ry is the American Heart Month
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which often appears as a heart attack. In 2009, an estimated 785,000 Americans had a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 will have a recurrent attack. About every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event, and about one every minute will die from one. To urge Americans to join the battle against these diseases, since 1963 Congress has required the president to proclaim February "American Heart Month."
Burn Awareness week |
Always test the bath water with your hand before bathing children. When children are in or near the bath, watch them closely checking the water temperature frequently. |
The recommended safe and comfortable temperature for bathing a young child is no more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember to set your water heater at 120 degrees.If you are unable to control the temperature that comes out of your faucet, install special tub spouts or shower heads that can shut off the flow of water. |
Did you know that young children’s skin is thinner than older children and adults, and their skin burns at lower temperatures and more deeply?
Hot tap water accounts for nearly one-fourth of all scald burns among children and is associated with more deaths and hospitalizations than other hot liquid burns. Tap-water burns most often occur in the bathroom and tend to be more severe and cover a larger portion of the body than other scald burns.An average of nine children ages 14 and under die from scald burn-related injuries each year. Since burns are recognized as one of the most painful and devastating injuries a person can sustain and survive, we want to arm you with the toolsto keep your children safe from this devastating injury.
Burn Awareness Week is celebrated from February 1-7, 2015. This year one of the focus areas is preventing scald burn injuries.
A scald is a burn from hot liquid or steam. The most common places children experience scalds are in the kitchen or dining rooms and in the bathrooms.
New Feeling Fit Club classes |
Join a Local Feeling Fit Club! The Feeling Fit Club is a functional fitness class intended for seniors 60+ years of age to improve mobility, strength, balance, and flexibility with the ultimate goal of maintaining independence and activities of daily living.
You can be part of the Feeling Fit phenomenon! The clubs offer social interaction and build self-esteem in a relaxed, non-threatening environment. Participants say they have better balance, greater strength and flexibility, enhanced sleep, improved mood, better digestion, more relief from arthritis and more resistance to chronic illnesses.
All ability levels are welcomed, please help us spread the word to all older adults in the area about this wonderful free program. To join a class near you, call (858) 495-5500, ext. 3 and leave your name, number and address. |
Free Hazardous Waste Training for businesses. |
The improper disposal of hazardous wastes creates a very real threat to individuals and the environment. Disposing of incompatible household chemicals in the trash can cause hazardous fumes that can injure your family, or your local trash collector, and your community. |
17th Annual California Unified Program Training Conference
Attend this training session at no cost! This year’s annual CUPA conference will feature a no cost training session for businesses that generate hazardous waste. The training will cover the basics of identifying what is a hazardous waste, proper labeling and accumulation requirements, and record keeping requirements. An overview of RCRA waste vs. non-RCRA waste and generator status (LQG, SQG or CESQG) will be covered. Participants will receive a comprehensive course manual and a certificate of completion. Training will be presented by Steve Reichow with NES, Inc.
When: February 3, 2015,
1:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Where: Sheraton Hotel & Marina – 1380 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, CA 92101 (map)
Parking is $8.00 for first hour, $4.00 for every additional hour
How to register: Call the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health at (858) 505-6880 or email: hmdutyeh@sdcounty.ca.gov
Certificates will be provided at the training for those who pre-register and sign in on the day of the training.
National "Wear Red" Day (first Friday of February) |
Heart Disease is the number one killer of American women. Recognizing symptoms and risks, making lifestyle changes and getting timely care can save a woman's life. |
1 in 3 women die of heart disease and stroke each year. Celebrate National Wear Red Day with Go Red For Women on Friday, Feb. 6, 2015 to help save women’s lives.
Ask any stylist, job coach or dating expert and they’ll tell you that red stands out. Eyes are immediately drawn to it. Some even say that the color red is a confidence booster and makes you feel powerful. Maybe that’s why we chose the color red to signify our fight against the No. 1 killer in women. Maybe it’s just a coincidence that it’s also the color of our hearts.
In 2003, the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute took action against a disease that was claiming the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year – a disease that women weren’t paying attention to. A disease they truly believed, and many still believe to this day, affects more men than women.
Revised Boil Water Order and Public Notification for U.S. Forest Service |
The Boil Water Order was issued to ensure all water used is free from contamination. The Boil Water Order will remain in effect until laboratory analytical results confirm the absence of bacteria in the water supply. |
Boiling water produces temperatures of 100C at normal atmospheric pressure wich requires 10 mins exposure to kill bacteria and some viruses.
For more information on the Boil Water Order, please contact: Noelle Graham-Wakoski, P.E., Environmental Engineer, United States Department of Agriculture – Forest Service at (858) 674-2969.
The County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health (DEH) issued a Boil Water Order and Public Notification for the Mount Laguna water system located on Sunrise Highway, Mt. Laguna, CA 91948 on Monday, February 9, 2015 which is still in effect. The water system serves the Desert View Picnic Ground, Red Tailed Roost, Sierra Club Lodge, Camp Ole Fire Station, and the Visitor Information Center with public restrooms and the following campgrounds: Wooded Hill, Horse Heaven, El Prado, Yerba Santa, Laguna, and Burnt Rancheria. Public water systems in the area that are NOT AFFECTED are the Stuart Water Company, which services the majority of the private businesses & residences, including local lodging and both restaurants in the Mt. Laguna area. Also NOT AFFECTED is the Mount Laguna Improvement Association system, operated by the association of private cabin owners who own Forest Service Land Lease Cabins in the Mt. Laguna area.
The drinking water system has tested present for E.Coli and total coliform bacteria. The presence of E.Coli bacteria indicates that the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes. Health effects can include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches or other symptoms. E.Coli may pose a special health risk for infants, young children, some of the elderly, and people with severely compromised immune systems.
. Friday January 13, 2015
200 Locations Offering Free Blood Pressure
More than 100 organizations partnered with the County for Love Your Heart by hosting blood pressure screenings. This year, three cities in Mexico – Tijuana, Rosarito and Tecate – are also hosting blood pressure screenings at more than 30 locations, giving the event an international reach. County and state officials will be joined by their counterparts from Baja California, the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission – Mexico section, and San Ysidro Health Center. The hours for each screening site vary. |
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and the second leading cause of death in San Diego County. About 4,500 people die from diseases of the heart in the region every year, including more than 3,000 who die from coronary heart disease. Furthermore, about 1,000 people die from stroke every year.

“We are going to help San Diegans to ‘love their hearts’ by offering free blood pressure screenings all over the county,” said County Supervisor Ron Roberts, who was joined by other County officials and community partners to kick off the annual Love Your Heart Day.
“Love Your Heart has one goal: to make it as easy as possible for adults to get their blood pressure checked, which is a great first step toward improving their heart health,” said Nick Macchione, director of the County Health and Human Services Agency. “We are coming together as a region to fight the number one killer of both women and men in the U.S.—heart disease.”
For more information, call 2-1-1 or visit: www.loveyourheartsd.org.