.........Intervention is the Key! ... For people with mental health problem of all ages, early detection and treatment can prevent mental health problems and negative outcomes from accumulating. Early intervention can have a significant impact on the lives of children and adults who experience mental health problems. • The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) program is designed with the vision of promoting early intervention and prevention services with medical and supportive care to prevent mental health problems from becoming severe and disabling. • The PEI program is being developed to improve access of care to mental health services by unserved and underserved populations by expanding and developing the types and quality of services and supports necessary to reduce the long term effects of untreated mental health problems. • The PEI program was created to improve access of care to mental health services by unserved and underserved populations by expanding and developing the types and quality of services and supports necessary to reduce the long term adverse impact on service consumers, their families and the state. The Mental health Services Act (MHSA) emphasizes prevention and early intervention as a key for successful outcomes over untreated serious mental illness. The County of San Diego’s Mental Health Services Department has conducted an extensive Input has been solicited in a variety of ways including: 1 ) Community Forums, A series of Community Forums have taken place over the last five months. The Community Forums included public meetings, consisting of 40 to 150 participants that included many stakeholders and advocates working in the field. In addition, small Focus Groups are being facilitated by community agencies, in order to obtain input from underserved and underrepresented individuals. These focus groups consist of 6 to 15 participants and were inclusive of many consumer level stakeholders and their families. Approximately 250 people participated in Focus Groups.
Transforming Mental Health Services Together |
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