July |
June |
May |
April |
March |
February |
January |
February is the American Hearth Month
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. To prevent heart disease and increase awareness of its effects, Salud+HEALTH info is proudly participating in American Heart Month.
You can make healthy changes to lower your risk of developing heart disease. Controlling and preventing risk factors is also important for people who already have heart disease. To lower your risk:
• Watch your weight.
• Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.
• Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.
• If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
• Get active and eat healthy.
In recognition of January as National Birth Defects Prevention Month - 2016, SaludHEALTHinfo is joining the the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the San Diego American Heart Association and is encouraging healthcare professionals, educators, social service professionals, and the general public to support this effort.
Febrero es el mes dedicado a la Salud del Corazón
Las enfermedades del corazón son la principal causa de muerte de hombres y mujeres. Para prevenir las enfermedades del corazón y aumentar el conocimiento de sus efectos, Salud+ HEALTH info participa en el Mes Nacional del Corazón.
Las personas pueden hacer cambios saludables para reducir su riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades del corazón. El control y la prevención de factores de riesgo también es importante para las personas que ya tienen alguna enfermedad cardiovascular. Para disminuir el riesgo es recomendable:
• Controlar el peso.
• Dejar de fumar y mantenerse alejado de humo de segunda mano.
• Controlar el colesterol y la presión arterial.
• Si bebe alcohol, se debe beber con moderación.
• Mantenerse en forma y comer saludable.
Special announces and community resources |

Corporate Meetings & Events Venues
San Diego County Parks is home to beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces offering a peaceful setting in nature for your meeting or corporate event.
There are venues featuring sparkling ocean views, spectacular mountain vistas and the quiet splendor of the desert. There is an option to fit every budget, style and event.
Explore each of our venues to customize a location that will transform your meeting or corporate event into a memorable experience.
sandiegocounty.gov |
Aquatic and Gentle Fitness Classes
SHARP Grossmont Recreation Therapy offers land based exercise and aquatic classes for seniors and individuals with arthritis or other disabilities. Exercise in a warm water indoor pool led by trained instructors. Call 619-740-4104 for details. |
Mon. Feb. 1st
Registration is Now Open for the 13th annual San Diego
Fighting Parkinson's Step by Step
5K Walk/Run and Expo!
Show your support for this incredible cause - lace up your shoes and join the fun on April 16th, 2016 for a beautiful 5K on the bay at NTC Park/Liberty Station!
Please don't wait, register today and invite someone in your life to share this extraordinary experience. Every participant makes a difference and every step makes a significant impact on the Parkinson's community! For more information about the event please visit: www.StepbyStep.com
Mon. Feb. 1st
Tax time already?
The Chula Vista Public Library has teamed up with its annual partner, AARP, to offer free tax preparation assistance at two of its branches. AARP volunteers are trained, and are available at the Civic Center and South Chula Vista libraries on a first-come, first-served basis. No appointments will be taken. Special attention will be given to residents over 60 and low and middle income residents. No appointment needed. For more information, visit the Chula Vista Library or call (619) 691-5069.

Aging and Independence Services
AIS provides services to older adults, people with disabilities and their family members, to help keep clients safely in their homes, promote healthy and vital living, and publicize positive contributions made by older adults and persons with disabilities.
For more information visit or call:
County of San Diego
Aging and Independence Services
1-800-510-2020 |

Senior Resource Center
Information & Referral
The Sharp Senior Resource Center staff is trained to help seniors and their families connect with other services. Do you need a Vial of Life? Do you need an Advance Directive for Health Care form? Do you need information on caregiving, exercise or health? Call the Senior Resource Center at 858-939-4790 |
Mon. Feb. 1
Wills and Trusts
Estate planning expert, Norm Timmins, J.D., Gift & Estate Planning Director of the Sharp HealthCare Foundation will explain why everyone should have a will and some need a trust. Without adequate planning, your heirs may not receive their full inheritance. This free session will provide valuable information on inheritance taxes and legal issues. A free consultation is available. Registration required.
When: Monday, February 1, 2016- Time: 11:30 a.m. Where: at Sharp Health Plan, 8520 Tech Way, San Diego. -Info- Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com |
Tues. Feb. 2
Free Memory Café

Come and share your stories and socialize with others who have worries about forgetfulness. The Memory Café offers the opportunity for people with early memory loss, their care partners, and those who worry about memory problems, to socialize and relax with their family-members and/or caregiver and make new friends and meet others who share similar circumstances and want to know what to do about it. Participation is free and open to all; no commitment is required and drop-ins are welcome.
Why to come? Bein active physically, socially and mentally is good for the brain.
Co-Sponsored by Glenner, Memory Guides, Senior Community Referrals.When: Tuesday February 2, 2016 - Time: from 9:30-11:30am- Where: Chula Vista. Congregational Tower (Spanish) - 288 F Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910. Info: Please contact Marshall Stanek (858) 412-7337 marshall@memoryguides.org |
Tues. Feb. 2

A Healthy Heart Means a Healthy Life |
February is National Heart Month. Learn from Ruth Shaffer, RN of Sharp Grossmont Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation ,about what may put you at risk for heart disease and steps to take to maintain a healthy heart. When: Tuesday, February 2,2016- Time: from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. -Where: Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. - Info- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com |
Tues. Feb. 2

Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms, so you may not be aware that it's damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. Don't make the mistake of assuming symptoms will alert you to the problem of high blood pressure. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers.
Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public is welcome.
When: Tuesday, February 2, 2016- Time: from 9:30 to 11 a.m. - Where: Peninsula Family YMCA, 4390 Valeta, San Diego.
The Senior Resource Center also provides free information and assistance for health information and community resources, call 858-939-4790. For information on additional programs, call 1-800-827-4277 or visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
Wed. Feb. 3

HICAP Insurance Counseling
Receive free information about Medicare, HMO’s supplement insurance or long-term care insurance from trained volunteer counselors of HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). Choose the date best for you. Appointment required. - When: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 -Time: from 9 a.m. to 12 noon- Where: at the Sharp Senior Health Center, 4320 Genesee Ave. #104, San Diego. -Info- Call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or 858-565-8772. |
Wed. Feb. 3

Alzheimer’s Support Groups
Caring for a person with dementia can feel isolating and overwhelming, but you are not alone! Join a Support & Discussion Group and build relationships and learn from other caregivers who understand what you are going through.
When : February 3, 2016- Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm -Coronado Public Library (Conference Room) 640 Orange Ave., Coronado, 92118-- Info: Please contact: Gerry & Claudene Garmon 619-435-1468 |
Thurs. Feb. 4

A New Volunteer Training for the OASIS
CATCH Healthy Habits program.Teach kids the importance of exercise and proper nutrition. When: Thursday Feb 4, 2016- Time: 1 to 3 p.m.- Where:at the Escondido Senior Center, 210 Park Ave., Escondido 92025. - Info: To register, contact Becky at bhofseth@ oasisnet.org or (760) 877-7588. |
Fri. Feb. 5

National Wear Red Day ♥ ¡Vístase de Rojo!

Today is National Wear Red Day and we are ready to win the fight against heart disease. Together, we can improve the health of all women. Share your photos using ?#GoRedWearRed? to participate!
What an amazing National Wear Red Day we had. A heartfelt THANK YOU for spreading awareness for women's heart health! ♥ ?#GoRedWearRed?
El Vestido Rojo es el símbolo nacional para la mujer sobre la enfermedad del #corazón. ♥ ¡Vístase de #rojo el 5 de febrero! @TheHeartTruth |
Fri. Feb. 5

Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms, so you may not be aware that it's damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. Don't make the mistake of assuming symptoms will alert you to the problem of high blood pressure. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers.
Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public is welcome.
When: Friday, February 5, 2016- Time: from 9:30 to 11 a.m. - Where:Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa.
The Senior Resource Center at Sharp Grossmont Hospital offers free or low-cost educational programs and health screenings each month. The Senior Resource Center also provides information and assistance for health information and community resources. For more information, call 619-740-4214. For other programs, call 1-800-827-4277 or visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
Feb. 7-13

Preteen Vaccine Week 2016
February 7-13, 2016 is Preteen Vaccine Week-an annual California observance to promote preteen doctor visits and immunizations to protect preteens against diseases like HPV (Human papillomavirus, meningitis and pertussis (whooping cough).
Learn more about Preteen Vaccine Week, vaccine-preventable diseases in preteens, and well as the vaccines that protect preteens against these diseases; visit the County Immunization Program website at www.sdiz.org.
PVW is a part of Live Well San Diego, a countywide initiative to improve the health and well-being of our community. One Live Well San Diego strategy is to Support Positive Choices. When people choose to get immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases, they build better health in their community. A healthy community is an important part of the Live Well San Diego vision of a Healthy, Safe and Thriving San Diego County. |
Mon. Feb. 8
Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms, so you may not be aware that it's damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. Don't make the mistake of assuming symptoms will alert you to the problem of high blood pressure. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers.
Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public is welcome.
When: Monday, February 8, 2016- Time: from, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Where: War Memorial Building, 3325 Zoo Dr., San Diego.
The Senior Resource Center also provides free information and assistance for health information and community resources, call 858-939-4790. For information on additional programs, call 1-800-827-4277 or visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
Mon. Feb. 8
Diabetes Health Talk
Attend this free event to learn what you can do to take control of diabetes and prevent problems and complications. A Diabetes Health Talk, presented by Scripps Hospital. When: will be held on Monday, February 8, 2016- Time: start at 10 a.m. - Where: to be held at Norman Park Senior Center, 270 F Street - Info: No registration is necessary for the event.
Mon. Feb. 8
Bereavement Support Group: Spouse Loss
This drop-in group offers support to adults grieving the loss of their spouse or partner. In this professionally facilitated group, you will be encouraged to share your experience and can learn from other in similar circumstances.
When:Scripps Home-based Care 4311 3rd Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 - Monday, February 8th, 2016- Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm- Where: - Info: Registration is not required for this event. |
Tues. Feb. 9
Heart Failure
Learn about the risk factors and warning signs of heart failure from a Justine Bono Foltz , Geriatric Nurse Practitioner from the Sharp Senior Health Center. Learn about how you can manage heart failure at home through medication, diet, exercise and regular health checkups. Registration required.
When: Tuesday, February 9, 2016- Time: from 1 to 2 p.m. -Where: at the Peninsula Family YMCA, 4390 Valeta St. San Diego. -Info- Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com |
Wed. Feb. 10
Fall Prevention
Living with dizziness and imbalance? Learn from Rose Rode, Sharp Memorial Physical Therapist, about this issue and how to prevent it. Registration required. When: Wednesday, February 10, 2016- Time: from 12 to 1 p.m. -Where: at the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church, 2128 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego. -Info- Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com |
Wed. Feb. 10
Wills and Trusts
Estate planning expert, Norm Timmins, J.D., Gift & Estate Planning Director of the Sharp HealthCare Foundation will explain why everyone should have a will and some need a trust. Without adequate planning, your heirs may not receive their full inheritance. This free session will provide valuable information on inheritance taxes and legal issues. A free consultation is available. Registration required.
When: Monday, February 10, 2016- Time: 11:30 a.m. Where: at Sharp Health Plan, 8520 Tech Way, San Diego. -Info- Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com |
Wed. Feb. 10
Mental Health 101
Learn how to become a change agent with your clients. This course will provide meaningful tools and information that will prepare you to build relationships and overcome common obstacles with your clients. Presented by Bruce Sachs, Ph.D., Psychologist at Jewish Family Service of San Diego With more than 31 years of clinical experience, Bruce will share many ways he has found to make a positive connection with clients.When: Wednesday, February 10, 2016- Time: 10am – 12pm- Where: Paradise Valley Hospital, Lobby Meeting Room, Room ABC, 2400 East 4th Avenue, National CIty, CA 91950- Info: RSVP Please contact Melissa Hall at (619) 282-1134 or melissah@jfssd.org |
Wed. Feb. 10
Support Group for Caregivers
The South Bay Support Group or Caregivers of loved one with dementia meets 3 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays and is for anyone living with or caring for someone with Alzheimer's or other dementia. There is no charge to join meetings and free professional respite care can be provided for your loved one while you attend the group meeting. Led by Program Director: Bernice Molina, M.S.W. -When-Wednesday, February 10, 2016-Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm- Where: George Glenners Center 280 Saylor Drive Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 420-1703 or southbay@glenner.org |
Wed. Feb. 10
Cupid's Workshop
Children ages 5-12 can join us at Cupid's Workshop and make their own unique and home-made Valentine's Day card for that special someone. Supplies will be provided for the free event held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10, at Otay Recreation Center, 3554 Main Street. Call (619) 409-1999 for more information. |
Wed. Feb. 10
Breastfeeding Support Group
Advice on Breastfeeding at No Cost on a Weekly Basis. A Scripps lactation consultant/educator is available to offer you practical suggestions and support. Bring your baby and join other mothers for an informal discussion of your breastfeeding concerns. There is no charge or preregistration required to join a breastfeeding support group. Free. When: Wednesday, February 10th, 2016- Time:10:00 am - 11:30 pm- Where:Good Samaritan Church Nursery Room 4321 Eastgate Mall San Diego, CA 92121-Info: For more information or to find more classes on breastfeeding, please call 800-727-4777 |
Thurs Feb. 11
Free Memory Café

Come and share your stories and socialize with others who have worries about forgetfulness. The Memory Café offers the opportunity for people with early memory loss, their care partners, and those who worry about memory problems, to socialize and relax with their family-members and/or caregiver and make new friends and meet others who share similar circumstances and want to know what to do about it. Participation is free and open to all; no commitment is required and drop-ins are welcome.
Why to come? Bein active physically, socially and mentally is good for the brain.
Co-Sponsored by Glenner, Memory Guides, Senior Community Referrals. When: Thursday February 11, 2016 - Time: from 10-11:30am - Where: Chula Vista. Congregational Tower (Bilingual) - 288 F Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910. Info: Please contact Marshall Stanek (858) 412-7337 marshall@memoryguides.org |
Thur. Feb. 11
Love Your Heart ♥

Join the heart health movement ! Love Your Heart is a one-day event during which the County of San Diego, The American Heart Association and its partners will be providing free blood pressure screenings to the public at select sites throughout the San Diego region.
The goal of Love Your Heart is to activate San Diegans to “know their numbers” and take charge of their own heart health.
Love Your Heart is a program under with the Live Well San Diego vision. Contact us to learn more. When: February 11, 2016 - Info: For locations and more information please visit: loveyourheartsd.org |
Jueves 11 Feb
Ame su Corazón ♥

Febrero es el mes dedicado a la salud del corazón ¡Únase al evento por la salud del corazón! "Ama a tu Corazón" es un evento de un día durante el cual el Condado de San Diego, la Asociación Americana del Corazón y sus socios proporcionarán pruebas de presión arterial gratis para el público en varios lugares y por toda la región de San Diego.
El objetivo del evento de "Ama a Tu Corazón" es lograr que todos los residentes de San Diego "conozcan sus números" para que cuiden la salud de su corazón y su calidad de vida. "Ama a tu Corazón" es uno de los programas de "Live Well San Diego". Día: 11 de Febrero, 2016 - Info: Para más información en inglés visite por favor: LoveYourHeartsd.org ,y para el mapa, seleccione donde dice: sitios de "Ame a su Corazón" |
Thurs Feb. 11
“Don’t Get Hooked”

The “Don’t Get Hooked” forum will be led by county Supervisor Dianne Jacob.
Speakers will include scam victims, Sheriff’s Department Det. Maureen Perkins and Deputy District Attorney Paul Greenwood, an expert on elder abuse and financial crimes.
A free continental breakfast and event check-in will be available starting at 8:30 a.m.
“This event will arm our elderly and caregivers with vital information on how to avoid swindlers and other flim-flam artists,” Jacob said. “Many crooks see our seniors as easy prey and try to rip them off over the phone or through email and snail mail.”
Experts from the San Diego Police Department, county Aging and Independence Services and the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk's office will be on hand to offer advice and answer questions. They will also provide “Don’t Get Hooked” booklets and talk about some of the most common swindles, including the “grandma scam” and the “IRS scam.”
This is the second in a series of “Don’t Get Hooked” events hosted by Jacob in her district. She and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis teamed up last year to bring more attention to the growing issue of senior scams.
When: Thursday February 11, 2016- Time: It will run from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. -Where: at the College Avenue Baptist Church, 4747 College Ave., San Diego 92115. - Info: For more information, go to www.sdcda.org. To register please call 1-844-899-1597 or sign up at www.surveymonkey.com
Thurs Feb. 11
Free Blood Pressure Reading
One out of every four San Diego adults is diagnosed with high blood pressure. This silent killer's symptoms often go unrecognized and can lead to heart disease and stroke. Don't become a statistic! Receive a free blood pressure reading on Thursday, February 11, from 3 to 6 p.m. at one of these Chula Vista Middle Schools: Bonita Vista, 650 Otay Lakes Road; Castle Park, 160 Quintard Street; Chula Vista, 415 Fifth Avenue; EastLake, 900 Duncan Ranch Road; Hilltop, 44 East J Street; or Rancho del Rey, 1174 East J Street. |
Friday Feb. 12
Free Memory Café

Come and share your stories and socialize with others who have worries about forgetfulness. The Memory Café offers the opportunity for people with early memory loss, their care partners, and those who worry about memory problems, to socialize and relax with their family-members and/or caregiver and make new friends and meet others who share similar circumstances and want to know what to do about it. Participation is free and open to all; no commitment is required and drop-ins are welcome.
Why to come? Bein active physically, socially and mentally is good for the brain.
Co-Sponsored by Glenner, Memory Guides, Senior Community Referrals. When: When: Friday February 12, 2016-Time: from 10-11:30am - Where: Hillcrest – Unitarian Church, 298 West Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92103. Info: Please contact Marshall Stanek (858) 412-7337 marshall@memoryguides.org |
Mon. Feb. 15
Breast Cancer Support Group
For Men and Women Who are Going Through or Have Completed Breast Cancer Treatment.Support groups provide a safe environment where cancer patients can talk about the experience with others who may be having similar experiences. Confidential support groups with bilingual facilitators give people a chance to ease fears and share strengths. This event is FREE and no registration is required. -When: Monday, February 15th, 2016- Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am- Where:Scripps Well Being Center, Chula Vista 237 Church Street Chula Vista, CA 91910 |
Mon. Feb. 15
Bereavement Support Group: Spouse Loss
This drop-in group offers support to adults grieving the loss of their spouse or partner. In this professionally facilitated group, you will be encouraged to share your experience and can learn from other in similar circumstances.
When:Scripps Home-based Care 4311 3rd Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 - Monday, February 15th, 2016- Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm- Where: - Info: Registration is not required for this event. |
Tues. Feb. 16
Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms, so you may not be aware that it's damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. Don't make the mistake of assuming symptoms will alert you to the problem of high blood pressure. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers.
Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public is welcome.
When: Tuesday, February 16 , 2016- Time: from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Where: College Avenue Senior Center, 6299 Capri Dr., San Diego.
The Senior Resource Center at Sharp Grossmont Hospital offers free or low-cost educational programs and health screenings each month. The Senior Resource Center also provides information and assistance for health information and community resources. For more information, call 619-740-4214. For other programs, call 1-800-827-4277 or visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
Tues. Feb. 16
Free Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings
Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, Las Damas de San Diego and San Diego Imaging present this cancer prevention and education event, featuring: • Screening mammograms, • clinical breast exams and pelvic/Pap exams* • Free blood pressure, • glucose, • weight/body fat and • breast cancer gene screenings • Preventive health lectures • Educational booths • Light refreshments • Raffle prizes and music.
You and a friend are welcome to attend and we recommend that all participants register. *Will be offered at no cost to women who qualify for the state of California's Every Woman Counts program. When: Saturday, February 13, 2016- Time: 9 am to 3 pm - Offered by Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center- Where: Douglas & Nancy Barnhart Cancer Center Lobby 769 Medical Center Court Chula Vista, CA 91911. |
Tues. Feb. 16
Caring for the Caregiver
Learn how to take care of yourself while caring of an aging loved one. Caregiving can be stressful and overwhelming. Sessions include Emotional Issues of Caregiving from Southern Caregiver Resource Center; Addressing Behaviors and Communicating with someone with dementia from the Alzheimer’s Association; Proper Transfer and Lift Techniques and much more. Free lunch included. - When: Wednesday, March 16,2016- Time: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. -Where: at the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church, 2128 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego. -Info: Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com. |
Tues. Feb. 16
Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms, so you may not be aware that it's damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. Don't make the mistake of assuming symptoms will alert you to the problem of high blood pressure. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers.
Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public is welcome.
When: Tuesday, February 16 , 2016- Time: from 9 to 10:30 a.m. - Where: Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church, 2128 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego.
The Senior Resource Center also provides free information and assistance for health information and community resources, call 858-939-4790. For information on additional programs, call 1-800-827-4277 or visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
Tues. Feb. 16
Don't Get Scammed
Are you caring for a family member or a friend? Are you concerned about their financial and legal safety? Do you know how to protect your loved ones from scams targeting the elderly? Caregivers this event is for you! Come share some pastries and coffee with us while our experts share their tips on how to avoid scams targeting seniors in our community. Bring your old documents to shred!
Speakers include: Paul Greenwood, San Diego District Attorney’s Office Elder Abuse Division,
Jaime Levine, Director of Legal Services, Elder law & Advocacy, David Weil, HICAP/Medicare Manager, Elder Law & Advocacy, and Martha Rañón, Director of Education & Outreach, Southern Caregiver Resource Center.
Cost: FREE Educational Event- When: Tuesday, February 16, 2016- Time: 9:30am-11:30am- Where: Park Avenue Community Center Home of the Escondido Senior Center 210 Park Ave., Escondido, CA 92025- Info: RSVP to Southern Caregiver Resource Center (858) 268-4432 or 1800-827-1008 www.caregivercenter.org |
Tues. Feb. 16
Being Mortal Documentary Screening
The San Diego County Coalition for Improving End-of-Life Care (SDCCEOLC) is sponsoring this free screening of the PBS "FRONTLINE" documentary "Being Mortal." Offered by Sharp HospiceCare The movie addresses the national dialogue concerning an inescapable reality of life: death. It explores what matters most to patients and families experiencing serious illness and how doctors can better prepare them for it. "Being Mortal" is based on the bestselling book of the same name by Dr. Atul Gawande, who is also the star of the film. After the movie, stay for a discussion led by a panel of experts about end-of-life care. Refreshments will be provided.Cost: Free
When: Wednesday, March 16, 2016- Time: 5:30 to 8 pm- Where:Sharp Corporate Office Auditorium- 8695 Spectrum Center Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123 |
Tues. Feb. 16
Support Group for family caregivers
Professionally facilitated support group for family caregivers. Group is open and ongoing, free of charge, registration is not required. Facilitator: Kassy Mason, MSW, Family Consultant- Southern Caregiver Resource Center. When:Tuesday February 16, 2016- Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm- Where: Paradise Village Retirement Community, 2700 East 4th Street, National City, CA 91950-Info: For more information please contact our office at (800) 827-1008. |
Tues. Feb. 16
Perinatal and Infant Loss Support Group
Bereavement Program: Perinatal and Infant Loss Support Group - Scripps Bereavement Program in partnership with Empty Cradle. This group offers support to mothers and fathers who have experienced the loss of a baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death or SIDS. This group is professionally facilitated by a counselor from Scripps bereavement support program and a peer counselor from Empty Cradle.This event is FREE and no registration is required. When: Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 -Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm-Scripps Homebased Care Conference Room 123, 4311 Third Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 |
Wed. Feb. 17

Alzheimer’s Support Groups
Caring for a person with dementia can feel isolating and overwhelming, but you are not alone! Join a Support & Discussion Group and build relationships and learn from other caregivers who understand what you are going through.
When : February 17, 2016- Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm -Coronado Public Library (Conference Room) 640 Orange Ave., Coronado, 92118-- Info: Please contact: Gerry & Claudene Garmon 619-435-1468 |
Wed. Feb. 17

Chair Yoga
Chair yoga for individuals with limited mobility. When: Wednesday February 17, 2016- Time: 12 to 1 p.m.- Where: will be held at Scripps Encinitas Rehabilitation Center, 354 Santa Fe Dr., Encinitas. -Info- To register or for additional information, please call: (760) 633-6709. |
Wed. Feb. 17

Breastfeeding Support Group
Advice on Breastfeeding at No Cost on a Weekly Basis. A Scripps lactation consultant/educator is available to offer you practical suggestions and support. Bring your baby and join other mothers for an informal discussion of your breastfeeding concerns. There is no charge or preregistration required to join a breastfeeding support group. Free. When: Wednesday, February 17th, 2016- Time:10:00 am - 11:30 pm- Where:Good Samaritan Church Nursery Room 4321 Eastgate Mall San Diego, CA 92121-Info: For more information or to find more classes on breastfeeding, please call 800-727-4777 |
Wed. Feb. 17

What’s New in Cardiac Care
Live Better Electrically. Miniature, wireless, electronic devices are changing the lives of cardiac patients in San Diego. Join cardiologist Steven Higgins, MD, chairman, department of cardiology at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, to learn how the latest noninvasive and minimally invasive surgical procedures can help your heart keep the beat.Free.
When: Wednesday, February 17th, 2016- Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm- Where:Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla Schaetzel Center - Great Hall- 9888 Genesee Ave. La Jolla, CA 92037 |
Wed. Feb. 17

Healthy Living Classes
Are You at Risk for Diabetes or Heart Disease? Join our free Healthy Living Class – designed just for you. Scripps invites you to participate in exploring healthy living through education. Our free classes are designed to help you to make positive, lasting changes in your life. During these sessions, Scripps experts will teach you what foods and exercises protect against many lifestyle-related diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Each class series is three sessions long and takes place on consecutive Wednesdays. The cost is free but space is limited. When: Wednesday, February 17th, 2016-Time: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM- Where: Scripps Chula Vista Wellbeing Center 237 Church Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910-Info: Space is limited. To register for a Healthy Living class series, call 800-727-4777 |
Fri. Feb. 19

Behind The Wheel: Cognitive Decline and Driving
Memory changes and visual impairment impact an individual's ability to drive safely, but the "rules of the road" when it comes to cognitive decline and driving can be confusing. Participants in this class will learn about methods for evaluating driver safety, transportation resources, and tips for having difficult family conversations about driving. Learn from Amy Abrams, Community Education Manager of Alzheimer’s San Diego. - When- Friday, February 19,2016- Time: from 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Where: at the Grossmont HealthCare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. - Info: Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com |
Fri. Feb. 19

Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms, so you may not be aware that it's damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. Don't make the mistake of assuming symptoms will alert you to the problem of high blood pressure. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers.
Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public is welcome.
When: Friday, February 19, 2016- Time: from 9:30 to 11 a.m. - Where:La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd.
The Senior Resource Center at Sharp Grossmont Hospital offers free or low-cost educational programs and health screenings each month. The Senior Resource Center also provides information and assistance for health information and community resources. For more information, call 619-740-4214. For other programs, call 1-800-827-4277 or visit our web site at www.sharp.com. |
Sun. Feb. 21
Film : How to Die in Oregon
An up-close and personal documentary that follows a 54-year old terminal cancer patient as she opts to use Oregon's death with dignity law. Intertwined is the story of Nancy Ziedzielski who tirelessly campaigns to get the Death with Dignity law passed in Washington. Movie starts 1:30-1:35 pm - discussion before and after.
When:Sunday, February 21,2016- Time: 1-4 pm- Cost: Free- Sponsor: The Hemlock Society of San Diego - Location: Mission Valley Library 2123 Fenton Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92108 |
Tues. Feb. 23
Chula Vista Clean Business
Wed. Feb. 24
HICAP Insurance Counseling
Receive free information about Medicare, HMO’s supplement insurance or long-term care insurance from trained volunteer counselors of HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). Choose the date best for you. Appointment required. - When: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 -Time: from 9 a.m. to 12 noon- Where: at the Sharp Senior Health Center, 4320 Genesee Ave. #104, San Diego. -Info- Call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or 858-565-8772. |
Wed. Feb. 24
Advance health care planning
Receive free assistance with advance health care planning to make your medical care wishes known. Sponsored by the San Diego Coalition for End of Life Care - When:Wednesday February 24, 2016- Time:1:30 to 3 p.m. - Where: at the Pacific Beach- Taylor Public Library, 4275 Cass St., San Diego 92109. - Info: Register by Feb. 22 at sdcoalition@yahoo.com or by calling (858) 635-1224. |
Wed. Feb. 24
Breastfeeding Support Group
Advice on Breastfeeding at No Cost on a Weekly Basis. A Scripps lactation consultant/educator is available to offer you practical suggestions and support. Bring your baby and join other mothers for an informal discussion of your breastfeeding concerns. There is no charge or preregistration required to join a breastfeeding support group. Free. When: Wednesday, February 24th, 2016- Time:10:00 am - 11:30 pm- Where:Good Samaritan Church Nursery Room 4321 Eastgate Mall San Diego, CA 92121-Info: For more information or to find more classes on breastfeeding, please call 800-727-4777 |
Thurs. Feb. 25
Google: It’s More than a Search Bar
“Google: It’s More than a Search Bar” class. Cost: Price: $10. When: Thursday February 25, 2016- Time: from 1:30 to 3 p.m. - Where: will be held at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, 4126 Executive Dr., La Jolla 92037. -Info: To RSVP, call: (858) 362-1141 by Feb 18. |
Thurs. Feb. 25
“Fascinating Facts About Our Presidents”
Seminar will be hosted by Richard Lederer, wordsmith, author, and radio personality. When: Thursday February 25, 2016- Time: at 12:45 p.m.- Where: at the College Ave. Center, 6299 Capri Dr., San Diego 92120. -Info: For more information, call: (858) 637-3270. |
Jueves 25 Feb.
¡Febrero es el mes de la salud del corazón! ♥
Las enfermedades cardiacas y ataques cerebrales se pueden prevenir, especialmente cuando conoces los hechos y puedes enfocarte en cómo reducir tu riesgo. Algunos factores de riesgo se pueden controlar, otros no. El Dr. Paulo Guillinta, cardiólogo afiliado con la clínica Sharp Rees-Stealy, hablará sobre los siete pequeños pasos que puedes realizar para lograr GRANDES cambios en tu salud cardiovascular.
Este evento educativo es gratuito, y es solo para adultos. Habrá desayuno ligero. - Día: Jueves 25 de febrero de 2016- Hora: 8:30am – 10:30 a.m. - Lugar: San Diego Country Club 88 L St. Chula Vista, CA 91911-Info: Este evento educativo es gratuito pero requiere que registre. Para registrarte contacta por favor a Jessica.Ruiz@sharp.com o para más información llama al (858) 499-4950. |
Thurs. Feb. 25
Free Memory Café

Come and share your stories and socialize with others who have worries about forgetfulness. The Memory Café offers the opportunity for people with early memory loss, their care partners, and those who worry about memory problems, to socialize and relax with their family-members and/or caregiver and make new friends and meet others who share similar circumstances and want to know what to do about it. Participation is free and open to all; no commitment is required and drop-ins are welcome.
Why to come? Bein active physically, socially and mentally is good for the brain.
Co-Sponsored by Glenner, Memory Guides, Senior Community Referrals. When: Thursday February 25, 2016 -Time: from 10-11:30am - Where: Chula Vista. Congregational Tower (Bilingual) - 288 F Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910. Info: Please contact Marshall Stanek (858) 412-7337marshall@memoryguides.org |
Fri. Feb.26

Alzheimer’s Support Groups
Caring for a person with dementia can feel isolating and overwhelming, but you are not alone! Join a Support & Discussion Group and build relationships and learn from other caregivers who understand what you are going through.
When : February 26, 2016- Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm -Where: Bayview Baptist Church (Christian) MLK Bldg. 6134 Benson Ave., San Diego, 92114-- Info: Please contact: Lottie Harris, RN 858-966-3303 |
Fri. Feb.26

Alzheimer’s Support Groups

Come and share your stories and socialize with others who have worries about forgetfulness. The Memory Café offers the opportunity for people with early memory loss, their care partners, and those who worry about memory problems, to socialize and relax with their family-members and/or caregiver and make new friends and meet others who share similar circumstances and want to know what to do about it. Participation is free and open to all; no commitment is required and drop-ins are welcome.
Why to come? Bein active physically, socially and mentally is good for the brain.
Co-Sponsored by Glenner, Memory Guides, Senior Community Referrals. When: Friday February 26, 2016 - Time: from 10-11:30am - Where: Hillcrest – Unitarian Church, 298 West Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92103. Info: Please contact Marshall Stanek (858) 412-7337 marshall@memoryguides.org |
Sat. Feb.27

Celebrate Black History Month
Celebrate Black History Month at the free 3rd Annual Spring Valley Library Karamu. Live entertainment, speakers, art, children’s activities, and more. When: Saturday February 27, 2016- Time: 12 to 3 p.m.- Where: at the Spring Valley Library located at 836 Kempton St., Spring Valley, 91977. For more information, call Charlotte King- Mills: (619) 436-3006. |
Sat. Feb.27

Guided Tours of Local Waterwise Gardens
The San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas and the Water Conservation Garden in El Cajon host free docent-led garden tours every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. On the last Saturday of the month, the San Diego Botanic Garden tour focuses on water wise plants. Tours are free with admission or membership. After the tour, check out your favorite plants using the plant finders in the Water Authority's "eGuide to a WaterSmart Lifestyle.”
When: Saturday February 27, 2016- Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm - Where: at The San Diego Bontanic Garden in Encinitas,230 Quail Gardens Dr, Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 436-3036, and The Water Conservation Garden in El Cajon, 12122 Cuyamaca College Dr W, El Cajon, CA 92019 - (619) 660-0614. |
Sat. Feb.27

Free Dental Sealants and Fluoride Varnish
What are dental sealants and fluoride varnish? A safe and painless way to protect teeth and help prevent cavities. Dental sealants are a special coating painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. Fluoride varnish is a special fluoride coating painted on all teeth.
Kindergartens can get a free oral health assessment for school! For children 1-18 years of age with no dental resources. Parent or guardian must be present with child.
When: Saturday, February 27, 2016-Time: 9am – 12pm- Info:Walk-ins welcome. Children with appointments will be given priority. Call 619-692-8858 today to schedule an appointment. Where: At six locations in San Diego County:
• Vista Community Clinic, 1000 Valle Terrace Drive • Chula Vista Medical Plaza, 678 Third Avenue • Operation Samahan, Mira Mesa Clinic 10737 Camino Ruiz • Operation Samahan Community Health Center, 2835 Highland Avenue, Suite A • Neighborhood Healthcare Ray M Dickinson Wellness Center, 425 N Date Street • Grossmont/ Spring Valley Family Health Center , 8788 Jamacha Road |
Sun. Feb. 28-
Mar. 1st.
National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference
WASHINGTON DC- The National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference, co-sponsored by the Food Research and Action Center and Feeding America, draws anti-hunger and anti-poverty advocates; federal, state and local government officials; child advocates; representatives of food banks and food rescue organizations; sponsoring organizations and nutrition and anti-obesity groups, for three days of training, networking and Capitol Hill advocacy.
Participants share information and learn how to strengthen the quality and reach of federal nutrition programs, learn best outreach and program practices from other states and localities, fill in the gaps in food service for millions of low-income children, and identify creative ideas for new and innovative approaches to ending hunger. Members of Congress, Hill staff and key Administration officials attend the conference, provide comments as part of plenary sessions and panels, and join participants at receptions and special events. For more information please VISIT |
Mon. Feb 29
Bereavement Support Group: Spouse Loss
This drop-in group offers support to adults grieving the loss of their spouse or partner. In this professionally facilitated group, you will be encouraged to share your experience and can learn from other in similar circumstances.
When:Scripps Home-based Care 4311 3rd Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 - Monday, February 29th, 2016- Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm- Where: - Info: Registration is not required for this event.
Tues. Mar. 1st.
Free Memory Café

Come and share your stories and socialize with others who have worries about forgetfulness. The Memory Café offers the opportunity for people with early memory loss, their care partners, and those who worry about memory problems, to socialize and relax with their family-members and/or caregiver and make new friends and meet others who share similar circumstances and want to know what to do about it. Participation is free and open to all; no commitment is required and drop-ins are welcome.
Why to come? Bein active physically, socially and mentally is good for the brain.
Co-Sponsored by Glenner, Memory Guides, Senior Community Referrals. When: Tuesday March 1, 2016 - Time: from 9:30-11:30am- Where: Chula Vista. Congregational Tower (Spanish) - 288 F Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910. Info: Please contact Marshall Stanek (858) 412-7337 marshall@memoryguides.org |
Tues. Mar. 1st.

Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms, so you may not be aware that it's damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. Don't make the mistake of assuming symptoms will alert you to the problem of high blood pressure. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers.
Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public is welcome.
When: Tuesday, March 1, 2016- Time: from 9:30 to 11 a.m. - Where:Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. |
Wed. Mar. 2

HICAP Insurance Counseling
Receive free information about Medicare, HMO’s supplement insurance or long-term care insurance from trained volunteer counselors of HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). Choose the date best for you. When: Wednesday, March 2,2016 -Time: from 9 a.m. to 12 noon -Where- at the Sharp Senior Health Center, 4320 Genesee Ave. #104, San Diego. -Info- Appointment required. Call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or 858-565-8772. |
Sat Mar. 5

Caregiving at Home
Caregiving at Home: Physical Aspects of Caregiving. Family caregivers can learn and practice the basics of caring for a loved one at home including transfers, personal care, proper body mechanics & more! Learn from a registered nurse how to physically care for your loved one and how to protect yourself from injury. -When: Saturday, March 5,2016- Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Where: at the Sharp Grossmont Hospital Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 13/14, 9000 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -Info- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com |
Mon Mar. 7

Hearing Loss: Cognition, Audition, and Amplification
The hot topic in hearing is related to Cognition, Audition, and State of the Art Amplification. Hear from a Doctor of Audiology about looking beyond audibility and the role of SUPRA-Threshold Auditory Processing and Cognition in hearing loss of older adults. Learn about the relationships between cognitive status and hearing aid factors. When: Monday, March 7, 2016-Time: from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. - Where:at Sharp Health Plan, 8520 Tech Way, San Diego. -Info- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com. |
Fri Mar. 11

Operation Family Caregiver
The “Operation Family Caregiver,” is a free educational conference for military & veteran family caregivers. Lunch provided. When: Friday March 11, 2016- Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.- Where: will be held at the North Inland Live Well Center, 649 West Mission Ave., Escondido, 92025. - Info: To RSVP, call Southern Caregiver Resource Center at (858) 268-4432. |

Ron Roberts Named 2016 Chairman of Board of Supervisors
San Diego January 5, 2016 |

Legends Project on Display at the Heritage of the Americas Museum
The San Diego Legends art exhibit will be on display at the Heritage of the Americas Museum on the Cuyamaca College campus, located at 12110 Cuyamaca College Drive West in El Cajon. The exhibit will run from January 6 - February 23.
The project, begun in 2013 by the San Diego County Library and the county's Aging and Independence Services department, is an annual recognition of citizen leaders, comprising painted portraits by local artist Mona Mills, photographs, and impact statements about local elders who lead by example. |