by sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center


The Vial of Life is a plastic container that holds potentially life saving

information in case you are found unconscious or unable to communicate with

emergency medical personnel.

How Vial of Life Works

In a medical crisis, "emergency medical personnel such as paramedics,

firefighters, ambulance drivers, "'etc., are trained to look for a Vial of Life

container attached to the outside of your refrigerator. Because time is of the

essence in life threatening emergencies, Vial of Life medical information,

assures accurate and rapid response in· your home, in the ambulance and at

the hospital. Even it you are conscious and able to speak, you may not be

able to recall some pertinent information needed immediately in order for

medical personnel to begin treatment. Those few minutes may save your life

or the life of someone you love.


Vial of Life Benefits Many!

Many people in the community can benefit from the Vial of Life: "senior

citizens, the homebound, and the disabled, or chronically ill. The Vial of

Life can be a helpful way to organize your medical information in one

convenient place.

How to use the Vial of Life

Complete the medical information form included with the Vial of Life container.

Use pencil for information, like medications, that may change.

Use one form for each member of your household.

Ask your physician or other medical personnel for help in filling out the

forms if necessary.

Keep completed forms in the Vial of Life container

Make extra copies of the completed card to keep in your wallet, car or

other handy places.

Attach the completed Vial of Life container to your refrigerator door.

Keep medical information up to date.

Review information at least annually. Ask for new forms if necessary.

How to Obtain the Vial of Life

Sharp Cabrillo Senior Resource Center, most of the main Hospitals and Aging & I

ndependence Services County of San Diego health and Human Service Agency,

offers the Vial of Life containers at no charge to community residents. For your

free Vial of Life form, call (619) 221-3779. You also can get a print out from your

computer by visiting the SHARP Hospital website at:


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