How to ask the right questions and
get the most from your medicines

....When it comes to your health, you have the right and responsibility to ask any question you like about how medications may affect your body and your life. Yes, doctors are busy, but they can and will take time to answer your questions.
You may want to request extra time when you set up your appointment. Let the office know you need a few extra minutes or “drug consultation time.” This way you’ll feel less rushed.
Conversation Is the Best Medicine.
• Write down your questions and take them to your appointment.
• Ask the questions for each drug that you take.
• Bring both your questions and answers to your doctor and pharmacist.
Questions to Ask
Use these questions to help you write your own list of things you want to
1. What is the name of this medication? What is it supposed to do? What
are the side effects?
2. When do I start and stop taking this medication?
3. Will this medication work safely with the other medications I am taking?
4. Can non-drug actions help my symptoms in addition to, or instead of, this drug therapy?
5. Are there other medications that can be used to treat my condition?If so, how do these medications compare in safety, effectiveness and price?
6. Why is this the right medicine for my condition, age and gender?
7. When will I stop taking it or will I take it forever? What should I do if I feel better?
8. Should I avoid certain foods, alcohol, dietary supplements or driving while taking this medication?
What to Say
...It is important for you to tell your doctor about all the medications you take: prescription, over-the-counter and dietary supplements. The best way to track your medications and help your doctor and pharmacist is to create a medications list or “personal medication record” (PMR). A PMR is a list of everything that you take, the dose and how you take them. Consider using a pencil so that you can update your record easily.
Be sure to include the following information:
• Your personal information,name and contact details
• Your doctors’ names and contact information
• Your emergency contact information
• Your pharmacy contact information,including hours
• The name of your medication(s), reason for use, form (e.g., pill, liquid, injection), dose and start and stop dates for each medication.
Meet-the-pharmacist Days in September
You go to the doctor for a checkup. Isn’t it time your medicines got a checkup, too?
Join AARP at one of four Meet-the-pharmacist Day events in September. Pharmacists will be available for medication review.
Take part in the concurrent senior resource fair and informational presentations on health and other issues important to YOU.
To receive a free personal medication review, bring all your prescription medications in their original pill bottles and anyoverthe-counter medicines, including vitamins, dietary supplements, drops and creams.
You can register by calling 1-877-926-8300
September 13
9:00 a.m. to noon
Cameron Family
10123 Riverwalk Dr.
Santee |
September 14
10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Escondido Library
239 Kalmia St.
Escondido |
September 27
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
War Memorial Bldg.
Balboa Park
3325 Zoo Dr.
San Diego |
September 28
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Kimball Senior Center
1221 “D” Ave.
National City |