Giving our kids a healthy start 
... As a mother, I know that there is nothing more important than the health and well-being of our children. That's why I was so thrilled to join my husband when he signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act into law.
By helping . ---> Continue reading in PDF
The Flu facts and Myths
Flu (influenza) is a contagious disease caused by respiratory viruses that mutate from year to year.Since most people have no immunity to new viruses, they cannot fight it, get sick, and begin to spread the flu.
... Myths about the seasonal flu shots are everywhere. These myths may cause fear of, and even a concerned about the safety or efficacy of vaccines.
1- Young and healthy people,don’t need to worry about it and get vaccinated. It’s .. Continued ....---> Continue reading in PDF
Flu, cold or pertussis?
... ....Every week the surge of new cases are boosting the number of confirmed cases. The pertussis epidemic continues to sicken San Diego County children. Pertussis is a bacterial infection caused by Bordetella pertussis. The germ is spread when infected people cough or sneeze.
Pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, is often mistaken for a common cold at first. As a result, people are usually unaware that they have the highly contagious illness and are infectious to others for up to 21 days. .---> Continue reading in PDF
The power of positive attitude
... It is amazing what can do for you the Power of Positive Attitude.
You'll live longer, healthier and with a positive attitude toward life. In addition, you're more likely to be successful. Learn to use the power of thinking positive, adopting positive attitudes, and affirmations to gain important life benefits. . ---> Continue reading in PDF
Do you know what you have in medicine cabinet?
... .Most of us would be surprised to do an inventory. You may found that you have accumulated a big collection of prescription drugs that may be expired from quite some time. Like food, all medications have an expiration .. ---> Continue reading in PDF
How to properly dispose of medication
... ....Once it was common practice to flush these medications down the toilet. Please don’t flush! Drugs that are flushed down the toilet may pass through sewage treatment plants and septic tanks. These substances are released into waterways with the waste water . ---> Continue reading in PDF
Bill's fight for life
... ....Being a County of San Diego Public Information Officer, Bill Polick knew a lot about West Nile virus (WNV) --- but he never thought he would become part of the West Nile “story.” Today he hopes by sharing his story he will help others avoid getting sick. Polick knew about West Nile virus long before most county residents. He was present at ---> Continue reading in PDF
The unwanted invader: Hantavirus
... ....The cold weather and abundance of food waste may bring to your home an unwanted invader more dangerous than you might think. We refer to the rodents who are seeking for food and refuge in the homes, and can transmit: Hantavirus.
Hantavirus is a serious respiratory disease that is caused by a virus that is spread from rodents to humans, especially deer mice.People can get hantavirus when they touch.---> Continue reading in PDF
Alcohol and your brain
...You’re chatting with friends at a party when the party organizer comes around with glasses of brightly colored drinks, martinis and champagne.You drink one, then another, maybe even a few more. Before you realize it, you are laughing more loudly than usual, maybe talking nonsense, and ....---> Continue reading in PDF
FDA added shocking value to its warnings
.... Federal agencies have been concerned that smoking rates, which declined from about 42 percent in 1965 to just under 21 percent in 2004, have remained flat since then.
"That's bad news," Sebelius said. "Every day, 4,000 young people try cigarettes for the first time and 1,000 continue to smoke." . ---> Continue reading in PDF
Live Well San Diego Initiative
.... The prevalence of obesity has skyrocketed during the past two decades. Overweight and obesity have become the gravest public health threat in the United States because of the chronic diseases related with these conditions.
With childhood obesity numbers through the roof, parents in America are now expected to outlive their children. And preventable chronic diseases .---> Continue reading in PDF
You can prevent fall
....Have you or a loved one...slipped or fallen recently? Each year, more than 12,000 older adults in San DiegoCounty arrive at the hospital after a fall. You are morelikely to fall if you take four or more medications, get dizzy, have problems seeing, or have trouble...---> Continue reading in PDF
Not be afraid to face Alzheimer's disease 
.... Don’t be afraid,” says John Bodie, 74. “Don’t be afraid of Alzheimer’s.” That’s how John started out his discussion of this disease as a member of a Town Hall panel at the University of San Diego earlier this year. In the audience was a physician also suffering from early Alzheimer’s who expressed his frustrations about no longer being able to drive. Although John can still drive, he knows about .. .---> Continue reading in PDF
Not be afraid to face Alzheimer's disease
.... The First Lady of California Maria Shriver is a long- time advocate for families struggling with Alzheimer's. Shriver's father, Robert Sargent Shriver, the founding director of the Peace Corps, received a diagnosis of the disease in 2003. Since then Shriver has been .. .. .---> Continue reading in PDF