Winter Sunburns as Dangerous asThose in SummerKaiser Permanente Dermatologist Offers Timely Tips For Outdoor Activities in the Winter Sunshine If you are going to spend the weekend painting the house, doing yard work, or other activities in the winter sunshine, don’t forget proper sun “When it comes to the sun, there's no such thing as overprotection,” says Dr. Boiko, who sees lots of sunburned patients throughout the year.
"A tan is a sign of skin damage," Dr. Boiko says. The long term effect on skin from prolonged or frequent sun is wrinkles, thinning of the skin, and nasty skin cancers. Frequent or over exposure to the sun causes premature aging, and increases the risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers. Occurrence of the most-dangerous skin cancer, melanoma, has doubled in the last 25 years, Dr. Boiko says, and it is estimated that one in 75 Americans will get melanoma at some time during their lives. Dr. Boiko, a board certified pediatrician and dermatologist, sees hundreds of adult patients with melanoma each year. She also sees other types of skin cancers on a daily basis including the much more common basal cell and squamous cell cancers. They are treatable but can cause severe damage if unrecognized. Timely Tips For Sun Safety The good news is that these skin cancers can be prevented. "Just as you insist your children brush their teeth after meals, sun safety should be an automatic behavior--for all family members," Dr. Boiko advises. "Being sun safe benefits adults and children, by decreasing the risk of developing skin cancer." It also can make the difference between a fun family day in the bright sunshine of San Diego and a cranky, crying child or an adult who is up all night with sunburn pain. Data show that seventy percent of sun damage is from casual sun exposure, such as when kids are roller-blading, riding their bikes or playing at the park or playground. For babies, it may be that outing in the stroller without the awning down, or prolonged sun exposure from a day in the back yard with just a light hat and no protective shade. Dr. Boiko cautions that skin cancer can occur in skin of all races, even in people who never tan or "tan well" -- its not just a concern for fair-skinned people. To protect your family against long-term sun damage, Dr. Boiko offers the following tips: • Avoid prolonged sun exposure during the most sun-intensive hours, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. When the sun makes short shadows seek shade! Looking for little suntane color in winter? if your choice is a Tanning bed think again!
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