicine or treating themselves to air conditioning. Unfortunately, many older adults don't realize that they are more susceptible to the effects of heat than younger people. They can be in crisis and not know it because seniors often don't start sweating until their temperature has already soared....Continued
Mosquitoes Test Positive. West Nile Virus Detected In San Diego.....A batch of mosquitoes collected in Lemon Grove has tested positive for West Nile virus, the first positive test this year for the potentially-deadly disease, County Vector Control officials announced Wednesday. Whooping Cough Epidemic May Be Worst in 50 Years.....Urging Californians to get vaccinated now, Dr. Mark Horton, director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), warned today that the ....“Whooping cough is now an epidemic in California,” Horton said. “Children should be vaccinated against the disease and parents, family members and caregivers of infants need a booster shot.” ....Pertussis is a highly contagious disease.....Continued Statement from Surgeon General, Dr. Regina M. Benjamin, Supporting Breastfeeding.....On World Breastfeeding Week provides an opportunity to highlight the benefits of breastfeeding and to make people aware of how we can lend support to mothers who want to
The most important job. Being a father is one of the most importantjobs any man can have........My own father left my family when I was two years old. I was raised by a heroic mother And while no government program can fill the role that fathers play for our children, what we can do is try to support fathers who are willing to step up and fulfill their responsibilities as parents, partners and providers. A Southern California Earthquake Rattles San Diego.....On June 14 around 9:25 pm the San Diego Padres' baseball game at Petco Park was stopped First Lady Michelle Obama Visit to San Diego.......On April 15 2010, the first lady was in San Diego to visit a community farm in Chollas Creek promoting her LET'S MOVE campaign to end childhood obesity. She came back to This time her visit was to the northern San Diego County USMC station to meet privately with service personnel and their loved ones, and to make a public address. "To recognize and tap their skills, strength and commitment to service, to build stronger civilian-military community ties, and to engage and highlight the service and sacrifice of military families to ensure their voices are heard inside the Administration,” a White House statement said. More about.. Her first visit to San Diego continued (PDF) Text Alerts to Deliver West Nile Virus Warnings......The County Department of Environmental Health added another tool today to its arsenal in the fight against West Nile virus -- text alerts to warn residents about West Nile virus in their neighborhoods.
“The County has always tried to stay ahead of fast-changing technology and with these alerts, we will be able to help protect more people from this serious, sometimes deadly disease,” said Supervisor Greg Cox, District 1. “Sharing important information, to help prevent this debilitating disease is an exciting prospect because we will be able to use this texting tool to communicate with the public about our other programs as well,” said Jack Miller, Director of the Department of Environmental Health. “Once received, text messages can then be forwarded to others within a family or group of friends.” The County also plans to use text messages to make the community aware of other vector-borne disease such as hantavirus and plague. For more information about how you can sign up for WNV text alerts, visit www.SDFightTheBite.com. Help your kids beat the Summer Slump.......School is out for summer and kids begin their blissful break from the pressures of “Adults might imagine summer as a healthy and active time for kids but this often isn’t the reality. That’s why we’re encouraging parents to help their kids overcome the 'summer slump' and get them involved in the fun activities happening at local community youth organizations,” said Joanne Tucker, Food Services Marketing Coordinator for San Diego Unified School District.. .... Continued (PDF)
Youth and Acohol......Alcohol has been found to be the most widely used and abused substance amongst adolescents. It is also a readily accessible substance that is continuously and aggressively The adolescent years are a period of mixed thoughts and emotions. These are sensitive years where teens can be easily influenced, and where they tend to be under heavy influence from peers. The consumption of alcohol during these critical years can lead to alcohol abuse and ultimately alcoholism. According to the Centers for Disease Control, youth who start drinking before the age of 15, are five times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after the age of 21....Continued (PDF) Children's Tylenol and Others still off the shelves...... In response to concerns about a possible breach of manufacturing quality standards, McNeil Consumer Products is voluntarily recalling a number of liquid infant's and children "Some of the recall products may contain a higher concentration of active ingredient than specified; others may contain inactive ingredients that may not meet internal testing requirements; and others may contain tiny particles." The FDA cautioned. McNeil recalled several varieties of Children's Tylenol last September because of possible contamination with a negative bacteria, and earlier this year the manufacturer recalled a wide variety of products, including Children's Tylenol, because of consumer complaints of "an unusual, moldy, musty, or mildew-like odor." To know more The McNeil Consumer Healthcare number is (888)222-6036 or visit: www.mcneilproductrecall.com. More about flu medication for children and about...INFLUENZA 2010 (PDF)
Do you know that nearly a quarter of U.S. homes only use cellphones?....... The NCHS, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, relies heavily on telephone surveys to gather health information about the U.S. public. The figures also have implications for the mobile telephone industry. Stephen Blumberg and Julian Luke of the NCHS examined data from surveys of 21,375 households that included 40,619 civilian adults and 14,984 children under the age of 18. "One of every four American homes (24.5 percent) had only wireless telephones (also known as cellular telephones, cellphones, or mobile phones) during the last half of 2009 -- an increase of 1.8 percentage points since the first half of 2009," the report reads. The report, available at www.cdc.gov/.pdf, also found that 23 percent of adults, or 52 million people, lived in households with only wireless telephones. Nearly half of adults aged 25 to 29 lived in households with only cellphones, the study found. More on Communications technology |
San Diego's Health Info Continued | |
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