THE COOL ZONE PROGRAM IN SAN DIEGO A Good Idea Born from a Bad Situation ....One summer, there was humid heat and hot suffocating air. People were suffering, physically and financially, as a result of an energy crisis that shook the entire state of California. The costs to keep cool exceeded the budgets of many older adults on fixed incomes. And that summer was a scorcher. Because of the increased use of fans and other coolers, California suffered its largest planned blackout since World War II. That was the Summer of 2000. ....Supervisor Dianne Jacob, whose District 2 includes some of the hottest areas in the County, was concerned for the health of her East County residents, particularly seniors. She realized that some of her elderly constituents were deci- ding between paying for medicine or treating themselves to air conditioning. Unfortunately, many older adults don't realize that they are more susceptible to the effects of heat .... From what she saw that summer,Supervisor Jacob set into motion a plan to help prevent seniors and others from risking their health and hurting their pocketbooks during any future heat wave. She tasked Aging & Independence Services with establishing air-conditioned sites in East County and elsewhere for people to gather on hot days. The Cool Zone program began!!! ....Existing nutrition sites, libraries and other gathering spots that are regularly kept cool and open to the public were identified. Program staff created a listing of these sites and began directing older adults to them, assisting with transportation when necessary. For homebound seniors unable to get to a Cool Zone, every summer, the program has had a limited number of small electric fans available. ....The Cool Zone began with a list of 60 sites. The listing of sites has growing steadily to a total of 130 sites by its 10th anniversary. SDG&E Stay cool, be safe, and make new friends at the Cool Zone near you! For more information, after June 24,, contact the AIS Call Center at (800) 510-2020 and press "6", or visit: Cool Zone Tips and locations
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