News and Numbers: Lung cancer rates dropping but hospitalization rates remain constant
.....Hospital admissions for lung cancer remained relatively stable – at roughly 150,000 a year between 1995 and 2006 – despite a steady decline in the number of Americans diagnosed with the disease, according to the latest News and Numbers from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. .....Admissions have remained constant, in part, because lung cancer patients are surviving longer and undergoing more hospital-related treatments such as chemotherapy and tumor-removal surgery, according to AHRQ experts. Smoking is considered a main cause of lung cancer – the most deadly type of cancer – but the ...AHRQ’s analysis also found that: .....The average hospital cost for a lung cancer patient in 2006 was $14,200 (about $1,900 a day). The total cost for all patients was about $2.1 billion. .....The death rate of hospitalized lung cancer patients was 13 percent – five times higher than the average overall death rate (2.6 percent) for hospitalized patients. .....Hospitalizations for lung cancer were far more common in the South (89 admissions per 100,000 persons) than in the Northeast (25 admissions per 100,000 persons). For more information, or to speak with an AHRQ data expert, contact Bob Isquith at, (301) 427-1539. To learn more about Lung Cancer, please visit: More information about Radon and Asbestos, at For information about Cancer, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800- ACS-2345 or visit their Web site at |