Fall Prevention:Strong Today: No Falls Tomorrow
Each year, more than 12,000 older adults in San Diego County arrive at the hospital after a fall. You are more likely to fall if you take multiple medications, have low Vitamin D, get dizzy, have problems seeing, or have trouble walking and getting around. However, there are many things you can do to stay active, independent, and fall-free. That is why the California State Legislature has designated the first week of autumn each year to be Fall Prevention Awareness Week. The San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force has been leading the way locally in education and resources to keep older adults from this type of harm. We have planned 3 events in locations around the County for Fall Prevention Awareness Week to educate older adults and caregivers on how to prevent falls. Each event will feature dynamic speakers, fall risk screenings, and exhibitors with local resources. All events are free – Participants should register by calling 1-800-827-1008

Healhier Living with Chronic Conditions 
San Diego- The County is coordinating interactive and goaloriented workshops called “Healthier Living”. The workshops are held once a week for people with chronic health conditions such as arthritis, depression, heart disease, diabetes, COPD, or any chronic illness. Caregivers are also welcome to attend. There are also classes strictly for people with diabetes. Designed at Stanford University this program has been proven to achieve positive health outcomes and reduced health care expenditures. The program is led by two trained peer educators, who also have a chronic condition. Topics include diet, exercise, medication management, cognitive symptom management, problem solving, relaxation, communication with healthcare providers, and dealing with difficult emotions. The Healthier Living workshops are available at sites throughout the County. 
No Falls Tomorrow
San Diego County Vector Control Program has scheduled the seventh aerial application of mosquito larvicide for the 2014 mosquito season for Wednesday, September 3, 2014. Larvicide applications will be conducted at various wetlands throughout the county.
The County of San Diego Vector Control Program contractor applies mosquito larvicide by helicopter to wetlands in an effort to reduce mosquito populations and the risk of West Nile Virus (WNV). Female mosquitoes can lay up to 200 eggs at a time in the still water found in wetlands. These eggs hatch into larvae which feed on organic material. The mosquito larvicides are made from naturally occurring bacteria which target the mosquito larvae in the water. This results in the efficient reduction of larvae before they can develop into biting adults which can spread diseases such as West Nile Virus. 

A special event for grandparents (and other relatives) raising grandchildren has beenscheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 23, at the San Marcos Senior Center. There will be a resource fair; one-on-one sessions with experts in legal matters, guardianship and public benefi ts; health screenings for the entire family and a special Wellness Zone; learn some basic Internet skills in the computer lab; opportunities to network with other kinship families; and a drop box for unused prescription medications. Keynote speaker will be Sade Burrell, a motivational speaker and former kinship child. Lunch will be provided. To register, call 2-1-1. |