Unveiling the Barriers
...The Surgeon General of the United States reported in 1999 that stigma was the single largest barrier to the successful recovery of people with mental health disorders, making it harder for people to get treatment, as well as find housing, jobs and friends. ..The stigma of mental health disorders is real, painful, and damaging to the lives of people with mental health illness
What is Stigma?
...Stigma is the use of labels when describing someone, and it is often attached to people who suffer from mental health disorders. Stigma exists when people do not fully understand mental health disorders and those affected by them. .....When people think that a mental health disorder is an uncommon condition, they stigmatize those who are suffering from mental health disorders by attaching labels or categories to them. The stigma of mental disorders goes far beyond the misuse of words and information; it is about disrespect. Those with a history of mental health disorders may find that they lose contact with family and friends as others become uncomfortable or distrustful around them. People who are known to have had mental health disorders may find it more difficult to find employment or get a promotion, even if they are well at the time. Some people with a mental health illness report that the stigma is at times worse than the illness itself. --> Some of the harmful effects of stigma |
Transforming Mental Health Services Together |
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