A SUCCESFUL PROGRAM “Postal Alert” Still Important Part of Project Care By Marty Dare Project CARE and Caregiver Coalition Coordinator, Aging & Independence Services After more than a dozen years, the unique safety net known as Project CARE is still in place and working to help folks live independently in their homes. There is no other system like this in the country that has lasted so long, worked so well, and provided reassurance to so many people. Incredibly, there is no one organization that “owns” Project CARE. Partners all carry their own piece of the whole, which in turn depends upon the contributions of all participants. Such a cooperative effort requires dedication and vigilance. In 2006, our Project CARE Advisory Committee recommended returning to our partnership roots… priming the pump so to speak. The time was right to re-invigorate old connections. One of the earliest partnerships — forming the core of project services — was Postal Alert. With letter carriers on the ground, the United States Postal Service has a virtual army of dedicated professionals who can keep an eye out for those in need. On our January Project CARE meeting, we heard how Project CARE and Postal Alert can continued their successful collaboration with commitments from both the UPS and the Letter Carriers Union. Also in January, we heard from a “silent partner” that has long supported Project CARE and many other services throughout the County. The Call Center at Aging & Independence Services handles 6,000 inquiries from the public each month. Its team of social workers is expert in assessing needs and guiding callers to the proper services, including those provided by Project CARE and its partners. Without this essential “neurotransmitter” function, many clients would never find us. ............................. |
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