Public Warning for Extreme Heat. Some conditions that can limit the ability to regulate temperature include old age, obesity, fever, dehydration, heart disease, poor circulation, sunburn, and drug and alcohol use. Summertime activity, whether on the playing field or the construction site, must be done in a way to aid the body's cooling mechanisms and prevent heat-related illness. The worst illness is heat stroke and is when the body’s temperature system is overloaded. The body is sweating, but the sweat is not evaporating due to humidity. To avoid heat-stroke is important to go stay indoors if at all possible or go to cool areas with air conditioning. Every summer, the County designates Cool Zone sites, air-conditioned settings where seniors County of San Diego Aging and Independence Services have made the official kickoff for County’s Cool Zone program.The Cool Zone program won a national health award from the American Society on Aging. For more information about the Cool Zone sites you could call 1-800-510-2020 and to know where is the closer to you log on: First Photo:Ring of Fire Revisited Credit & Copyright: Dennis Mammana (Skyscapes)- Award-Winning COOL ZONESTo Aid Older Adults.....The American Society on Aging has announced that the County’s Cool Zones program was selected one of six recipients nationwide for the 2007 Healthcare and Aging Award. As the program developer, AIS was honored at the recent ASA/National Council on Aging Joint Conference in Chicago. ... ....The Cool Zone program began in 2001 after an unusually hot summer with energy blackouts and higher utility costs. Supervisor Dianne Jacob created the idea of having designated Cool Zones where seniors and others could come to share air conditioning and save their own energy, plus protect their health against the heat. ....“The review committee found Cool Zones an innovative but simple and replicable model that could easily be instituted in other communities,” said ASA Director of Special Projects Nancy Ceridwyn. Review Committee members also noted Cool Zones as an excellent collaborative project between public and private organizations. |
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