Recovery Services Help to Build Healthy Families
,,,,,Alcohol and drug abuse are family diseases with severe consequences for all family members, particularly children. Prenatal exposure to tobacco, alcohol and drugs is associated with miscarriage, stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), low birth weight, physical deformities, cognitive impairment, conduct disorders, depression and mental retardation. Parental alcohol and drug abuse increases the incidence of family violence, divorce, financial problems and exposure to crime. ,,,,,The good news is that parents have enormous power to be a healthy influence on their children, to help steer them from involvement with alcohol and drugs. Early, quality treatment by professionals can help to ensure your family’s success in recovering from addiction. ....Part of maintaining a happy, healthy family is recognizing when you or someone you care about may need help. Listed below are some behaviors that indicate you or a loved one may need to speak to a professional to get assistance. • Arrives for appointments, interviews or meetings intoxicated ..Help is available! .....The County of San Diego offers substance abuse treatment and recovery programs to meet the special needs of women. These programs are for women with children or without children, pregnant women and .....The McAlister Institute has opened a new program for women in National City called Mujer. It is conveniently located in National City less than a mile from the 805 freeway and along the MTS Route 13 bus line at 2345 East 8th St. National City, CA 91950.
....Some of the services offered by Mujer are: one on one counseling, group counseling, educational and informational groups and on-site, co-op childcare. Counselors at Mujer work with the specific concerns of each client by completing a detailed assessment and tailoring the program to match the unique needs of each individual.Classes include relapse prevention, parenting, recovery management and employment related topics to name just a few. Participants also receive a certificate when they complete the program. ...Additional treatment programs for women and men are located all over the County with many services available for clients participating in the treatment program. • Free childcare > ADS Main Line (619) 584-5007 > Access and Crisis Line (877) 479-3339 24 hours/day, 7 days/week > Treatment at Mujer is available on a sliding scale depending on each person’s circumstances. Please contact the program directly for more information .....County of San Diego Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) Health and Human Services Agency provides leadership, planning, policy development, service coordination and resource management for a comprehensive system of alcohol and drug prevention, treatment, and recovery services. Culturally competent services are provided throughout San Diego County via contracts with community-based organizations. |
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