Who are the Family Caregivers? ...""A caregiver is anyone who provides basic assistance and care for someone who is frail,disable or ill and need help
Many families provide care at home for a love one. While this can be an enriching and very rewarding experience, but studies have shown that caring for someone is very stressful. It is essential that caregivers take the time to care for themselves physically Support and assistance are very important throughout the months or years you are a caregiver. You as the family caregiver need respite help from time to time-a break from caregiving demands. Help from friends, other family members, or community agencies is invaluable so that the caregiver can You can continue to provide care, but good care without becoming exhausted, frustrated or simply burned out. Establishing a good working relationship with the primary care physician helps ensure good care and ongoing support. A comprehensive medical work-up that rules out treatable conditions and provides information on current status offers a foundation for care planning, now and in the future. Safety-proofing the home, learning behavior management techniques and addressing legal and financial matters are important steps families can take to manage dementia, and resources are available to help. Many caregiver support groups-including some on the Internet-offer emotional and practical support. Caregivers may need to educate themselves about long-term care, and also to reach out in their communities to find the assistance they need. The list of resources below offers more information on where to start looking for help. Every family is different. Whether care for someone with dementia is provided at home, in an assisted living center, an Alzheimer's special care unit, or in a nursing home depends on family resources and patient needs. While placement in a facility is not uncommon in later stages of dementia, every family approaches the caregiving experience in a way that is best for them. Research into the causes and treatments for dementia continues at a rapid pace. We all look forward to new developments that some day may postpone, cure or even prevent these debilitating disorders. The infomation of this article is for community education. part of the content is excerted from the article: "Your Role as caregiver". The Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) seeks to improve the quality of life for caregivers through education, services, research and advocacy.The Family Caregiver Alliance -180 Montgomery St., Ste. 1100-San Francisco, CA 94104- |
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