Extreme Heat!!!

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Better be Safe than Sorry




With the Sun


Sun safety should actually be practiced

year-round, but we are more likely to

experience the dangerous effects of the sun

in the summer simply due to the greater

amount of time spent outdoors.

There is no need for a reminder about how unpleasant and painful is a sunburn, actually, sunburn is a medical condition, defined as overexposure of the skin to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which can lead to dehydratation, fever, second-degree burns, secondary infection, shock and ultimately, skin cancer.

Sun safety precautions:

• Stay in the shade whenever possible to minimize your exposure to the sun and avoid the heat. Avoid outdoor activity between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are the most intense.

• To COOL down on a HOT sticky day Spritz yourself with a spray bottle with water!

• Use sunscreen. Wear sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15. Apply sunscreen all over the body (even in places covered by clothing) 30 minutes before going outside, and reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating. Sunscreen should be worn for any outdoor activity, even on overcast or cloudy days.

• Get the right gear. Wear sunglasses with 100% UV (ultraviolet) protection. Everyone, especially very young or very fair-haired children, should wear a hat. Wear cotton clothing, preferably with a tight knit.

• Stay hydrated. Be sure to consume enough water, and avoid sugary and/or caffeinated drinks such as soft drinks.

• For babies. Dress your baby in lightweight clothing with long pants and long-sleeved shirts and a wide-brimmed hat. Keep baby's feet covered with a lightweight blanket. If necessary, small amounts of sunscreen can be applied to exposed areas. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommend higher than 40 SPF. Use strollers with a large canopy.

There is no way to reverse the damage of over-exposure to the sun, although there are ways to prevent and lessen the pain.n

Aloe vera is antibacterial and highly effective for burns because it stimulates the immune system and you could get in a gel at most of the stores and drugstores, another relieve you may get by applying a soothing lotion and do not apply petroleum jelly ointment or butter since these can make the symptoms worst. And for the pain an over-the-counter pain medication may be helpful, but avoid give aspirin to children and ask to the pharmacist for his advice.

By following the above advised precautions you may be safe from accidents around the water and from sunburn, but the sun safety precautions are not finished here, we have much more information.

Look for Extreme HEAT


CONTAC INFO: TEL.619-427-4111     EMAIL: health@infooption.com

Salud + Health Info is for information and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned abut your health or that of a child, please consult your family’s physician or health provider immediately and do not try to diagnose yourself.

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