Protecting Yourself from West Nile Virus .....West Nile Virus has gotten to a big start this year. Last year San Diego County had 15 ....As West Nile Virus season heats up make sure to protect yourself from mosquito bites and from infection with WNV. Mosquitoes are the sole transmitters of WNV to humans. Avoid a mosquito bite and you can steer clear of WNV infection. Personal protection is a big step in preventing mosquito bites and WNV infection. Follow these simple tips to remain mosquito bite free: 1. WEAR INSECT REPELLANT Make sure to apply insect repellant to all exposed skin every time you go outside. Read the repellant label carefully before applying and follow the label directions. When selecting an insect repellant for use make sure it contains one of the following ingredients: 2. AVOID PEAK MOSQUITO BITING TIMES Mosquitoes are more likely to be actively looking for a blood meal at dawn and dusk. Try to stay indoors at these times but if you must go out wear insect repellant and long pants and long sleeved, light colored clothing. The light color of the clothing will help you see when mosquitoes land on you and the clothing will be another barrier for mosquitoes. 3. GET RID OF MOSQUITOES AROUND Many times people are breeding mosquitoes right in their own yard. Mosquitoes require standing water to breed, and need as little as a quarter of an inch to do so. Check around your yard for anything that can breed mosquitoes. Get rid of standing water around your home. Clean, drain, or drill holes into, anything that can hold water for more than five days, such as buckets, clogged rain gutters, old tires, plant saucers, pots, pet dishes, and children’s toys. 4. REPAIR HOLES IN WINDOWS AND DOOR SCREENS Check your window and door screens to ensure they are in good repair and are keeping out the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are small insects able to get through very tiny openings. Other things you can do to help the Vector Control Program monitor and control WNV is reporting dead birds, mosquito breeding, and green swimming pools. For more information about West Nile Virus, or other vector-borne diseases please visit the Vector Control Program website at 1-888- 551-INFO (4636)or visit the County of San Diego’s Vector Control Program website. |
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