Being an active participant in your care
can help your efforts to manage your health.
... One way to address mental health issues with your primary care provider is by preparing for your appointment. Asking questions is key to good communication with your doctor. If you don’t ask he or she may assume that you don’t need more information. Think about your needs and goals for treatment. Also, write down a list of questions to ask and be prepare to respond to questions that your doctor may have:
Your doctor may ask:
... What are your symptoms? How did they start?
... Are your symptoms constant? How often?
... Is anything you are trying making you feel better?
... Do your symptoms affect your daily activities? Which ones and How?
Questions that you may ask your doctor:
... What may be causing my stress, my lack of sleep, my headaches, nervousness?
... How can my symptoms for depression or anxiety be treated?
... Will counseling help?
... How long will treatment last?
... What can I do to help myself?
... Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me?
... What web sites do you recommend visiting?
In addition to the questions that you've prepared to ask, don't hesitate to ask questions during your appointment when you don't understand something. You and your doctor can decide what is the best treatment for your mental health conditions.
Questions about your medications that you can ask your doctor.
Find out what kind of medication your doctor may recommend. Here are some important questions you may ask.
... What is the name of the medication, and what is it supposed to do?
... How will I know if the medicine is working or not working?
... How and when do I take it, and when do I stop taking it?
... How long will I have to take the medicine?
... Is there any written information available about the medication?
... What are the side effects, and what should I do if they occur?
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