Recovery from Addiction _____________________________ ,,,,,Problems caused by alcohol and drug abuse can seem overwhelming for individuals, families, and communities. In fact, addiction is our nation's number one health problem. According to the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 22.5 million people aged 12 or older were classified with substance use dependence. On top of that, 11 million people 18 years or older were diagnosed with a serious mental health problem. Sadly, the two challenges often go hand in hand. But the good news is that recovery does happen. Every day, someone finds their way to wellness through personal courage, spirituality, ,,,,Chances are, you know someone who is struggling to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle. You can show your support in September, National Recovery Happens Month. This year, join in the celebration of those in recovery, and help fight the stigma that can prevent people with addiction or mental illness from getting the help they need, by attending “Recovery: A Community Affair,” on Saturday, September 10, from noon to 3:00 p.m. It’s easy to remember: 9/10/11 at 12! Just head to the lawn area at the corner of Park Boulevard and President’s Way. ,,,In additional to an extensive resource fair, where you can find information about treatment options, local facilities, and behavioral health tips (for alcohol or drug abuse, and mental health), this year’s friend and family-friendly event offers: • Art Exhibit –artwork, photos or poetry that interprets how recovery has impacted individuals or their loved ones. ,,,,There are millions of Americans whose lives have been transformed through recovery. Help spread the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective and people can, and do, recover. ,,,,Learn about other various activities and events held throughout the community during the month, such as treatment program graduations and open houses, on the September Recovery Calendar, and read recovery stories on our website: If you or someone you know needs help with substance abuse or mental health, call for information: 24/7 Access and Crisis Line: 1-800-479-3339. .....County of San Diego Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) Health and Human Services Agency provides leadership, planning, policy development, service coordination and resource management for a comprehensive system of alcohol and drug prevention, treatment, and recovery services. Culturally competent services are provided throughout San Diego County via contracts with community-based organizations. |
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