ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP This FREE support group, sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and the Alzheimer’s Association, is for caregivers, family members and friends of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. , No reservation required. Free to the public. NEXT MEETING-SEPTEMBER 19-- DAY- This group meets the third Tuesday of each month--TIME-From 10-11:30 a.m. -- PLACE- at the Senior Resource Center, 3475 Kenyon St, San Diego. GRUPOS DE APOYO ALZHEIMER
GENTLE FITNESS EXERCISES GROUPThis gentle conditioning exercise program focuses on improving total body flexibility, strength, coordination, balance and endurance. DAYS- These 8 week sessions meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays,--TIME- 9-10 a.m. or 10:30-11:30 a.m. --INFO-Call Grossmont Hospital Recreation Therapy at 619-740-4104 for costs and locations. CAREGIVER RESOURCE MEETINGS Come to the Grossmont Hospital Rehabilitation Conference Room to learn and discuss concerns of caring for an older adult, identify community and support resources and more. DAY-This FREE group meets on Tuesdays, --TIME- 3-4 p.m. NEXT MEETING-SEPTEMBER 12 & 26. --INFO-For more information, call Carol Roskos, LCSW at 619-740-4193. PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP This support group helps those with Parkinson’s and their families understand various aspects of the ailment and learn beneficial ways of coping. Free. No appointment needed. Sponsored by Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center and Southern Caregiver Resource Center. --INFO-For information call 619-221-3779.. DAY- This free support group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, NEXT MEETING-September 13 from 10–11:30 a.m.PLACE- at the Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center. PROJECT C.A.R.E. Community Action to Reach the Elderly-Project C.A.R.E. is a community effort enabling people who live alone to feel safe in remaining at home. Services include a daily computerized phone call, Vial of Life, Safe Return and more! Call 619-740-4214 for details. HEALTHY BEGINNINGS We offer substance abuse treatment to pregnant and parenting women and mothers of all ages, in compassionate environment that is designed to treat each person as an individual. Come and learn: • How to live fully,without the use of alcohol /drugs • How to create healthy relationships and • How to become a better parent to your children. Services include Certificate of Completion awarded and All services provided in English and Spanish. "Healthy Beginings" is commited to serve the specific need of women seeking a new way of life" Thie program is provided by Paradise Valey Hospital and Funded by San Diego County Health and Human Services Alcohol and Drugs Services Agency- INFO- 619-470-4384 -Email- PLACE- 2345 east 8th Street, Ste110 National City, CA 91950 RESPITE HELP FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERS CANCER PROGRAMS & RESOURCES THE CARING COMMUNITY – Living with Cancer (CCLC) offers WEEKLY support groups for those affected by any type of cancer. Whether you are newly diagnosed, you are undergoing treatment, or you have completed your treatment and are ready to deal with the emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis, you may want to join a cancer support group. Groups are also available for family members living with a loved one affected by cancer. English support groups are offered countywide: Central San Diego (Kearny Mesa & Mission Valley), East County (La Mesa), as well as North County Inland (Encinitas). Educational programs are offered WEEKLY (in English only) at our La Mesa location. Relaxation & Visualization classes are also available in English and Spanish. Also available in Spanish, independent from CCLC, is a MONTHLY cancer support group, which meets at the Rebecca and John Moores UCSD Cancer Center in La Jolla. To register, please call Mercedes Garcia-Mohr, Oncology Social Worker at (858) 822-6201 A BIMONTHLY Spanish-speaking breast cancer support group meets at San Ysidro Health Center, through the PODER program. To register, please call Alma Sandoval at (619) 205-6340 Friend to Friend Support Groups- Scripps Cancer Center offers free support groups for patients, family members and friends who are living with cancer. DAYS- First and Third Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Scripps Encinitas/ Second and Fourth Mondays, 2 - 3:30 p.m.,/ Scripps Clinic Torrey Pines Second and Fourth Thursdays, 6:30 - 8 p.m.,/ Scripps Mercy Hospital/Second and Fourth Mondays, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.,San Ysidro Health Center-For more information and registrations call 1-800-SCRIPPS (1-800-727-4777)
STROKE/ PARKINSON STROKE/ PARKINSON EXERCIS CLASS- Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m. - noon-Classes offer peoples who have suffered a stroke or have Parkinson’s Disease a safe and varied exercise program and supplements the physical activities prescribed by their physicians. Participants must be assisted by their caregivers.A physician release form is required for exercise classes. Free. Presented by Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista at Scripps Mercy Well Being Center. For registration call 1-800-SCRIPPS (1-800-727-4777) WOMEN SELF-DEFENSE FREE WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR- School of Oom Yung DoeTM The Grandmaster “Iron” Kim Style Shock, Scream & Run Women’s Self Defense Seminar Learn simple and effective self-defense techniques that emphasize the natural strengths of a woman’s body. Wear clothing suitable for exercise. WHEN: Free Women’s Self Defense Seminar will be held the first Saturday of every month.--TIME:10:00 am to 11:00 am --PLACE: The School of Oom Yung Doe Martial Arts 3778 Fourth Avenue Hillcest San Diego, CA 92103-INFO-For more information please call (619) 297-9979 or follow this LINK |
TEL- 619-427-4111 Email -
Salud+HealthInfo is for information and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned abut your health or that of a child, please consult your family's physician or health provider immediately and do not try to diagnose yourself. Copyright © 2001-2006 Info Option Network