Looking for elderly Hispanics, who are interested to participe in a research on healthy brain aging.
The UC San Diego Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) is looking for elderly Hispanics, over the age of 65, who are interested in research on aging, the brain and Alzheimer’s disease.
Aging Latinos may have different factors that protect them or put them at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. This may include differences such as genetics, diabetes, bilingualism, and other factors that may influence brain health. Participation is very important to help us to learn about measuring risk and advising people about promoting healthy brain aging and preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
We are looking for persons with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, those with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) who have some problems with their thinking skills but not sufficient to be classified as having dementia, and persons with normal cognition who can take part in studies related to healthy brain aging.
Much of the research assessment can be done in the South Bay and we will be able to do some assessments through home visits. For some participants, additional assessments may be done in La Jolla, near the UCSD campus. You can be involved at multiple levels in research. Some studies are only one visit, others are longitudinal with annual follow-ups.
We also are offering clinical trials with experimental medications. To learn more about research opportunities at the Shiley Marcos ADRC, please contact by email Frances Martinez-Goodrich or by calling to 858-822-4800. We have bilingual bicultural staff.