Let’s look at each of these pathways and know that when they are present, the likelihood of recovery increases to nearly 100%.
Hope is like energy. It is the idea that things can get better. If people can be inspired to hope for things to change, to improve, then they are likely to feel increased possibilities for themselves. Our words and behavior with the people we serve or our own family members can inspire hope or destroy hope. We can inspire hope with words like, “When things are better.” “When you return to work/school…”
Choice helps individuals remember who they are (Ashcraft & Johnson, 2003). Each time people are supported to make choices they learn. Even when mistakes are made, people are learning through their choices. All human beings learn through choice. In our systems of care, when we take away people’s ability to make choices and be in charge of their treatment, we put them at risk for learned helplessness
Empowerment is not something we, as providers or family members give to people. We do not empower them, rather, we ensure that the power they have is known to them. As we continuously support them to make decisions, understand where and how to find out what options exist, and guide them to seek their own answers they find and “take their power back (St. George, 2005).
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