'World No Tobacco Day'
.......More than 170,000 American women die every year from tobacco-related illness, the American Lung Association (ALA) estimates. To draw attention to the harmful effects of tobacco use and tobacco industry marketing as it pertains to women and girls, the ALA and the World Health Organization are observing World No Tobacco Day on May 31.
......."Quitting smoking is the single most important thing that most individuals can do to improve their health" Mary H. Partridge, ALA's national board chair, said in a news release. "The tobacco industry has a long and shameful history of targeting women and children," said Partridge. "The most recent example is R.J. Reynolds' Camel No. 9 cigarettes, a pink-hued version that one newspaper dubbed 'Barbie Camel' because of marketing that appealed to girls. Advertised with promotional giveaways of flavored lip glosses and pink purses."

First H1N1-Related Death in San Diego County.
......The County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) reports one additional person has tested positive for H1N1 and subsequently died. This does not mean H1N1 has been determined to be the cause of death, which is established by the attending physician or the Medical Examiner. The deceased is a 22-year-old male with underlying medical conditions.
......This is the first H1N1-related death in San Diego County this calendar year.
“This is a solemn reminder that H1N1 is still in our community and our sympathies are with the family of this young man,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County Public Health Officer. “While H1N1 is not as widespread in our community as we experienced last year, we still encourage basic precautions such as covering your mouth when you cough, sneeze or blow your nose, and wash your hands frequently and thoroughly to protect yourself and your family.”
......The County has H1N1 vaccine available at six public health centers and one vaccination clinic. “It’s not too late to get vaccinated for H1N1,” said Wooten. “As long as the virus remains in our community, vaccination is the best prevention.”
......Please visit www.sdcounty.ca.gov or call 2-1-1 for additional information on H1N1 influenza or for the location of County vaccination sites. Spread the word. Add this H1N1 button and link to your website.
Strong Earthquake Hits Southern California
.......Easter Sunday strong 7.2 eartquake centered in 100 miles east of Tijuana Baja California was felt all over Southern California: Los Angeles, San Diego, Yuma Arizona. The earthquake lasted 30 seconds in most areas. Was 20 miles inside the earth.This eartquake was among the hardest and longest felt in Southern California in years.
.......Fortunately, there was no damage reported as a result of the earthquake, but it may have left you feeling uncertain about what to do if the bigger one hits.
“As we were reminded, earthquakes can occur at any time, so we need to be ready to respond in the event of a true emergency by having a Family Disaster Plan, practicing earthquake responses, and having an emergency kit ready to go in your home and vehicle,” said Ron Lane, Director of the County Office of Emergency Services.
To learn more about how to prepare for an earthquake at home and work, or to download a copy of a Family Disaster Plan (PDF), get a list of items to include in your emergency kits, and learn about earthquake preparedness, visit the Family section of : ReadySanDiego.Org.

Be Ready, Slow down, and Be Safe When Driving in the Rain

......RIn rainy and stormy conditions, it is more difficult to see other vehicles, road signs and the road itself. • Be prepared. Before the rain comes. All motorists should regularly check that their headlights, tail lights, brake lights and turn signals are working properly. Wiper blades in bad condition don't clear water from the windshield very well and distort your view. Replace your wipers regularly, at least once a year.
• If possible, stay off the road during heavy thunderstorms. When you begin a journey in rain, your shoes will be wet and liable to slip off the pedals. Scuff the soles on the rubber matting or carpeting of the car before you start the engine.
• Turn on your lights. Whenever visibility is poor or it rains, headlights are a good way to let other drivers know where you are. It's both helpful to other travelers and makes you safer. Remember, you are not the only one affected by poor visibility. You may be able to see cars without their headlights on but others may not have vision or windshield wipers as good as yours.
• Slow down! It takes longer to stop or adjust driving conditions in wet weather. Maintain proper following distance. Leave lots of space between you and the car in front because it takes longer to stop. Losing control of your car on wet pavement is a frightening experience. You can prevent skids by driving slowly and carefully, especially on curves. Brake before entering the curves. Don't follow large trucks or busses closely. Splash and spray from these vehicles can obscure your vision, creating a potentially disastrous driving situation. Keep your distance, and your windshield wipers on, when other traffic is in front of you.
• Remember this Tips for Driving Safely: If visibility is limited by rain, STOP and wait!, If possible, AVOID going out at all, STAY INFORMED of weather conditions, DON'T pass in a flooded area, and FOLLOW all possible safety precautions.

Join San Diego's Relief Efforts. Help Haiti Earthquake Victims
.......On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake caused widespread damage on the island of Haiti, especially in the capital city of Port au Prince. International Red Cross spokesman Paul Conneally said an estimated 3 million people may have been affected by the quake and that it would take a day or two for a clear picture of the damage to emerge. Aftershocks continue to shake the island. As with most earthquakes, we expect to see an immediate need for food, water, temporary shelter, medical services and emotional support.
.......The aftermath of Tuesday’s earthquake has posed logistical challenges for all humanitarian organizations, including Red Cross responders, who are working around the clock to meet the challenges and ensure aid reaches the survivors.
.......First Lady Michelle Obama released "We can do something", a Public Service Announcement asking people to join her in supporting the Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti:
.......“The images from Haiti are heart-breaking—homes, hospitals and schools destroyed; families searching for loved ones; parents trying to feed their children. But we can all do something. We can help the American Red Cross as it delivers the food, water and medicine that can save lives. Donate $10 by texting “HAITI” to 9-0-9-9-9. Visit redcross.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Thanks for your help.”
.......The American Red Cross is accepting monetary donations to support earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. Donors may send checks to ourlocal chapter, designating Haiti Relief to: American Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties, 3950 Calle Fortunada, San Diego, CA 92123, by visiting the website at www.sdarc.org, or by calling 858-309-1200. Donors may also text “HAITI” to 90999 and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts; the charge will appear on the next cell phone bill.
.......People trying to locate U.S. citizens living or traveling in Haiti should contact the U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens Services, at 1-888-407-4747 or (202) 647-5225.

Important Advice Regarding the 2010 U.S. Census
......The Census Bureau is under the umbrella of the Department of Commerce. While the Census Bureau has partnered with tens of thousands of groups and organizations to recruit employment candidates, only workers hired by the U.S. Census Bureau are qualified to represent the agency.
.......The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the county. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.
.......The BBB recommends that individuals be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information. If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, and a Census Bureau canvas bag. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. Also, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.
.......The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. Anyone asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau.
.......Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will NOT contact you by email; so be on the lookout for email scams impersonating the Census. Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.

HHS Delivers the Nation’s First Health Security Strategy
......HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released The National Health Security Strategy , the nation's first comprehensive strategy focused on protecting people's health during a large-scale emergency. The strategy sets priorities for government and non-government activities over the next four years.
......."As we've learned in the response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, responsibility for improving our nation's ability to address existing and emerging health threats must be broadly shared by everyone - governments, communities, families, and individuals," Secretary Sebelius said. "The National Health Security Strategy is a call to action for each of us so that every community becomes fully prepared and ready to recover quickly after an emergency."
National health security means that the nation and its people are prepared for, protected from, and resilient in the face of health threats or incidents with potentially negative health consequences such as bioterrorism and natural disasters. The strategy provides a framework for actions that will build community resilience, strengthen and sustain health emergency response systems, and fill current gaps.
"Events which threaten the health of the people of this nation could very easily compromise our national security. Whether it's a pandemic or a premeditated chemical attack, our public health system must be prepared to respond to protect the interests of the American people. In order to be prepared to both respond to an incident and to recover, we need a strong national health system with individuals and families ready to handle the health effects of a disaster," Secretary Sebelius said.

H1N1 Mass Vaccination Events for San Diego Residents
...... .The San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) announces a series of H1N1 Mass Vaccination Events for San Diego County Residents.These events began with a clinic at Qualcomm Stadium.
......“We would like to remind County residents that H1N1 is still very active in our communities,” said Dianne Jacob, Chairwoman, San Diego County Board of Supervisors. “These H1N1 vaccination clinics are a great way for those who have yet to be vaccinated to come in and get their H1N1 vaccine.
......“This is a true public health effort by the county to get people vaccinated, and by getting your H1N1 vaccine, you’re not only protecting yourself but protecting your loved ones and neighbors.”
......The H1N1 vaccine is now available to everyone, regardless of age. “Immunization of the community is a shared responsibility,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H, San Diego County Public Health Officer. “We encourage everyone to do their part in protecting their communities, families and themselves against H1N1.”
The San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) vaccinated 10,616 people through these H1N1 mass vaccination events over two weekends .
......“We are very pleased with the response,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H, San Diego County Public Health Officer. “It’s great to see so many San Diego County residents take advantage of the opportunity to get immunized against H1N1.
......“We heard many positive and encouraging comments from the public about how well the mass vaccination events were run, and we certainly thank our volunteers and community partners for their help in successfully vaccinating thousands of San Diegans.
“While H1N1 activity is declining, the virus is still in the community, and people should still get vaccinated.”
......The H1N1 vaccine is widely available to nearly everyone older than six months of age. The majority of vaccine in San Diego County has been distributed directly to medical providers. You should contact your medical provider about getting the H1N1 flu vaccine. If your medical provider does not have vaccine, or you do not have a regular medical provider, you can call 2-1-1 or visit www.sdcounty.ca.gov to learn where you can get vaccinated.The County website also has information about numerous community clinics operating this Saturday.For additional information on pandemic H1N1 influenza please visit: www.cdc.gov.
.......It is expected that the massive H1N1 vaccination clinics, along with other regular public health measures from the County of San Diego Health and Human Services, will help prevent the spread of the virus.

Chula Vista Champions Will Visit Washington, D.C.
....Congressman Bob Filner Announces that the Chula Vista Park View Little League Will Be Visiting Washington, D.C. Congressman Bob Filner is proud to announce that the Chula Vista Park View Little League World Champions are scheduled to visit President Barack Obama in Washington, D.C. on February 5, 2010.
Congressman Filner has enlisted the support of Southwest Airlines and AT&T to help cover the expenses of the trip.
.......“These boys displayed the success of solid coaching and execution of fundamentals and discipline. They are indeed the pride of Chula Vista!” said Congressman Filner. “I am proud to have them visit our nation’s capital!”
.......On Sunday, August 30, 2009, the Park View Little League Team from Chula Vista, California, rallied to defeat the Chinese Taipei Little League Team by a score of 6-3 to win the 2009 Little League World Series Championship. Throughout their six games, the World Champions hit a Little League World Series record 19 homers, breaking the previous mark of 15 set in 2003 by a team from Tokyo, Japan.
In September of 2009, Congressman Filner introduced a Congressional Resolution to celebrate and honor the Chula Vista Park View Little League team for winning the 2009 World Championship game of the Little League World Series.

No H1N1 Vaccination Profile Necessary.
In spite of what a recent fraudulent E-mail wants us to think.
......Many of us has received emails referencing a CDC sponsored State Vaccination Program.The messages request that users must create a personal H1N1 (swine flu) Vaccination Profile on the cdc.gov website. When you click on the E-mail’s link, it takes you to a phony CDC look-alike site. The message then states that anyone that has reached the age of 18 has to have his/her personal Vaccination Profile on the cdc.gov site. What’s in that site can download malware onto your computer, and send your personal financial information and address lists to a remote hacker.
.......Users that click on the email are at risk of having malicious code installed on their system. The CDC has NOT implemented a state vaccination program requiring registration on www.cdc.gov. CDC reminds users to take the following steps to reduce the risk of being a victim of a phishing attack:
• Do not follow unsolicited links and do not open or respond to unsolicited email messages.
• Use caution when visiting un-trusted websites.
• Use caution when entering personal information online.

.California Bans Trans Fats In Restaurants
California will begin to phase out the use of trans fats in restaurants and other food facilities beginning January 1.Those who violate the California law could face fines of $25 to $1,000.
“The County Department of Environmental Health regularly inspects these facilities, and we will work with food providers in the county to educate them about the new requirements to make them aware of the new rules,” said Department of Environmental Health Director, Gary Erbeck.
Beginning New Year’s Day, restaurants cannot use oils, margarines or shortenings that contain trans fats, except when used for the deep frying of yeast dough or cake batter for items such as doughnuts. Beginning January 1, 2011, the ban will be extended to include all foods.
In addition to restaurants, the new law applies to private schools, grocery stores, bakeries and other retail food facilities. It does not apply to public school cafeterias because they are already prohibited from serving any food containing trans fat by the California Department of Education.
Eating foods with trans fats has been found to increase the risk of heart disease by decreasing good (HDL) cholesterol and increasing bad (LDL) cholesterol.
County Environmental Health is responsible for inspecting more than 12,000 retail food facilities in the region to make sure businesses and their employees are following proper food preparation and food safety standards, as well as ensuring that businesses are also following all state and local regulations. For more food safety and environmental health information, visit the Department of Environmental Health Web site.

....... 2010 Begins Amidst Challenges and Hope
....... 2009 was a year of controversial changes, fears and gains in the health headlines. The Major Health Care Reform proposed by President Barack Obama after battling with the Senate, was passed in December. This bill would expand health coverage to 31 million Americans under the age of 64. It includes individuals and families of moderate to low income who are currently uninsured, and lacking health care services.
.......In June of 2009, President Obama granted the U.S Food and Drug Administration oversight over cigarettes and other tobacco products. This new law will protect children, educate consumers on the dangers of smoke, and is a great achievement for public health in general.
.......While in February a federal judge ruled out the connection between childhood vaccination and what autism, later on, in December a study in Pediatrics found that an intensive intervention program for toddlers can work to curb autism.
.......Controversial changes and developments during 2009 were the caused large polemics of great consternation and furor. Among these, were the lifting of the embryonic stem cell research ban and changes to cancer screening timetables; both causing heated discussions that continues to the present day. But, without doubt, the month of April it will remain as part of the History of the Public Health with the emergence of a new, highly contagious and sometimes deadly strain of influenza, the H1N1 virus, also called Swine Flu. Soon the Swine Flu news was a tidal wave of information, statistics and panic caused by fear of the flu season threat. San Diego was affected from the start. By November, the H1N1 vaccine supplies were plentiful and enough to be available to everyone. County residents are encouraged to contact their primary care physician, since private providers receive most of the H1N1 vaccine. Residents who don’t have a primary care physician or whose doctor did not order H1N1 vaccine can get vaccinated at one of the County’s seven vaccination sites or at evening and weekend clinics conducted by local community health centers.
.......Some doses of H1N1 Nasal vaccine have been recalled. It is important to point out that the recall is not safety-related. The vaccine potency was only slightly below the limit and this slight decrease in potency does not affect how the vaccine works. Updated information on the number of recalled vaccine doses received in the county and about numerous community clinics offering flu shots and influenza H1N1 vaccines is posted at www.sdcounty.ca.gov