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The San Diego County Vector Control Program (VCP) is a branch within the County of San Diego - Department of Environmental Health. A "vector" is an animal or insect that can carry and pass on a human disease. Some examples of vectors in San Diego County are mosquitoes, ticks and rodents.

Share the News
Report Mosquito Breeding
Report Dead Birds
Report Green Swimming Pools
Request a Presentation
For More Information Contact:
(858) 694-2888


• Prevent! • Protect! and • Report!



Health officials are stressing the importance for the public to remember and follow the general “Prevent, Protect, Report” mosquito-fighting message they’ve used for the County’s “Fight the Bite” West Nile virus prevention campaign.


Prevent Mosquito Breeding: Dump out or remove any backyard or indoor item that can hold water, such as plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, garbage cans, toys, old tires, and wheelbarrows. Mosquito fish, available for free, may be used to control mosquito breeding in backyard water sources such as unused swimming pools, ponds, fountains and horse troughs.


Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites: Protect yourself from mosquito bites that can transmit disease. Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors. Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR3535 when outside. Make sure screens on windows and doors are in good condition and secured to keep insects out.


Report Green Swimming Pools and Mosquitoes Biting During the Day Indoors: Report incidents of neglected swimming pools or areas of standing water that could be mosquito breeding areas — and mosquitoes biting indoors during daylight hours.

Please report dead crows, ravens, jays, hawks and owls, and green pools to the Vector Control Program at (858) 694-2888. For more information about West Nile virus, go to San Diego County’s website:



“Just an inch of standing water is all it takes for mosquitoes to breed- and West Nile Virus to spread!