....San Diego summer weather makes it the perfect time to be
outside. This is why the Alzheimer’s Association San Diego/Imperial
Chapter would like to remind families to take the necessary steps to
insure the safety of loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease by enrolling
them in the Safe Return® program.

..During the summer months wandering is at its highest rate of occurrence. Sixty percent of those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia will wander at least once during the progression of the disease. Wandering can be aimless or purposeful and can cause a person to become lost, leave a safe environment or intrude in inappropriate places.
The Alzheimer’s Association wants to help families prevent wandering with these simple tips:
• Plan activities during the time of day your loved one would wander
• Encourage daily exercise and movement so restlessness doesn’t occur
• Use distractions to re-direct your loved one’s focus, if wandering is in progress
• Place locks out of the line of sight or install slide bolts at the top or bottom of doors
It is always a good idea to be prepared even if wandering has not occurred. Informing your local police and trusted neighbors of your loved one’s condition and having important information like a recent photo on hand can save hours of recovery time if your loved on is ever lost. Those who wander tend to follow the direction of the dominant hand. Having a list of places where your loved one may wander to, including past jobs, former homes, churches or frequent eateries, could also be a major help.
The Alzheimer’s Association safe Return® program is a nationwide identification and support program working at the local level. Safe Return® provides registrants and their families with a personalized bracelet and other identification products, and stores contact information in a confidential, national computerized database that works across state and county lines.
Here are some reasons to consider enrolling in Safe Return®:
• Over 150,000 people are enrolled nationally with over 3,000 in San Diego County alone
• Since 1993 the program has facilitated over 12,000 safe returns with nearly a 100% return rate
• It’s low cost, $40 initial fee is a inexpensive safety policy
• 24/7 hour Helpline staffed with licensed social workers
• Confidential database – with pertinent info and photo
• Product comes with a stainless steel bracelet or necklace, 36 iron-on clothing labels, phone stickers, and wallet cards for both the enrollee and caregiver.