Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that starts from cells of the breast. The disease occurs mostly in women, but men can get breast cancer too.
There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer. But a woman might reduce her risk somewhat by changing those risk factors that can be changed. If you avoid alcohol, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy body weight, you are decreasing your risk of getting breast cancer.
Breast-feeding for several months also seems to reduce breast cancer risk.It is also important for women to follow the American Cancer Society’s guidelines for finding breast cancer early.
If you're concerned about breast cancer, the American Cancer Society can help. Whether you're looking to reduce your risk of the disease or find the best options for treating it, we've got the information you need. Or get involved in the fight against breast cancer by volunteering for one of our patient programs, walking in a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event near you, or lending your voice to our advocacy efforts.
The United States Postal Service continues to sell the Breast Cancer Research Stamp, the first semipostal stamp in US history.
The idea for the stamp came from Dr Ernie Bodai, director of breast surgical services at Kaiser Permanente’s hospitals in Sacramento, and author of books, I Flunked My Mammogram (2001), and The Breast Cancer Book of Strength & Courage: Inspiring Stories to See You Through Your Journey.
Bodai, disturbed by decreasing funding for breast cancer research, started to lobby US Postal Service for a fund-raising postage stamp. For a long time the idea was resisted by the Postal Service, with pressure from philatelists compounding concern that the stamp would create a precedent that would be difficult to sustain. Bodai joined forces with a fellow lobbyist, Elizabeth (Betsy) Mullen, and mounted a campaign to convince US Congress and Senate. Finally in 1997, with the support of fellow Californians Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Vic Fazio, Congress and Senate passed legislation to make it possible for the special stamp to be issued. The stamp was finally issued on July 29, 1998, in Washington D.C. |
.....The national Child Health Day-Child Health Day is an opportunity for everyone who cares about and for children to spread the word about preventing illness and injury to build a healthier, safer, brighter future for every child.
Everyone knows an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure — Child Health Day is your chance help them learn exactly what to do to prevent problems and promote child health.
For more information and materials available please contact Cynthia Tibbs from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau at (301) 443-2170, or by mail: Parklawn Building, Room 1805 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 - or visit www.mchb.hrsa.gov |
....Because driving is something that we do every day, many of us take our driving skills for granted. Most drivers claim that they are good drivers, but it just cannot be true. With 6 million crashes that resulted in 42,642 fatalities and just under 2.6 million people injured in the United States last year, everyone behind the wheel is not a good driver.
Sponsored by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), Drive Safely Work Week is a nationally observed campaign designed to help employers emphasize the importance of driving safely both on and off the job to reduce preventable crashes. This year’s campaign theme, Take Charge of YOUR Driving Behavior. Reduce YOUR Crash Risk, addresses five common “high-risk” driving mistakes and provides risk avoidance tips that each driver can take to ensure their safety and the safety of others sharing the road. For more information and materials available please contact Kathryn Lusby-Treber from the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety at (888) 221-0045, or by email: nets@trafficsafety.org - or visit www.trafficsafety.org |
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October 6 is the Sarcoidosis Awareness Day
No one knows yet what causes Sarcoidosis. Some physicians believe that Sarcoidosis may result from a respiratory infection caused by a virus. Others feel that exposure to toxins or allergens in the environment are to blame. Most scientists do agree that Sarcoidosis is a disorder of the immune system, with some people vulnerable to getting the disease while the majority of the population remains healthy and unaffected. For more information and materials available please contact Glenda Fulton from the National Sarcoidosis Society, Inc. at (877) 763-4389, or by e mail: sarcoidosisfriends2@hotmail.com - or visit nationalsarcoidosisfriends.org.tripod.com |
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Spring Valley Free Community Festival
It's How We Live! Enjoy live entertainment, health court with Free screenings going on throughout the day; enjoy an array of ethnic delictables, kids court and shop til you drop with over 250 vendors, both local and from around the country, selling their wares and products. The festival promotes diversity in a family-oriented, safe, alcohol-free environment. -WHEN-Saturday, October 6, 2007-TIME- from10 a.m. to 8 p.m.-WHERE-Spring Valley Park and Community Center 8735 Jamacha Blvd. Spring Valley -INFO-For more information please call 619-479-1832
7-13 |
The Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire, the tragic 1871 conflagration that killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400 structures and burned more than 2,000 acres. The fire began on October 8, but continued into and did most of its damage on October 9, 1871.
According to popular legend, the fire broke out after a cow - belonging to Mrs. Catherine O'Leary - kicked over a lamp, setting first the barn, then the whole city on fire. Chances are you've heard some version of this story yourself; people have been blaming the Great Chicago Fire on the cow and Mrs. O'Leary, for more than 130 years. But recent research by Chicago historian Robert Cromie has helped to debunk this version of events. But if a cow wasn't to blame for the huge fire, what was? Over the years, journalists and historians have offered plenty of theories.
According to the National Archives and Records Administration's Library Information Center, Fire Prevention Week is the longest running public health and safety observance on record. The President of the United States has signed a proclamation proclaiming a national observance during that week every year since 1925. For more information and materials available please contact Barbara Dunn from the National Fire Protection Association at 617) 984-7285 or (800) 344-3555 orders only, or by e mail: bdunn@nfpa.org - or visit www.firepreventionweek.org |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, October 09, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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The World Mental Health Day promotes mental health advocacy and educating the public on relevant issues since October 10,1992. It was started as an annual activity of the World Federation for Mental Health by the then Deputy Secretary General Richard Hunter. The day is officially commemorated every year on October 10th. We would like to stress that this isn't simply a one day event. The preparations go on for months beforehand and this is truly a long-term educational effort. In some countries the program stretches over several days, or a week, or even in some cases a month. And in some places preparations for the following year start almost as soon as the current year's event is over.For more information and materials available please contact the World Federation for Mental Health at (703) 313-8680, or by e mail: info@wfmh.org - or visit www.wfmh.org |
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October 10 th. is the Stop America's Violence Everywhere Today- The SAVE program was launched by the AMA Alliance in 1995 to Stop America's Violence Everywhere. As part of SAVE, state and county Alliances provide schoolchildren, battered women and their families, and homeless families with financial and emotional support and simple, effective lessons in conflict resolution. Included under the SAVE umbrella are two paths of action: SAVE-A-Shelter and SAVE Schools from Violence. For more information and materials available please contact Jennifer West from the National Fire Protection Association at (312) 464-4470, or by e mail: amaa@ama-assn.org - or visit www.amaalliance.org |
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Swinging for Seniors Golf Tournament
As San Diego’s low-income senior population continues to rise with the baby boomer generation reaching retirement age, Kelly Capital is presenting the seventh annual Swinging for Seniors golf tournament at Rancho Bernardo Inn. Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the programs offered by Senior Community Centers. Senior Community Centers is a nonprofit agency helping low-income seniors survive in San Diego by providing meals, social, medical and mental health services, homeless and housing assistance, and cultural activities.-WHEN-Wednesday October 10,07-TIME-from 11:00 to 19:00 -WHERE-Rancho Bernardo Inn Golf Resort 17550 Bernardo Oaks Dr · San Diego, CA 92128-INFO- For more information, contact Michele Vieux at 619-235-6572 or by email to michele.vieux@servingseniors.org, or visit http://www.servingseniors.org |
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The Screening for Mental Health, Inc., (SMH) first introduced the concept of large-scale mental health screenings with National Depression Screening Day in 1991. SMH programs now include both in-person and online programs for depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, alcohol problems, and suicide prevention.
Programs are implemented by local clinicians at mental health facilities, hospitals, primary care offices, social service agencies, colleges/ universities, workplaces, schools and the military. In 2006 alone, nearly 600,000 screenings were completed at some 12,000 facilities using SMH programs. For more information and materials available please contact Elizabeth Sisto from the Screening for Mental Health, Inc. at (781) 239-0071, or by e mail: ndsd@mentalhealthscreening.org - or visit www.mentalhealthscreening.org
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As a flu season shifts into high gear this fall, consider giving your immune system a fighting chance with a flu shot.-Suggested donation $ 2- Limited supply on hand.First come, First serve!-DAY- On Thursday October 11, 07- TIME- from 10 am to 12 pm.The San Diego County Health Department and Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista are giving flu vaccines at the Norman Park Senior Center 270 "F" Street, Chula Vista- INFO- Kathy Wigginton 619-691-5086
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National Depression Screening Day
Each year in America almost 30,000 people die by suicide, and 70 percent of those people tell someone or give warning signs before taking their own life.
National Depression Screening Day, Oct. 11, provides mental health screenings and educational materials about common mental health problems. It also educates friends and family members about the signs of suicide and ways to respond to a loved one who may be at risk for suicide.
Screenings are available that Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Grossmont Community Healthcare Library, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. For a reservation, call (800) 827-4277.
Screenings are also available in a variety of Asian languages, including Vietnamese and Tagalog, at the UPAC CalWorks Behavioral Health Center, 5296 University Ave., Suite F1, San Diego 92105. For screening times, call (619) 229-6725.
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Intergenerational games for older adults and youngsters
The Intergenerational games pairs older adults and youngsters to promote healthy lifestyles.Teams earn points through a number of physical and mental challenges.
La Mesa Intergenerational gamesare organizaed by the City of La Mesa in partnership with Aging and Independence Services and several other organizations. WHERE- at La Mesa Middle Schoolathletic field, 4200 Parks Ave.,La Mesa -WHEN- Friday October 12, 07 -TIME-from 9:30 to 12:30- INFO- For information call 619-667-1300
12-20 |
October 12- 20 is the Bone and Joint Decade National Action Week - For more than 35 million Americans -- that is one in seven people -- movement is restricted by a musculoskeletal disorder - arthritis, back pain, fracture, osteoporosis, or sports trauma. That's where the United States Bone and Joint Decade comes in.
As part of the worldwide Bone and Joint Decade initiative, U.S. patient and physician healthcare organizations, government agencies, and industry, have come together to improve prevention of bone and joint disorders, and to improve the quality of life for those affected. This goal begins with increased awareness during the Bone and Joint Decade National Action Week. For more information and materials available please contact Toby King from the U.S. Bone and Joint Decade at (847) 384-4010, or by e mail: usbjd@usbjd.org- or visit www.usbjd.org |
12-20 |
Lays the groundwork for a healthier community
Every Year the Binational Health Week BHW, represents one of the largest efforts in the Americas to bring health care to the most medically underservedimmigrant populations. Government, international, public, private, and community organizations work in unison to make BHW possible each year.
The Binational Health Week (BHW) is an annual weeklong series of health-promotion and health-education activities geared toward the most vulnerable and difficult to reach migrants and immigrants from Mexico and Central America, but benefits underserved Latinos regardless of their national origin and their communities of origin. Since its inception in seven Mexican states and seven California counties in 2001, the BHW has expanded steadily. In 2006, an estimated 300,000 people participated in 1,014 activities and received 49,349 health screenings throughout the United States and Canada. An additional 386,000 people were reached and 235,000 health screenings provided through activities carried out in 23 federal entities and 294 municipalities in Mexico.
This year, the 7th Binational Health Week is making special efforts to address work-related health issues faced by Latino immigrant workers. A report, titled “Migration, Health and Work: Facts Behind the Myths”, will be released at the VII Binational Health Week Inaugural Policy Forum.
The 7th Binational Health Week 2007 will take place on October 13-21. The inauguration will take place in Los Angeles and the closing event will be in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico (October 19th, 2007), where it will be hosted by Mexico’s Secretary of Health. For local health related events, call the United Way toll-free number (1-800-273-6222) or dial 211 or visit the Binational Health Week website |
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• The Latino Health Leadership Summit Sponsored by San Ysidro Health Center, brings together a number of distinguished speakers known for their accomplishments in the area of Latino health research, health policy development and service delivery.
“These are just a few of the wide array of topics that are imperative to the well being of our community,” said Martinez. “We are honored to have such a distinguished group of leaders and educators to offer perspective and guidance as we move forward in meeting the diverse health care needs of our community.”
According to Ed Martinez, CEO of SYHC, the primary goals of this Leadership Summit are to increase the public’s general understanding of the key issues influencing the health and well-being of Latinos and provide a community-based forum to explore ‘best practices’ for delivering quality health services in a respectful, culturally proficient manner. It will also provide and update all attendees with current demographics and health disparities of Latino populations.
WHERE- San Ysidro Health Center 1275 30th Street San Diego CA 92154
WHEN- Starts Friday Oct 12 and Ends Saturday Oct 13
INFO -For more information please contact: Ana Melgoza at 619-205-6378 or amelgoza@syhc.org- For additional information and registrations at www.syhc.org/summit. |
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Join the volunteer team at San Diego Hospice & Palliative Care and become a part of something truly special. Our volunteers touch the lives of thousands of people in their own communities each year by sharing their time, compassion, and experience with patients and their families. WHEN-The next volunteer training class will be Saturday, October 13, 2007. -TIME- 8:30 am - 5:00 pm-WHERE-San Diego Hospice 4311 3rd Ave. San Diego, CA 92103- INFO-For training location and more information, please call (619) 278-6451 or email volunteer@sdhospice.org. Pre-screening is required. |
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Spa Day on The Bay
San Diego Harbor Excursion and Holistic Hands are hosting the second annual Spa Day on The Bay! Join us for a decadent "sparty" where services such as massages, facials, foot treatments, lip masques and healthy elixirs will be available to you as you enjoy the cruise. Also you can enjoy a lunch menu designed by nutritionist Jan Lovejoy, guest speakers, live music and a a variety of health vendors. Proceeds benefit the Heritage Day Festival and Parade presented yearly by Nu-Way Operation BHILD.
WHEN-Saturday, October 13, 2007-TIME-11:30-3 pm-WHERE-Departs from the foot of Broadway 1050 N Harbor Dr.,San Diego, CA 92101 -INFO- For more information please contact Beth Downing by email bethd@mcraeagency.com or by phone 619-325-8338 or visit www.sdhe.com |
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Acapulco Groove 2007 Fundraiser
Join us this year for a sensational evening composed of passionate Latin rhythms and exotic island cuisine! Get a head start on your Christmas shopping or treat that special someone with one of our unique auction packages from an array of local businesses. Contribute to a worthy cause, learn something new or just come celebrate the success of our latest edition to the video series, Natural High 3! Have fun dining and socializing while being a part of something big in your community!-WHEN-Saturday, October 13th, 2007-TIME-from 6:00 to 10:00 -WHERE-at Birch Aquarium, La Jolla CA-INFO- For more information, contact Kelly Frank at 858-551-7006 or by email kelly@sundtmemorial.org , or visit www.sundtmemorial.org |
15-19 |
Joinhe National Center for Health Education (NCHE) is the officially-designated coordinating sponsor of National Health Education Week, an annual event that is celebrated throughout the nation during the third week of October. Since 1995, NCHE has identified an annual theme for National Health Education Week in order to focus national attention and raise awareness of pressing health issues of interest to the public. In collaboration with a co-sponsor, the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) and its 21 nationwide chapters, together NCHE and SOPHE provide organizational support to schools and community groups, professionals, and the media throughout the nation to undertake activities for National Health Education Week at the state and local level. Groups interested in providing support for the current year's National Health Education Week theme or in future years should contact Jeanne Chun at jeanne@nche.org. For more information and materials available, please contact Ray Marks from the U.S. Bone and Joint Decade at (212) 463-4053, or by e mail: ray@nche.org- or visit www.nche.org
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Part of the Binational Health Week
Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista in Conjuntion with Casa de el Salvador will sponsor the Binational Health fair.Take part in health screening,wellness information and community resources.Free. WHEN-Wednesday , October17-TIME-6:00 PM- For more information please call 1-800- SCRIPPS or visit www.scripps.org. |
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Taking Control of Your Diabetes TV Presents: Sleep Apnea
Are You Tired of Being Tired? Watch the TCOYD TV, for an important episode on Sleep Apnea. Drs. Steven Edelman and Shazia Jamil discuss sleep apnea and the diagnosis and treatments for this serious and common condition in those with diabetes. -WHEN-Thursday, October 18 -TIME-at 9:30 p.m. -MORE INFO- For channel information outside San Diego, click here.
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National Mammography Day
The third Friday in October of each year is National Mammography Day. On this day, or throughout October, radiologists provide free or discounted screening mammograms. The event is sponsored by the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month organization. For more information and materials available, please contact the American Cancer Society at (800) ACS-2345, or visit www.cancer.org
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Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego
Helping Kids – One Step at a Time- Now you can make a real difference in the life of a critically ill child – and have a whale of a time, too! Our first-ever Shamu & You Family Walk is a great way to help the life-saving efforts at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego – and enjoy a fun morning at Mission Bay with your family and friends. This inaugural walk will begin at 8 a.m. at the South Shores boat ramp and will offer a 1-mile and 4-mile course through SeaWorld and the adjacent area.-WHEN-Saturday, October 20th –TIME- 8:00 a.m.-INFO- Call Corporate and Community Development at 858/966-5988. |
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FREE Dental Sealant and Fluoride Varnish Clinic for Children
Children one to 18 years old (with no dental resources) can receive free oral health evaluations, dental sealants, fluoride varnish, and health information on Saturday, October 20, 9am to 1pm, at North County Health Services in San Marcos. The event is being held to help parents comply with a new state law that requires all children to have an oral evaluation by May 31st of their first year of school. The clinic is being funded by Alliance to the San Diego County Dental Society and San Diego County Employee Charitable Organization, and coordinated by the North County Dental Task Force, Health and Human Services Agency, Dental Health Initiative/Share the Care and the Southwestern College Dental Hygiene Program.-WHEN-Saturday October 20,07-TIME-Start: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM-WHERE- North County Health Services San Marcos Health Center 150 Valpreda Road
San Marcos, CA 92069-INFO-Children with appointments will be given priority- Call for an appointment to 619-692-8858- For additional Location Information contact: North County Health Services San Marcos Health Center 150 Valpreda Road San Marcos, CA 92069 |
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2007 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of San Diego, California
Join the Fight at 10th Annual Making Strides Walk
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events have no registration fee and no fundraising minimum. These noncompetitive walks range in distance from three to five miles, and men, women, and children of all ages are encouraged to participate. Whether this is your first Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk or your 10th, we are happy you have chosen to support the American Cancer Society, and we look forward to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer with you.-The 2006 event raised some $1.1 million for research, education, advocacy and patient services in San Diego County. -PLACE-Balboa Park-DATE-Sunday, October 21, 2007-TIME-Registration 7am, Official Start at 8:30am -INFO- INFO-For team information contact The American Cancer Society(619) 682-7445, or 1-800-ACS-2335 or VISIT |
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A Conversation with Matilda Cuomo
Join us for a compelling discussion with Matilda Cuomo, distinguished panelists, and San Diego’s cancer care community as we highlight the major access-to-care challenges facing patients and families today: gaining knowledge, finding treatment, and dealing with the logistics of care. Do not miss this opportunity to share your thoughts and concerns regarding access to care, as it relates to cancer in our community. WHO- Matilda Raffa Cuomo has dedicated her life to service as an advocate on behalf of women, children, and families. As First Lady of New York State
(1983-1995) she worked with community leaders and state and elected officials establishing programs to strengthen families. Mrs. Cuomo has been described as the most active First Lady in New York State’s history. For over thirty years, Mrs. Cuomo has been a national spokeswoman in the crusade to prevent breast cancer and to advocate for patients. She began as a volunteer for the American Cancer Society in
Queens County and now serves as an Honorary Life Member of the National American Cancer Society and as member of the President’s Council of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.- WHEN- Monday October 22,07-TIME-Reception: 5:00 – 6:00 PM Program: 6:00 – 7:30 PM- WHERE-Royston Family Auditorium Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center 10905 Road to the Cure San Diego, CA 92121- INFO- For more information please contact Leslie Greve 858-450-5990 x243 or email to lgreve@skcc.org |
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October 22nd. is the International Stuttering Awareness Day- Stuttering is a problem that affects the flow of your speech.Stuttering can affect anyone. However, it is most common in young children who are still learning to speak. Boys are three times more likely to stutter than girls. Most children stop stuttering as they grow older. Less than 1 percent of adults stutter.
Scientists don't fully understand why some people stutter. The problem seems to run in families. There is no cure, but stuttering therapy for young children can keep it from becoming a lifelong problem. For more information and materials available, please contact Jane Fraser from The Stuttering Foundation of America at (800) 992-9392, or by e mail: info@stutteringhelp.org- or visit www.stutteringhelp.org |
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O'side Turkey Trot
"Move Your Feet Before You Eat" at the O'side Turkey Trot, presented by Fitness Together North County! An Open 5K, a Local's 5K, and Kids Pier to Pier 1 Mile Races are scheduled to satisfy everybody's racing appetite on a fast, flat, scenic oceanfront course. Get ready to gobble your way to the finish line, mere footsteps away from the sand! - WHEN- November 22,07-TIME- 6:30:00 AM-12:00:00 PM-PLACE-330 N Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 |
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“Aging Gracefully Through Wellness Conference”
It has only been eight (8) months since we opened and we are delighted to announce the coming or our first conference “Aging Gracefully Through Wellness Conference”. The conference and luncheon are offered at no cost to our guests because of the support of our sponsors: Health Net of California, Mercy Physicians Medical Group, Inc, Fredericka Manor, UEI-United Education Institute and San Diego National Bank.
Come to the Aging Gracefuly Trough Wellness Conference and Learn & Experience The Healing Benefits Of: Massage Therapy,Yoga, Laughter Yoga, Cranial Sacral Therapy,Deep Relaxation Techniques, Complementary Medicine. If you are going to join us, please register soon. -WHEN- Tuesday, October 23 , 2007-TIME- FROM 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.-WHERE- at Fredericka Manor Fellowship Hall 183 Third Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910-INFO- For more information please call (619) 425-5927 or by email: eabel@awomenswellnesscenter.org. You can register by emailing: Your Complete Name, Complete Address, Telephone, and Email. Please visit: www.awomenswellnesscenter.org
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"Varicose Veins: What Can you Do?"
Recapture the Beauty. If varicose veins get in the way of your lifestlye, you're not alone. Join Zachary Rattner, MD Interventional Radiologist and learn about Endovascular Laser Therapy, the latest advancement in treatment options. DAY-On: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 TIME- 6:30:00 PM-PLACE- Scripps Mende Well Being at UTC Mall. Address: Scripps Mende Well Being 4305 La Jolla Village Dr. L-5 San Diego, CA 92122 -INFO- Phone: 1-800-SCRIPPS- Registration is required. Please call 1-800-SCRIPPS to register for this free program. Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and La Jolla Radiology. |
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The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) created this day to focus on lung health as part of its annual Respiratory Care Week celebration.The Lung Health Day, it's a great opportunity for everyone to become more familiar with a simple test that can diagnose lung problems in their earliest and most treatable stages.For more information and materials available, please contact
The American Association for Respiratory Care, Marketing/Public Relations at (972) 243-2272, or by e mail: marketing@aarc.org - or visit www.aarc.org. |
24-30 |
Comprehensive Diabetes Educator Training Program
RecaptureAccreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Days:Wednesday-Friday, Monday-Tuesday, 24th-26th and 29th-30th-
INFO: Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training--PLACE-- The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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Loma Verde Community Center
Come join the autumn festival! There will be a variety of activities, including games, prizes, crafts, pictures, and a costume contest. All activities are FREE! - FREE! WHEN-Friday, October 26-TIME-3:00 PM- For more information please call (619) 691-5082 or visit Loma Verde Center at 1420 Loma Lane. |
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We're on the MOVE to end Alzheimer's!
The Alzheimer’s Association San Diego/Imperial Chapter will be holding “Memory Walk ’07 Weekend” on Saturday, October 27 and 28 at Balboa Park and CSU San Marcos. Get started now by registering your team online - there is no registration fee to participate! Call us for your Team Captain Packet. Visit us at www.sanalz.org.

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Getting On Track: A One-day Workshop for Mastering the Stresses of Diabetes
This small group program is for anyone who wishes to explore issues involving diabetes "burnout" and the stresses of living with diabetes. You will learn about the emotional pitfalls associated with diabetes, determine your own pattern of diabetes stresses, and develop personalized strategies for mastering the challenges of diabetes. This is a one-day workshop facilitated by Dr. William Polonsky.
WHEN: Saturday, October 27, 2007 -TIME- 9:00 - 4:30 pm WHERE: The Whittier Institute for Diabetes Scripps Memorial Hospital Campus 2nd Floor Conference Room 9894 Genesee Ave La Jolla, CA 92037- COST: There is a $10 charge for the workshop. (Lunch will be provided.)-INFO-Please register in advance by calling 858 - 336 - 8693,or email: info@behavioraldiabetes.org - Please visit our website for information about our other programs. www.behavioraldiabetes.org
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Introduction to Integrative Medicine
This one-day course is designed for savvy consumers who want to take charge of their health, prevent disease and learn about the latest trends in mind-body medicine. Topics such as stress management, nutritional medicine and lifestyle change will be discussed. Expert faculty will review the many evidence-based complementary treatments and therapeutic options promoting holistic health and wellness. Lunch included. Presented by Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Registration is required.-WHEN-Saturday, October 27,07-TIME- 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.-INFO-For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org |
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Community Health Fair and Teddy Bear Clinic
Join us for a day of celebration, health and family fun. Sharp Coronado Hospital invites you and your family to come see what's new at your community hospital. This open house will showcase hospital-wide improvements, programs and services including complementary therapies, emergency services, physical therapy, pet therapy and more. -Festivities will include: Free health screenings
"Ask-the-Doctor" booths, Teddy Bear Clinic for children to bring in their stuffed animal for a "medical check up", Guided tours of the renovated first floor and healing garden areas, Food, entertainment, opportunity drawings and giveaway-WHEN-Saturday, Oct. 27 -TIME- 10 am to 2 pm-PLACE- Sharp Coronado Hospital 250 Prospect Place Coronado, CA 92118- Parking- Parking will be available at Sharp Coronado Hospital’s Medical Office Building (located next to the hospital), the Villa Coronado parking lot and on the street.
-INFO- For More Information To learn more, please call 619-522-3756. |
27-29 |
• National Hemophilia Foundation's 57th Annual Meeting
October 27-October 29, San Diego
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting Working Group 2005, we are pleased to invite you to attend the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) 57th Annual Meeting. This year we convene in sun-drenched San Diego with a top notch program designed to expand our knowledge and our impact in helping people with bleeding and clotting disorders. This important conference brings volunteer and staff leadership from our national organization, chapters and associations across the country together with providers and consumers. One key feature is our “community caucus” – an open dialogue between all these groups that has been instrumental in sparking the new vision and direction for our organization. This year, we are pleased to celebrate our collective achievements under the theme: Renewed, Strengthened, Empowered. The built-in formal and informal networking time at this conference is enhanced by the caliber of our education sessions. This year we are featuring a new pre-conference Project Red Flag consumer symposium on von Willebrand disease. This important program, especially for women, will be held on Thursday, October 27.--INFO:More information please visit http://www.hemophilia.org/events/sandiego_05/home.htm |
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• diabetes
Step Out to Fight Diabetes
Back at the Festival Zone, walker and volunteers will get to learn more about the American Diabetes Association and diabetes as ADA Central and our new "Ask the experts" tent. Enjoy great food, prize giveaways, a Kid Zone and so much more! There will be fun for everyone, including your four-legged friends! Pets are allowed as long as they are on a leash and well-behaved.For more information please contact Shelby Dopp @ 619-234-9897 ext. 7433 or by email at SDopp@diabetes.org or visit Step our to Figth Diabetes |
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5K "Save a Life San Diego" Walk
Join us in support of local suicide prevention and awareness programs by participating in the “Save a Life San Diego” Community Walk. Proceeds will benefit three local non-profits: Mental Health America of San Diego County, Survivors of Suicide Loss, and the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program. The walk is presented by the 24 Hour Access and Crisis Line. There will be entertainment, exhibitors, & a remembrance area. Carol Lebeau, Channel 10 Newscaster, is our esteemed keynote speaker. There is NO fee to walk but if you raise $100 you will receive a free walk t-shirt!!! Pets allowed (please keep them on a leash). -WHEN-Sunday, October 28th- TIME- 9:00am-12:30pm; 7:30am Registration; 8:30am Opening Ceremony -WHERE-Balboa Park (corner of 6th Ave. and Laurel)-INFO- For more information: 619-543-0412 ext. 212- To register, donate or to learn more, please log onto: www.savealifewalk.kintera.org |
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The Science and Clinical Application of Integrative Holistic Medicine
Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine and the American Board of Holistic Medicine will host a comprehensive course on integrative holistic medicine for physicians, nurses, and other health care providers. Board exam is only available for physicians and is optional. Continuing medical education credits available. Presented by Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Registration is required-WHEN-Sunday, October 28 – Thursday, November 1- Optional Board Exam Friday, November 2-INFO-For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org
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Otay Halloween Toddler Carnival
Carnival games, a costume contest, and snacks will be just what your toddler needs for a safe and Happy Halloween! Ages: 2-5- FREE! WHEN-Wednesday, October 31-TIME-10:30 AM For more information please call (619)476-5325 or visit Otay Center at 3554 Main Street.
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Nutrition solutions
“Nutrition Solution for Common Challenges During Treatment” focuses on managing treatment-related challenges that can occur, such as appetite loss, nausea, constipation, gas-formation, taste changes, and weight loss. Offered each month on nutrition by Vicky Newman, MS, RD, Associate Clinical Professor, UCSD Department of Family and Preventive Medicine and a member of the Cancer Center’s Prevention and Control Program. WHEN-Wednesday, October 31, 2007-TIME- 1:30 pm -WHERE- Moores UCSD Cancer Center 3855 Health Sciences Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 -INFO- Please contact us to register or for more information: www.healthyeating.ucsd.edu, Leslie Barbier 858.822.2236 or email: healthyeating@ucsd.edu
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October 31 is the Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Day
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a painful conditioncaused by inflammation of the tissues of the bladder wall. The cause is unknown.The condition is usually diagnosed by ruling out other conditions (such as sexually transmitted disease, bladder cancer, and bladder infections).Interstitial Cystitis (IC) patients can experience any combination of urinary frequency (more than 8 times a day), urinary urgency and/or bladder pain. IC is frequently misdiagnosed as a urinary tract infection, and patients often go years without a correct diagnosis. On average, there is about a4-year delay between the time the first symptoms occur and the diagnosis is made.
More than 700,000 Americans have IC.Theconditiongenerally occurs around age 30 to40, although it has been reported in younger people. Women are 10 times more likely to have ICthan men. For more information and materials available, please contact the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) 301.610.5300 or E-mail Address: icamail@ichelp.org or visit http://www.ichelp.org
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1-2 |
10th International Symposium on Parkinson Research
This Symposium focuses on presenting the latest developments in both basic and clinical sciences relating to Parkinson disease. Invited speakers are world-renowned experts. In addition, five abstracts will be selected for platform presentation from junior-level investigators (including post-doctoral fellows, residents, and junior faculty) who submit abstracts. This is a biennial meeting that precedes the Society for Neuroscience 37thAnnual Meeting.-WHEN - The Symposium program starts Thursday, November 1 at 8:00 AM, and ends Friday, November 2 at 3:30 PM.-WHERE-San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina-INFO
3-10 |
AARP’S Dricer safety course
Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center hosts this 2-part Driver Safety Course -WHEN- on Saturdays, November 3 & 10, -TIME- 8:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m., -WHERE- at Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 16, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. Cost $10. -INFO-Reservations required. 619-641-7020. |
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November is National Diabetes Month.
Sign up today for this informative lecture and free screening presented by a Certified Diabetes Educator from Sharp HealthCare. -WHEN- Monday, November 5-TIME- from 9:30 to 11 a.m. -WHERE- at the Peninsula Community Service Center, 3740 Sports Arena Blvd, # 2 San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Learning All About Cholesterol
What is a normal cholesterol level? What does LDL cholesterol mean? What foods are best for lowering my cholesterol level?What should I look for a nutrition label? What about fast food and restaurants? join us and get all your questions answered in a fun and interactive class.Please bring your recent cholesterol results if available.This presentation is FREE of charge.Presented by:Scripps family Medicine residency Program DAY-Monday, November 5,2007-TIME- 10 a.m.-PLACE- Norman Park Senior Center 270 "F" Street, Chula Vista- INFO- Kathy Wigginton 6169-691-5086 |
6 |
Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks.- WHERE- Peninsula Family YMCA, 4390 Valeta, San Diego, -WHEN- Tuesday, Nov. 6, -TIME- 9:30-11 a.m.- No appointments. Public welcome.
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Whether your loss is recent, or if the death occurred years ago, the holidays can be especially painful. This free program includes practical suggestions for grievers to cope with the painful feelings that often arise at the holidays. Presented by Coleen Linnertz, Bereavement Coordinator, Sharp Hospice Care-WHEN- Tuesday, November 6-TIME- from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. -WHERE- at Pt. Loma Community Presbyterian Church, 2128 Chatsworth Blvd, San Diego. -INFO-Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277
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"Ten Good Reasons to Hate Blood Glucose Monitoring and What to Do About It"
Make Sure You Don't Miss this Presentation from the Behavioral Diabetes Institute - "Ten Good Reasons to Hate Blood Glucose Monitoring and What to Do About It" - Blood glucose monitoring is NOT fun. In fact, it can be downright aggravating and discouraging. Many people decide to stop checking altogether, or to check as seldom as possible. In this presentation, we will look at how and why blood glucose monitoring can drive you crazy.
...But it doesn't have to be this way. We will present and demonstrate new approaches to blood glucose monitoring that can make the whole process less burdensome, more interesting and more personally meaningful. Generously sponsored by Abbott and Bayer Healthcare.
..Presented by Betty Brackenridge, MS, RD, CDE, and Director of Professional Education for Diabetes Management and Training Centers, Inc. of Phoenix, AZ. She is a past president of the American Association of Diabetes Educators, and served a four-year term on CDC's Technical Advisory Committee on Diabetes. She has developed and delivered programs on patient-centered care and experiential learning in diabetes to health professionals in some 35 countries.
..Also presenting is Dr. William Polonsky, Ph.D., C.D.E., and Founder and Director of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute. Dr. Polonsky is an Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry, University of California San Diego; an active researcher in the field of behavioral diabetes; a licensed clinical psychologist; and a certified diabetes educator.
..WHEN: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 -TIME-- 6:30 - 8:00 PM WHERE: The Whittier Institute for Diabetes Scripps Memorial Hospital Campus 2nd Floor Conference Room 9894 Genesee Ave La Jolla, CA 92037 - COST: There is no charge for the workshop and no registration is required. -INFO-Please visit our website for information about our other programs. www.behavioraldiabetes.org
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Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks.- WHERE- St. Agnes Catholic Church, 1145 Evergreen, San Diego, -WHEN- Wednesday, Nov. 7, -TIME- 8:30-10:30 a.m. - No appointments. Public welcome. |
7 |
Nutrition Strategies for Cancer Treatment
Eating well is an essential component for nutritional well being during cancer treatment and recovery. This class presents basics for nutritious eating, as well as nutrition information and strategies for identifying and managing treatment-related problems that participants may experience. Suggestions for developing individualized, healthy eating habits will also be presented.- FEE-There is no fee for this course--WHEN-Wednesday November 7,-TIME-11:00 AM -12:00 PM-WHERE-at Sharp Chula Vista Medical Library - Sharp Hospital 1st Floor 751 Medical Center Dr.
Chula Vista, CA 91911 -INFO- Register Now! To register by phone, please call 1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277), Monday through Friday, 8 am to 6 pm.- Any questions, please call Jennifer Bishop at 619-482-3494 or e-mail at jennifer.bishop@sharp.com |
7 -10 |
United States Conference on AIDS 2007
This conference is the largest AIDS-related gathering in the United States. Over 4,000 workers from all fronts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, from case managers and physicians, to public health workers and advocates will come together to build national support networks, exchange the latest information and learn cutting-edge tools to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS.-WHERE-Palm Springs, CA-WHEN-November 7-10, 2007-INFO-For more information please contact the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) -Tel.202-483-6622 or visit www.nmac.org |
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Using Dream Interpretation with the Bereaved DAY-Wednesday, November 8,07-TIME-6:00 - 9:00 pm-INFO-For more information Call 866-688-1600 or visit www.sdhospice.org |
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A spinal fracture means severely limited activity, constant pain and a serious reduction in the quality of life. Learn about the newest non-surgical treatment which stabilizes a collapsed vertebra. Free. Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas, at the Conference Center.-WHEN-Thursday Nov 8,07-TIME-6:30 – 8 p.m.-INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
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Learn how to get income from your home. If you or your parents are “house rich” and cash poor” and would like to receive a meaningful income without moving, then you need to attend this free, information seminar. Those attending will be offered a free consultation. Presented by J.P. LaMontagne, CTA, Sharp Health Care Foundation -WHEN- on Wednesday, November 8, -TIME- 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. -WHERE- at Sharp Cabrillo’s Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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• Staying Healthy During Cold & Flu Season
Health Matters: Cold & Flu Season
Cold and flu season can hit the senior community hard, that's why it's so important to take precautions and steps to stay healthy during this fall season. Join Sharp Rees-Stealy La Mesa Family Medicine Physician Janet Chang, M.D. as she teaches you about the many ways to stay healthy and avoid dangerous colds and the flu. Please register for this class by Wednesday, November 7. Register Now!-WHEN-Thursday November 8-TIME-10:00 AM - 11:00 AM-PLACE- at Cameron YMCA in Santee-INFO-Please visit www.sharp.com to register online. If you have questions, or if you'd like to register by phone, please call 1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277) |
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Disabled Children to Present Art Project to Disabled Veterans in Chula Vista
A celebration of United States veterans of military service ranging from World War II to Vietnam. CCS clients from the Chula Vista Medical Therapy Unit, with the assistance of CCS Physical and Occupational Therapists, are challenging their fine motor and gross motor skills to prepare an art project and presentation for veterans who reside at the Veterans Home, a 400-bed long-term care facility and therapeutic community located a few blocks away.
Approximately 15 veterans have been invited to visit the therapy unit for an official presentation ceremony of the art project by the children in a school-wide assembly. After the event, the veterans will take the art project back to the home to display at their facility as a tribute to their service.
The California Children Services Medical Therapy Unit is a special program of the County of San Diego HHSA (Health and Human Services Agency) that provides occupational and physical therapy for children with eligible conditions such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy and spinal cord injuries. This event is aimed at inspiring both of these disabled populations (young and old) to overcome their individual challenges. The veterans will get to experience the warmth and determination of the disabled children who receive services with CCS and who are using their individual capabilities to contribute to the project. Most of the Veterans have disabilities of their own that they work to overcome on a daily basis and may be inspired by what these children also face and their achievements beyond their disabilities. -WHEN- Thursday, November 8th, 2007-TIME-1:00 pm – 2:00 pm -WHERE-CS Medical Therapy Unit, Room 604 Greg Rogers Elementary School 510 East Naples Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911 -An electronic version of this Media Advisory can be found at: www.sdcounty.ca.gov
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Addressing Alternative Fuels in the San Diego Region
A half-day workshop on how the region is addressing global climate change and reducing dependence on foreign oil through the use of alternative fuel vehicles will offer insights to fleet managers, policy makers and those with an interest in alternative fuels on Friday, November 9. The workshop is sponsored by two innovative transportation groups: the San Diego Regional Clean Fuels Coalition and the San Diego Regional Sustainability Partnership Transportation Committee, which are bringing together experts from local utilities, transportation agencies, and academic institutions.
DAY-The free workshop is Friday, November 9 -TIME- from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. -PLACE- at the California Center for Sustainable Energy located at 8690 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123- INFO- The public is welcome. RSVP by November 6, 2007 to Greg Newhouse, Chairman of the San Diego Regional Clean Fuels Coalition at gnewhous@sdccd.edu or (619) 388-7673 or visit http://www.sdrafvc.org
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Healthy Minds, Healthy Aging
Senior Mental Health Partnership a program of NAMI San Diego, presents Caring for Older Adults with Mental Illness: Issues and Opportunities. A conference for nurses and all those connected with the care of this population group. A guide for nurses on recognizing and caring for older adults who may be demonstrating symptoms of a mental illness, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, substance abuse or suicidal ideation. Sponsored by NAMI San Diego & UCSD’s Division of Geropsychiatry- WHEN: Friday November 9th, 2007 -TIME: 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. WHERE: UCSD Main Auditorium, Medical Center 200 W Arbor Dr, San Diego, CA-INFO- For more informationa and registration please visit www.namisandiego.org
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Breathing is vital to life. Today, most doctors and scientists have a better understanding of asthmatic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Diagnosing breathing problems at an early stage is very important. Free -WHEN-Friday, November 9,07 -TIME-10 – 11 a.m.-WHERE-Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, at Villa Serena Senior Apartments-INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
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Demystifying the Diabetic Diet
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
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San Diego Breast Cancer 3-Day
The Breast Cancer 3-Day. Because everyone deserves a lifetime. Lace up your shoes, leave your limits at the door. Taking place in 12 cities nationwide, the Breast Cancer 3-Day is a three day, 60-mile walk that unfolds before you like a 60-mile-long pink carpet of hope. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure, to fund breast cancer research and community outreach, as well as the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, to provide an endowment for breast cancer initiatives.-DAY-Friday, November 09, 2007 thru Sunday, November 11, 2007-TIME-All Day Event-PLACE-San Diego, CA-INFO-For More Information Please Call: 1.800.996.3DAY or log ON |
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Finding Balance in the Art of Caregiving
The Caregiver Coalition of San Diego County presents: A Free Conference for Family Caregivers "Finding Balance in the Art of Caregiving"-Topics include: 1-The Family Caregiver and the Emotional Aspects of Caregiving by Veronika M. Glenn, Director of Education, Southern Caregiver Resource Center -2-Caring Conversations by Maxine Fischer, Associate State Director, AARP-3-Legal Issues for Caregivers - Lois Kelly, JD, Elder law & Advocacy.These Conference is Sponsored by: Aall Care and Silvergate Retirement Community- WHEN-Friday, November 9, 2007-TIME- 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM-PLACE-San Marcos Community Center 3 Civic Center Dr., San Marcos CA 92069-INFO-To register for conference, please call Southern Caregiver Resource Center at 1-800-827-1008 and for more information on schedules and membership visit The Caregiver Coalition of San Diego http://www.localcommunities.org/lc/caregivercoalition |
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Learn how your decisions impact the ones you love from Zuzana Colaprete – Attorney and CPA and Jim Brozo, Senior Gift Planning Advisor for Grossmont Hospital Foundation. This free presentation includes a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m. provided compliments of Grossmont Hospital Foundation. -WHEN- Friday, November 9-TIME- from 9 - 10 a.m. -WHERE- at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -INFO- Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277.
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Healthy Eating ActiveLifestyle
Choosing healthy lifestyle habits promotes good health and reduces the risk for chronic diseases. Maintaining a healthy diet, healthy weight, exercising regularly, quitting (or not starting) smoking, and minimizing stress will help improve your health and wellness. Free. Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, Scripps Mercy Well Being Center -WHERE- at Villa Serena Senior Apartments. Address: Scripps Well Being Chula Vista 311 Del Mar Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910-WHEN-Friday, November 10, 07-TIME-11 a.m.-INFO- For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org |
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Sharp Chula Vista Gala 2007
Choosing healthy lifestyle habits promotes good health and reduces the risk for chronic diseases. Maintaining a healthy diet, healthy weight, exercising regularly, quitting (or not starting) smoking, and minimizing stress will help improve your health and wellness. Free. Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, Scripps Mercy Well Being Center -WHERE- at Villa Serena Senior Apartments. Address: Scripps Well Being Chula Vista 311 Del Mar Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910-WHEN-Friday, November 10, 07-TIME-11 a.m.-INFO- For more information, call 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R I P P S or log on www.scripps.org |
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Initiating and Intensifying Insulin and Incretins: The Art and Science of Insulin
Accreditation received from CDR for all of the Whittier Institute's professional diabetes programs! Download the 2007 program calendar for details. If anyone needs additional information, contact Susan LaRue or visit the Website at www.scripps.org/whittiereducation.
Susan M. LaRue, RD, CDE, Manager, Professional Education & Training
The Whittier Institute for Diabetes
9894 Genesee Ave., 3rd Floor, La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: 858.626.5669; Fax: 858.626.5630 |
10-11 |
Healing Touch Training Level 3
Learn how Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to health and healing can promote, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being for you, your loved ones and your patients. Presented by Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.-WHEN-Saturday, November 10 and Sunday, November 11,07-TIME- 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.-- INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
10-17 |
AARP offers a 2-part Driver Safety Course on Saturday November 10 & 17, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St. San Diego. Cost is $10. Call 1-619-641-7020 to register. |
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Diabetes, Nutrition and Senior Health
Join Robert Eric Dinenberg, M.D. and a panel of experts for a presentation on how to be healthy at any age. Dr. Robert Eric Dinenberg was born in San Antonio, Texas and raised in La Jolla, California. He graduated with Honors in Anthropology from UCLA with thesis work in Mind/Body Medicine.
Doctors recommend a healthy diet and lifestyle to prevent and control diabetes in order to help optimize senior health. Free. -WHEN-Sunday, November 11,07-TIME- 2 – 3 p.m.-WHERE- Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, at the Schaetzel Center, Great Hall.-INFO-INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org.
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Your foot health can be a clue to your overall health. Learn how to keep your feet healthy and how to recognize the signs of foot problems. Free. -WHEN-Monday, November 12,07-TIME- 10 – 11 a.m.-WHERE- Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, at Norman Park Center-INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
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Yoga for People with Cancer
Gentle Yoga for People with all Cancer types -first session. A free two-session workshop that will explore the relaxing benefits of yoga. No previous experience with yoga required. Certified yoga instructor, Leslie Denny, will lead workshop. Scripps Cancer Center at Scripps Memorial Hospital: Schaetzel Center, Great Hall.-WHEN- Monday, November 12, 2007-TIME-10:00 am - 11:30 am-PLACE- Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesse Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037-INFO-For more information please contact Tom Friedman, LCSW at (858) 554-9376 or friedman.tom@scrippshealth.org |
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Fall Prevention Class by Sharp Coronado Hospital
Each year one in three people over the age of 65 falls. Falls limit your ability to lead an active, independent life. Sometimes falls cause serious injury and even death. Most falls can be prevented. After this lecture, you will be able to: Learn the Components of Good Balance, identify health factors contributing to falls, recognize the risk factors in your home and community discover if you are at risk of a fall and establish a plan to reduce your fall risk. (Optional quick balance screening after lecture provided for those interested)- Register Now!-WHEN-Tuesday at Sharp Coronado Hospital- Auditorium -TIME- 10:00 AM-INFO-If you have questions, or if you'd like to register by phone, please call 1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277) or visit: www.sharp.com |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, November 13, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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Turning 65 Soon? Get the Facts About Medicare
Are you about to turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare but aren’t sure what to expect or how it works? Each month, Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical centers is hosting a FREE lunchtime class designed for people who are about to transition into Medicare.-You'll learn about:* Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Centers Services * Medicare Changes * Medicare Covered Services * How to Enroll in Medicare * Your Medicare Options * Medicare Lock-in Dates- We'll teach you what Medicare beneficiaries need to know to make a smooth transition into Medicare in just one lunch time class!A light lunch will be provided for attendees. DAY- Tuesday November 13 -TIME- 12:00 PM -1:00 PM -WHERE- at Sharp Spectrum Room 135 -Registration is required -INFO- To enroll in this class please call 1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277) or to register online visit: www.sharp.com |
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Do you have aching, cramping or pain in your legs when you walk or exercise, but pain goes away after you rest? This free screening tests the arterial blood flow to the legs. Grossmont College’s Cardiovascular Technology Program students check blood pressure at the ankles & arms. No nylons. This is a student practice, not a diagnostic test. -WHEN- Tuesday, November 13-TIME- 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m -WHERE- at Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classrooms 13 & 14, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. -INFO- Appointment required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Estate planning experts J.P. La Montagne, CTA of the Sharp HealthCare Foundation and James F. Watts, Esq., Attorney at Law will explain why everyone should have a current will and why some need a trust. Without adequate planning, your heirs may not receive their full inheritance. This free session will provide valuable information on inheritance taxes and legal issues on Wednesday, -WHEN- November 13 -TIME- from 9:30 to 11 a.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Learn ways that bereaved persons can better understand their grief and improve their coping skills during the holiday season, explore the spiritual meaning of the holidays in the face of grief, and revive a sense of hope from Sharp HospiceCare Bereavement Counselor and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Randye Golden-Grant -WHEN- on Tuesday, November 13 -TIME- from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Grossmont Healthcare District Library (Doctor’s Lounge), 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa- -INFO- Refreshments will be served. Free. Public welcome. Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277.
13-27 |
Free Caregiver Resource Meetings
Come and let us help you to help the ones you love. Join us at the Grossmont Hospital Rehabilitation Conference Room to learn and discuss caregiver concerns, community and support resources and more. Group meets Tuesday November 13 & 27, 3-4 p.m. For more information, call Carol Roskos at 619-740-4193. |
14 |
Intergenerational games for older adults and youngsters
The Intergenerational games pairs older adults and youngsters to promote healthy lifestyles.Teams earn points through a number of physical and mental challenges.
Teams will be made up of one senior (age 50 and older) and one student from the Chula Vista Elementary School District, who will take part in skill challenges, such as basketball shoot, tennis shot and shot put. -WHEN-Wednesday, Nov. 14,-TIME- from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. -WHERE- at the U.S. Olympic Training Center, 2800 Olympic Parkway in Chula Vista. - INFO- For seniors to register, or for more information, call (858) 505-6332. |
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Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks.- WHERE- St. Peter's by the Sea Lutheran Church, 1371 Sunset Cliffs, -WHEN- Thursday, Nov. 15, -TIME- 9:30-11 a.m. - No appointments. Public welcome. |
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Baby’s Sleep Patterns
If you’re the parent of a new baby, you may be wondering how much sleep your baby really needs and whether your little one is sleeping too much or too little. Free. -WHEN-Thursday, November 15,07-TIME- 10:30 a.m. – noon-WHERE- Presented by The Parent Connection, at Scripps Mende Well Being.-INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
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• Prevention of Colon Cancer
Who is at risk for colon cancer? Did you know that colon cancer is known as a silent killer? Learn about prevention, risk factors, symptoms, tests and treatments. Free. -WHEN-Thursday, November 15,07-TIME- 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.-WHERE- Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, at Scripps Mercy Well Being.-INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
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Laser Vision Correction
Do you wish you could wake up without your glasses or contacts? Join board certified ophthalmologist, Paul Chen, M.D. and learn how the latest in vision correction can treat nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Free. WHEN-Thursday, November 15,07-TIME- 6:30 – 8 p.m.-WHERE- Presented by Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas, at the Conference Center.- INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
16 |
Favorite Interventions: Helping the Bereaved through the Holidays-DAY-Friday, November 16-TIME- 6:00-9:00 PM- INFO-For more information Call 866-688-1600 or visit www.sdhospice.org |
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Image Guided Pain Therapy
Back pain is one of humanity’s most frequent complaints. Join interventional radiologist Eric Chou, M.D., who will discuss a variety of image guided procedures for back pain including epidural injections, selective nerve root blocks, steroid joint injections and vertebral augmentation. Cost is $3. WHEN-Friday, November 16,07-TIME- 1:15 – 2:45 p.m.-WHERE- Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital, at OASIS in Mission Valley.- INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
17 |
• Attend The Next PA/PG Auction
...The County’s Public Administrator/Public Guardian’s office coordinates a personal property auction every other month, with the proceeds benefiting clients or their beneficiaries. Proceeds from the auction are returned to individual estates in which the assets originated. Money earned by decedent estates is distributed to the heirs or beneficiaries. Funds earned by conservatorship estates are used to pay for housing, medical care and other personal needs for persons found by the court to be unable to provide for their own care.
....The next auction will be held Saturday, Nov. 17, at the PA/PG warehouse, 5201-A Ruffin Road in Kearny Mesa.
....Registration begins at 8 a.m. Vehicles will be auctioned at 8:30 a.m., with all other items will follow. Customers are required to pay for and pick up the auction property by 2 p.m. that day. To see some of the items for auction, or for additional information, see www.papg.org.
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Couples are encouraged to attend during the first three months of pregnancy. Make informed health decisions during the early and later stages of pregnancy. Topics covered include: growth and development of your baby; nutrition and exercise during pregnancy; emotional and sexual changes for couples; and identifying potential risks to pregnancy and/or your developing baby-Fee: $25 Per Couple - WHEN- Saturday November 17, 07- TIME- 9:00 AM -11:30 AM- WHERE- at Sharp Conference Center- Please Note: If the minimum class size requirement is not met, you may be contacted regarding a cancellation or to reschedule. INFO-To enroll please call 1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277), Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Or, to register online visit: www.sharp.com |
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Empowering Diverse Communities
Save-the-Date for the 75th Diamond Anniversary Gala to benefit Bayside Community Center-Special Event includes: Special Diamond Raffle, Silent Auction, Live Auction, Entertainment and Dancing.-Guest Emcee is Lee Ann Kim, 10 News Anchor- Tickets: $100 per person RSVP by Oct 31, $150 late RSVP
Table Sponsorship: $1,200 by Oct 31, $1,500 late RSVP-Since 1932, Bayside Community Center has provided emergency services and advocacy to immigrants and refugees in San Diego who are limited by language, cultural understanding, knowledge of existing laws, and transportation barriers. Bayside's four focus areas of service are Health and Social Services, Education, Housing and Public Safety, which include 14 programs.-WHEN- Saturday November 17, 2007-TIME-Cocktail hour 6:00 pm, Dinner at 7:00 pm-WHERE- University of San Diego, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, 92110-INFO- For more information or to register, please contact Arturo Vazquez at avazquez@baysidecc.org or 858-278-0771 |
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Weight Loss Surgery Program at Sharp Chula Vista
Sharp Chula Vista's Weight Loss Surgery Program offers the kind of long-term solution that will get you on the road to a healthier life. Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective ways to permanently lose weight after years of unsuccessful attempts. At our informational seminar, you will learn what weight-loss surgery is and who is a likely candidate. You will also have the opportunity to speak with a gastric-bypass surgeon and have your insurance and surgery questions answered by our team.-WHEN- Monday November 19,07- TIME- 6:00 PM -7:30 PM -WHERE- at Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center-INFO- For more informationa and for registration please visit www.sharp.com |
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Optimum Communication
A free seminar about the Pat to better Relationships with Carol Harrington,M.A.-Are you experiencing challenging interpersonal communications with your children, spouse, partner, parent, or boss? Would you simply like to enhance your communication effectiveness? In this free seminar you will learn to… - Respond to criticism without attacking or withdrawing - Listen compassionately while taking care of yourself - Deal with high negative energy - Express your needs without resorting to blame or judgment - Set limits with others in a respectful manner- Learn how to SPEAK so others will LISTEN & Learn how to LISTEN so others will SPEAK-WHEN-Monday, Nov. 19 and Monday, Nov. 26-TIME- 6:00 to 7:30 pm (both nights)-WHERE- Mission Valley Library, 2123 Fenton Parkway, (858) 573-5007-INFO-Questions? Please contact Carol at (cell) 831 601 5062 or wellnalive2@yahoo.com |
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Gentle Yoga – Coping with Cancer
Join us for a two session introductory class. Learn how yoga can enrich your life and help you cope with the emotional and physical challenges that may accompany a cancer diagnosis. Free.-WHEN-Friday, November 20,07-TIME-9:30 – 11:30 a.m.-WHERE- Presented by Scripps Cancer Center, Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, at the Schaetzel Center, Great Hall.-INFO-To register or for more information about our classes, call 1-800-SCRIPPS .or visit www.scripps.org. |
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5K and 10K benefits JFS Foodmobile
The 6th Annual Run for the Hungry Thanksgiving Day 5K and 10K presented by Pure Fitness - TIME- will be held at 8:00 a.m. -WHEN- on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2007.
“Running or walking through downtown San Diego with over 3,000 of your new best friends is the perfect way to start a Thanksgiving Day,” said Kathy Loper, race director. “It is a family-oriented event that’s perfect for all age groups and fitness levels.”
The scenic 5K (3.1-mile) and 10K (6.2-mile) run/walk starts and finishes in the heart of downtown and features live entertainment. A post-race party and awards ceremony follows.
Four-legged family members are also encouraged to participate. Participants can register their canine companions in “Riley's Run,” a new event feature this year. For a $10 fee, friendly, leashed dogs can accompany their human and receive a special race bandana, enjoy water stations along the course and receive a treat at the finish line.
All participants are encouraged to bring one or more non-perishable canned goods which will be donated to FoodMobile, a program of Jewish Family Service, for distribution to local families. Foodmobile also receives a portion of the money raised from this event. Foodmobile recently celebrated its 35th anniversary of delivering kosher meals to homebound seniors and, since 1998, younger disabled adults. During 2005-6, Foodmobile delivered over 26,000 meals. FEES-Adult entry fees on or before 10/19/07 $25 after 11/17/07 $30- Youth entry fees on or before 10/19/07 $15 after 11/17/07 $20- Dog registration $10 each- REGISTER NOW |
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Diabetes Lecture/Screening
November is National Diabetes Month. Learn about Diabetes and how the proper nutrition can make a difference. -WHEN- Lecture is on Tuesday, November 27 -TIME- from 10-11 followed by a free blood glucose screening 11-11:30 a.m. -WHERE-Presented by the Sharp Diabetes Education Department at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St. La Mesa. -INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277.
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Creating Your Roadmap
Navigating End of Life Decisions is a FREE forum talking about important decisions you and your family need to make and the options available to make them and a Resource fair.Topics include Financial and Estate planning, health care directives, medical care, legal issues,spirituality, and financial disposition arrangements. Light breakfast, Luch and Give-aways provided.- WHEN- Tuesday November 27, 2007 - TIME- 3:30 to 2:00 p.m- WHERE- War memorial Building balboa Park 3325 Zoo Drive San Diego, CA 92101-INFO- for additional information contact Brian Rollins at 858- 505-6305 or brian.rollins@sdcounty.ca.gov
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Intergenerational games for older adults and youngsters
The Intergenerational games pairs older adults and youngsters to promote healthy lifestyles.Teams earn points through a number of physical and mental challenges.
El Cajon. Older adults (age 55 and older) and students from Naranca Elementary School will team up for Frisbee toss, hockey shootout and more. -WHEN-Wednesday, Nov. 28,-TIME- from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. -WHERE- at the Boys and Girls Clubs of East County, 1171 E. Madison Ave.-INFO-For registration information, call (858) 505-6332.
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• Free Flu Shots Offered to First 1,000 Volunteers; It’s Still Not Too Late for Shots

The County of San Diego HHSA (Health and Human Services Agency) Emergency Medical Services is offering 1,000 people a flu shot while helping the Agency practice its response to a health emergency.
A mass vaccination exercise featuring free flu shots for the public will take place Wednesday, Nov. 28 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the San Marcos Civic Center (1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069). This event is a joint effort between HHSA’s Emergency Medical Services, Immunization Branch, North Regions, and the City of San Marcos. Only the first 1,000 volunteers will receive a free flu shot.
Volunteers in the Points of Dispensing (POD) exercise will be directed through a series of stations and given a free flu shot. By donating their time, volunteers can help Emergency Medical Services test its emergency response capabilities, which will benefit the entire community. The mass vaccination is one of a series of exercises that will help the County practice executing its public health preparedness plan.
“The recent wildfires have shown that developing disaster preparedness plans and practicing them on a regular basis, as we do, helps us to better respond during a disaster,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County of San Diego Public Health Officer.
Since the flu season is currently underway, the exercise also gives the public an opportunity to protect their health and the health of those around them by getting a flu shot.
“The flu often peaks in February, so it’s not too late to get a flu shot in December or even January,” Dr. Wooten added.
Each year influenza-related complications are responsible for 36,000 deaths and more than 200,000 hospitalizations. This season, with an expected 132 million doses of influenza vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that anyone wanting to reduce their risk of getting influenza or transmitting it to others receive flu vaccine. High risk adult groups adults age 50 and older, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic diseases, including asthmaare strongly recommended to receive an influenza vaccine.
Local health departments around the nation are organizing POD exercises to test their preparedness plans and give staff and volunteers ongoing practice in executing those plans.
For more information about the exercise, contact the HHSA Immunization Branch at (619) 692-8661.
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Rady Children’s Legacy Plan 12th Annual Professionals Symposium
Symposium for attorneys, accountants, financial planners, insurance and other professionals. Continuing education offered.-WHEN-Thursday, November 29, 2007, -TIME- from 1:30-5:30 p.m., -WHERE- Hyatt Aventine, La Jolla-INFO- Contact Sarah Nielsen at 858/966-4902 or snnielsen@rchsd.org .
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has designated the week after Thanksgiving as National Influenza Vaccination Week. This week long event is designed to raise awareness of the importance of continuing influenza (flu) vaccination, as well as foster greater use of flu vaccine through the months of November, December and beyond. Since flu activity typically does not peak until February or later, November and December still provide good opportunities to get vaccinated.
During October a record 100 million-plus doses were distributed nationwide this year. - MedImmune had released for distribution all 3 million doses of its nasal spray vaccine, FluMist, which is approved for healthy people over the age of 5.
"The best way to guard against the flu is to get vaccinated, which helps to protect you, your loved ones, and your community," says Dr. Jeanne Santoli, deputy director of the Immunization Services Division at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Health officials advise certain groups to get a flu shot every year: Adults age 50 and older; pregnant women; children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years; and anyone with a medical condition that raises the risk of complications.
It’s not too late to get your flu shot! Flu shots are recommended for adults over age 50, for adults with chronic illness and caregivers. For flu clinic locations throughout the county, call toll free 1-877-358-0202 or visit www.sdchip.org. |
1-8 |
AARP’S Driver Safety Course
Sharp Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center hosts this 2-part Driver Safety Course -WHEN- on Saturdays, December 1 & 8,07-TIME- 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.,-WHERE- at Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 16, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa. -INFO- Cost $10. Reservations required. 619-641-7020. |
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Komen San Diego Race for the Cure
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Mark your calendar and plan to join over 15,000 others in this amazing, uplifting and vitally important community event. This flat and very scenic, 5K/Run/Walk is perfect for everyone - all ages, and all fitness levels, so plan to bring the entire family out for a morning of fitness and fun all for a wonderful cause.The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Mark your calendar and plan to join over 15,000 others in this amazing, uplifting and vitally important community event. This flat and very scenic, 5K/Run/Walk is perfect for everyone - all ages, and all fitness levels, so plan to bring the entire family out for a morning of fitness and fun all for a wonderful cause. -WHEN- Sunday, December 2, 2007-TIME- 8:00 am - 5:30 pm-PLACE- Balboa Park San Diego, CA-INFO- Please call (760) 692-2900 or to learn more and register online, check out our web site: www.komensandiego.org |
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Fall Prevention
Do you live with dizziness or imbalance? Learn about this problem and what you can do about it with this educational program provided by Sharp Cabrillo Physical Therapist Nicole Hill. -WHEN- Monday, December 3 -TIME- from 9:30 to 11 a.m. -WHERE- at the Peninsula Community Service Center, 3740 Sports Arena Blvd. #2, San Diego.-INFO- Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome.-WHEN-Tuesday, December 4,07-TIME- 9:30-11 a.m.-WHERE-a t Peninsula Family YMCA, 4390 Valeta, San Diego. |
4-6 |
AARP’S Driver Safety Course
AARP offers a 2-part Driver Safety Course -WHEN- on Tuesday, December 4 and Thursday, December 6,07 -TIME- from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Medical Staff Conference Room, 3475 Kenyon St. San Diego. -INFO- Cost is $10. Call 1-619-641-7020 to register. |
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Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome.-WHEN-Wednesday, December 5,07-TIME- 8:30-10:30 a.m.-WHERE-St. Agnes Catholic Church, 1145 Evergreen, San Diego |
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Hearing loss has been called the silent epidemic.
This problem now affects about 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65. Do you have a problem hearing over the telephone or hearing conversations when there are background noises? Attend this free screening- WHEN- on Thursday, December 6 -TIME- from 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center, 3475 Kenyon St., San Diego. -INFO- Appointment required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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HELP! I’m a Caregiver
Find out about health and community resources for family caregivers, placement options, support groups and more. This free class also covers emotional issues about caring for a loved one. WHEN- Thursday, December 6, 07,-TIME- 2 - 4 p.m. -WHERE- at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -INFO-Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277. |
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"Helping Seniors Beat the Holiday Blues"
The Senior Mental Health Partnership (SMHP) has joined forces and has become a program of NAMI San Diego in order to strengthen it’s mission of addressing the needs of older adults in San Diego County. Almost 4 years ago SMHP was founded by a core group of community members. It is the only group in San Diego County that brings together consumers, family, and other community members, and various mental health and social service professionals to network with one another and increase education and advocacy for the specialized mental health and substance abuse needs of older adults. -DAY-Saturday, December 08, 2007
Please join us at our December meeting: "Helping Seniors Beat the Holiday Blues" --TIME- at 8:30am -LOCATION- Behavioral Health Administration Building 3255 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108
Presenter: Daniel D. Sewell, M.D. Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Director, UCSD Senior Behavioral Health Program
Dr. Sewell’s current research interests include: 1) the use of the neuropsychological test, the Clock Drawing Test (CDT), to distinguish older patients with major depression from older patients with major depression and early dementia; 2) unrecognized medical illness as the cause of behavioral disturbance in patients with dementia; 3) the use of aroma therapy to reduce agitation in patients with dementia; 4) sex, aging, and dementia, 5) metoclopramide-associated tardive dyskinesia; and 6) the use of atypical antipsychotic medications in older patients. Dr. Sewell spends the large majority of his time working with patients admitted to the Senior Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit at UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest. About half of the inpatients are experiencing severe behavioral disturbance as a complication of dementia and about half are experiencing problems with depression or anxiety but do not have dementia. Occasionally, he treats older patients with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. He works closely with a multi-disciplinary team that includes a geriatric internist, neuropsychologist, social worker, occupational therapist, and nurses. His work frequently includes family therapy.
The mission of the Senior Mental Health Partnership is to improve the quality of life for older adults in the diverse communities of San Diego County by addressing the issues of mental health and substance use through education and advocacy. |
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Don't miss:
Diabetes Conference & Health Fair THE MISSION of Taking Control of your Diabetes is to educate and motivate people with diabetes, and their loved ones, to take a more active role in their condition in order to live healthier, happier, and more productive lives. "The San Diego TCOYD Conference and health fair brings together the best healthcare professionals in the field to show you how to take control of your diabetes and become empowered to advocate for your own healthcare". Steven V. Edelman, MD TCOYD Founder & Director-WHEN-on Saturday, December 8 -TIME-from 7:30- 8:30 Registration Open- Closing General Session 4:30-5:00 p.m. - WHERE- at San Diego Convention Center INFO-For more information and registrations, please call our office 1-800-998-2693 or For more information about TCOYD or for online registrations please visit www.tcoyd.org |
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The 2007 Jingle Bell 5k run/walk for Arthritis
Thousand of jingle bells will be ringing in Balboa Park to raise awareness of the #1 disability in America. Join the fight for a cure. Jingle Bell Run/Walk is a fun and festive way to kick off your holidays by helping others! Wear a holiday themed costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. Run or walk a 5 kilometer route with your team members and celebrate the season by giving. WHEN- Saturday December 8, 2007-TIME-8-10 a.m-INFO-For more information call: (858) 492-1090 ext 124 Contact name: Sandra Hayhurst or visit www.arthritis.org |
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Cardiac Health Screening
Take the first step in caring for your heart by identifying your risk of cardiovascular disease at this screening event.The preventive cardiovascular risk assesment includes: blood pressure, lipid profile to include total cholesterol, HDL, LDL & triglyceride levels, blood glucose testing, body fat measurement & review of family history to identify inherited risk factors. You will need to fast for 12 hours prior. Arrive 10 min. early. Cost $25. Cancellation Fee:$10. No cost for parking. Cardiac Treatment Center in the Schaetzel Center PLACE- Scripps Hospital La Jolla 9888 Genesee Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 DAY-Tuesday, December 11, 2007 -TIME- From 8:00 to 10:45 a.m. INFO-1-800-SCRIPPS |
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6th Annual Teddy Bear Drive Delivery
Children's Hospital Law enforcement representatives deliver teddy bears to the hospital. To donate a teddy bear (must be new), visit any local law enforcement agency in San Diego County.- WHEN-Tuesday, December 11, 2007 -TIME- at 9:00 a.m., -WHERE- at Children's Hospital Rose Pavilion entrance-INFO- Call Corporate and Community Development at 858/966-5988. |
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Parkinson's Support Group
This free support group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, WHEN- December 12,07-TIME- from 10–11:30 a.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center. This support group helps those with Parkinson’s and their families understand various aspects of the ailment and learn beneficial ways of coping. Free. No appointment needed. Sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and Southern Caregiver Resource Center. -INFO- For information call 619-221-3779. |
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Catch the Holiday Spirit...Unleash Your Dreams
Did you know that the average age of a homeless person in San Diego is NINE years old? The Monarch School for homeless and at risk kids provides education, healthcare, clothes and food along with the support that give these special kids a fighting chance to break their cycle of poverty and homelessness. Monarch School, which serves about 450 students a year, is making a real difference in children’s lives. For every six months a student spends at Monarch School, he/she will progress more than a year academically. Their dedication and foresight has inspired San Diego Business Travel Association members to choose the Monarch School as our 2006 Charity. Come and be a part SDBTA's Annual Holiday Gala - "Catch the Holiday Spirit…Unleash Your Dreams". Each year SDBTA members select a local charity to sponsor, which culminates at this event. Through various corporate donations we hold both a Silent and Live Auctions which raise money for our selected charity. COST- to attend is $60 for Members, $65 for Guests. Registration after 12/8 is $70 for Members, $75 for Guests.-DAY- Thursday, December 13, 2007- TIME-5:30 pm
LOCATION-Palm Court at the US Grant Hotel 326 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101- INFO-For more information about the event, please contact Kerryann Sheridan at the e-mail listed below. For further information about SDBTA, please contact Debbie McKay at dmckay123@aol.com. |
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Alzheimer's Suppport Group
This free support group, sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and the Alzheimer’s Association, is for caregivers, family members and friends of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. WHEN-This group meets the third Tuesday of each month, December 18, 07-TIME-from 3:30-5 p.m. -WHERE- at the Senior Resource Center, 3475 Kenyon St, San Diego. No reservation required. INFO- Free to the public. For information call 619-221-3779. |
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Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments. Public welcome.-WHEN-Thursday, December. 20,07-TIME- 9:30-11 a.m..-WHERE- St. Peter's by the Sea Lutheran Church, 1371 Sunset Cliffs. |
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5th Annual Natural Supplements Conference
Learn more about the use of natural supplements for pain management, heart disease, women’s health, cancer and other medical problems. This course is a concise, clinically relevant overview of natural supplements with a focus on disease states, regulation and patient education. Continuing medical education credits available. Presented by Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Registration is required.-WHEN- From Thursday, January 17 – Sunday, January 20, 2008- PLACE-Paradise Point Resort & Spa-INFO- For more information please log www.scripps.org |
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Favorite Interventions: Helping the Bereaved through the Holidays-DAY-Thursday, January 24-TIME- 6:00 - 9:00 PM- INFO-For more information Call 866-688-1600 or visit www.sdhospice.org |
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Diabetes is an urgent health problem in the Latino community. Their rates of diabetes are almost double those of non-Latino whites. Getting information to the community about the seriousness of diabetes, its risk factors and those who may be at risk and ways to help manage the disease is essential.
Feria is an outdoor event that is intended to reach thousands of local Latino members of the community with the important message that they may be at risk for diabetes. Feria captures the festive elements of a street fair, but maintains the important aspects of choosing and managing a healthier lifestyle for the entire Latino family.
The Feria will be highly interactive for those with or interested in diabetes. The day will include educational seminars/ speakers, exciting exhibitors offering a wide range of products and services, culinary exhibitions, live music, Spanish language materials, ADA World and much more.
Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
WHERE: Veteran's Park -1515 6th Street Coachella, CA 92236 (Behind City Hall)We look forward seeing you at Feria de Salud: ¡Unidos Contra La Diabetes!
For more information, call Ana Gonzalez at (619) 234- 9897 ext. 7513 or agonzalez@diabetes.org
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• For a FREE Event listing
Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form.
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8th Annual Go Red For Women Luncheon
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in America and Go Red For Women is the American Heart Association’s national call for women to take charge of their health and live stronger, healthier lives. Go Red For Women combines style with substance. The red dress and the color red are the symbols driving awareness around the issue of heart health. Help the American Heart Association celebrate the vitality and energy of women!
Join us for our 8th Annual Go Red for Women Luncheon on Saturday February 2, 2008. This will be a day of women’s health educational breakout sessions, a health and fitness expo, health screenings, and a heart-healthy lunch. It is imperative that we join forces and become ambassadors for this important cause. February 2nd promises to be an exciting way to get involved in the Go Red For Women movement.
DAY-Saturday February 2, 2008.-TIME- 9:30am -- 2:30pm-LOCATION-Hotel Del Coronado - Grande Hall 1500 Orange Avenue Coronado, CA 92118 MORE INFO |
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MARCH 08 |
• International TB Conference Coming to San Diego
From February 27 to March 1, 2008, more than 300 people from around the world will be meeting in San Diego on the issue of TB. The conference is titled Tuberculosis - a Disease Without Borders: The California Experience. In partnership with the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, kaisernetwork.org will serve as the official webcaster of the 38th Union World Conference on Lung Health, providing access to daily conference developments. WHEN- From February 27 to March 1, 2008- WHERE: To be held at the Bahia Hotel on Mission Bay. -INFO-For more information contact Sacsy Sukcharoun - ssukcharoun@alac.org or visit www.ctca.org or www.kaisernetwork.org
01 |
The Spring season brings a shower of flowers but for many also sneezings
People who normally wouldn't even notice the change of season experienced watery eyes and sneezing. Allergy sufferers all too familiar with the perils of high pollen counts were forced indoors, giving up visits to the park or a pick-up game of basketball because the sneezing, stuffiness and general misery of allergy symptoms were overwhelming.
Whether pollen counts will be high again this year or settle back into what is considered to be a normal range remains to be seen. Seasonally, and daily, weather conditions impact pollen counts, making it difficult to predict pollen counts more than a few days in advance. "On windy days, or for days after high winds, pollen counts are high because the pollen has been spread throughout the air," said Gillian Shepherd, MD, FAAAAI, chair of the Education Sub-Committee of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. "After it rains, counts drop as the rain washes the pollen away."
Allergic diseases are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States. Protect yourself and your dear ones getting the facts on allergies by visiting The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology site |
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Diabetes is an urgent health problem in the Latino community. Their rates of diabetes are almost double those of non-Latino whites. Getting information to the community about the seriousness of diabetes, its risk factors and those who may be at risk and ways to help manage the disease is essential.
Feria is an outdoor event that is intended to reach thousands of local Latino members of the community with the important message that they may be at risk for diabetes. Feria captures the festive elements of a street fair, but maintains the important aspects of choosing and managing a healthier lifestyle for the entire Latino family.
The Feria will be highly interactive for those with or interested in diabetes. The day will include educational seminars/ speakers, exciting exhibitors offering a wide range of products and services, culinary exhibitions, live music, Spanish language materials, ADA World and much more.
Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
WHERE: Kimball Park 12th Street & D Avenue National City, CA 91950 We look forward seeing you at Feria de Salud: ¡Unidos Contra La Diabetes!
For more information, call Ana Gonzalez at (619) 234- 9897 ext. 7513 or agonzalez@diabetes.org
31 |
• San Diego: SAVE THE DATE!!!
The California WIC Association 2008 Annual Conference
Mon, March 31 - Wed, April 2, 2008
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center 500 Hotel Circle San Diego, CA 92108 |
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APRIL 08 |
April is the National Youth Sport safety Month
Accidental injury is the number one killer of America’s children,
taking more lives than disease, violence and suicide.
Prevention is the cure. It’s estimated that by taking these and other simple precautions, almost all (90 percent) of these accidental injuries can be avoided.
Fitness. Teamwork. Self-discipline. As more and more parents recognize the benefits of children’s sports, their popularity – especially among girls – continues to grow.Nearly three-quarters of U.S. households with school-age children have at least one child who plays in organized sports. Still more children participate in recreational activities such as bicycling, inline skating, riding scooters and skateboarding.
The accompanying risks, though, are sometimes forgotten in the excitement. In fact, serious sports injury is on the rise. Although death among children participating in sports is rare, more than 3.5 million children ages 14 and under suffer medically-treated sports injuries each year.
Fortunately, getting hurt doesn’t have to be “part of the game.” It is estimated that half of all sports- and recreation-related injuries can be prevented. Protective equipment, safer playing environments and rules designed to prevent injury are important elements of any game plan to reduce the frequency and severity of injury. For more information and materials please visit National SAFE KIDS Campaign |
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Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form.
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MAY 08 |

May is the Older Americans Month
Saluting Older Americans, Healthy Options
For 44 years, our nation has paused to honor older Americans during May. During this special month, the ongoing contributions of older citizens are highlighted with a national proclamation, plus activities across the U.S.
County of San Diego Agency Aging & Independence Services is joining this month to salute older Americans. Each of the branchs libraries will be presenting separate programs and materials that honor our elders, plus provide opportunitie for them to continue to contribute to and enjoy their communities.
16 |
• 11 annual heroes luncheon
Senior Community Centers Honors Local Heroes
Senior Community Centers will host its 11th Annual Heroes Luncheon honoring local residents and organizations who have made differences in the lives of low-income seniors. Presented by Kelly Capital, the luncheon will help raise money for services provided by Senior Community Centers that benefit poverty-stricken seniors in need of nutritional, medical and social health services, and housing assistance. As its largest fundraiser of the year, the organization anticipates more than 800 corporate and community leaders to attend. Four Hero Awards will be given to local honorees. Recipients will be honored for their involvement with the organization and dedication to help low-income seniors. Awards include recognition for Volunteer Hero, Advocacy Hero, Community Hero and Senior Hero. Senior Community Centers is a nonprofit agency helping low-income seniors survive in San Diego by providing meals, social, medical and mental health services, homeless assistance, and affordable permanent housing.-WHEN-Friday, May 16, 2008-TIME-11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.-PLACE-at Manchester Grand Hyatt, Manchester Ballroom, One Market Place San Diego, CA 92101 -INFO-Form more information please call 619-235-8572, ext. 305 or visit http://www.servingseniors.org |
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JUNE 08 |
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• For a FREE Event listing
Send us your event information with date, event description in brief and contact information. Remember to send it with time ahead. You could also include your email, site link or even attach a flyer and/or registration form.
JULY 08 |

Eyes Need Sunblock, Too
....July is UV Safety Month, and the American Academy of Ophthalmology – the Eye M.D. Association – reminds Americans of the importance of protecting their eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. One of the greatest threats to your eyes is invisible. The scientific evidence is piling up: long-term exposure to invisible ultraviolet radiation can damage our eyes and lead to vision loss. Everyone – including children – is at risk.
.....Like your skin, your eyes never recover from UV exposure. Studies show that exposure to bright sunlight may increase the risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, both leading causes of vision loss among older adults. UV exposure, wind and dust can also cause pterygia, benign growths on the eye’s surface. The more exposure to bright light, the greater the chance of developing these eye conditions.
....Take these steps to protect your eyes from the sun:
•Select sunglasses that block ultraviolet rays. Don’t be deceived by color or cost. The ability to block UV light is not dependent on the darkness of the lens or the price tag.
• Ideally, your sunglasses should wrap all the way around to your temples, so the sun’s rays can’t enter from the side.
• In addition to your sunglasses, wear a broad-rimmed hat to protect your eyes. Don’t be fooled by a cloudy day. The sun’s rays can pass through the haze and thin clouds.
• Even if you wear contacts with UV protection, remember your sunglasses.
• Sunglasses should be worn whenever outside, and it’s especially important to wear sunglasses in the early afternoon and in higher altitudes, where UV light is more intense.
.....For more information and materials available please contact the American Academy of Ophthalmology at (415) 447-0213 or by email to eyemd@aao.org or visit: www.aao.org |
Love your baby, give him your love and milk.

.Every year on August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month.
August 1-7 has been declared World Breastfeeding Week and the motto emphasizes an aspect of breastfeeding that makes it matchless as much by its physical and emotional effects for the mother as for the baby.
.... ” Scientific studies recently published demonstrate that if all the women initiated breastfeeding within the first hour of birth approximately one million neonatal deaths could be prevented each year around the world.
.....“The very first milk mothers secrete immediately after birth contains a great deal of substance, which no infant formula can provide,” explained UNICEF Chief of Nutrition Werner Schultink. “It contains a specific amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins – ideal for the newborn. The protective factor of the breast milk is so unique, it’s basically the first immunization the child gets in his or her life.”.
Take advantage of local hospital promotional events and remember that, if you have any questions or doubts, you may contact the County Health and Human Services Department and the WIC Program office closest to you.
• WIC San Ysidro Health Center (619) 426-7966 or the American Red Cross WIC program at 1-800-500-6411 |
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Save the Date! |
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that starts from cells of the breast. The disease occurs mostly in women, but men can get breast cancer too.
There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer. But a woman might reduce her risk somewhat by changing those risk factors that can be changed. If you avoid alcohol, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy body weight, you are decreasing your risk of getting breast cancer.
Breast-feeding for several months also seems to reduce breast cancer risk.It is also important for women to follow the American Cancer Society’s guidelines for finding breast cancer early.
If you're concerned about breast cancer, the American Cancer Society can help. Whether you're looking to reduce your risk of the disease or find the best options for treating it, we've got the information you need. Or get involved in the fight against breast cancer by volunteering for one of our patient programs, walking in a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event near you, or lending your voice to our advocacy efforts.
The United States Postal Service continues to sell the Breast Cancer Research Stamp, the first semipostal stamp in US history.
The idea for the stamp came from Dr Ernie Bodai, director of breast surgical services at Kaiser Permanente’s hospitals in Sacramento, and author of books, I Flunked My Mammogram (2001), and The Breast Cancer Book of Strength & Courage: Inspiring Stories to See You Through Your Journey.
Bodai, disturbed by decreasing funding for breast cancer research, started to lobby US Postal Service for a fund-raising postage stamp. For a long time the idea was resisted by the Postal Service, with pressure from philatelists compounding concern that the stamp would create a precedent that would be difficult to sustain. Bodai joined forces with a fellow lobbyist, Elizabeth (Betsy) Mullen, and mounted a campaign to convince US Congress and Senate. Finally in 1997, with the support of fellow Californians Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Vic Fazio, Congress and Senate passed legislation to make it possible for the special stamp to be issued. The stamp was finally issued on July 29, 1998, in Washington D.C. |
All medicines, prescription and nonprescription, have RISKS as well as benefits. You need to weigh these risks and benefits carefully for every medicine you take.If you’ve had problems with your medicine(s), you’re not alone. In fact, one out of every three people experience at least one medicine-related problem.This is why it’s so important to take steps to understand and properly use your medicines. For more information and materials available contact the National Council on Patient Information and Education (301) 656-8565, by email to: ncpie@ncpie.info -or visit www.talkaboutrx.org
2009 |
MAY 2009 |
15-20 |
The American Thoracic Society ATS International Conference
We are pleased to invite you to attend ATS 2009 • San Diego, the International Conference of the American Thoracic Society. The ATS meeting is one of the largest gatherings of Pulmonary and Critical Care clinicians and researchers in the world. In San Diego’s Conference 2006 was attended by over 16,000 people from 90 countries, and we expect this year's meeting in San Diego to be even more exciting and diverse. The conference program will offer information on the latest and most significant developments in clinical practice, in research (clinical, basic, and translational), in health advocacy, and in education.
INFO-If you have any questions regarding this information please contact:
Deborah Richardt, CMP Director, Meeting Services American Thoracic Society
ATS International Conference 61 Broadway, 4th Floor New York, NY 10006-2755
Fax: (212) 315- 8665 E-mail: drichardt@thoracic.org
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