County of San Diego in an Emergency! This info is available in SPANISH ...Advisory to people with chronic lung or heart conditions ....“If you have respiratory problems (including asthma, emphysema, bronchitis and lung cancer) or a heart ailment, extra precautions are necessary in light of blowing smoke from wildfires. Your lungs are more likely to be sensitive to low doses of certain chemical or pollutants. Anticipate a flare up of your condition, and be sure to have a sufficient supply of medications on hand. Stay inside your home and remain calm. Try not to participate in activities that cause shortness of breath. ...Here are some other tips: • Run the air conditioner (use the “recirculation” setting) and/or use your indoor air filter system. Although the call is out to conserve electricity, those in risk groups need clean air. ...Symptoms to watch for: .· Wheezing Note: Symptoms can come one or two days after exposure. Small soot particles will remain suspended in the air for up to 7 days after the fire is out. You should feel better after taking your medications as prescribed. However, if you are still having difficulty breathing, call your doctor or a local community clinic or urgent care center. If the symptoms above are severe or they are not relieved within 30 minutes after taking medications go to an emergency room. Danger signs/symptoms which indicate breathing difficulties that require an immediate visit to a hospital emergency room: o Gray or blue lips and nail beds of the fingers or toes Note: It’s natural to experience watery eyes, stuffy or drippy nose, even a cough. Those are not emergencies, if you are a normally healthy adult. Treat with over-the-counter decongestants, cough medicine, nasal spray, or saline. On the other hand, if people with lung disease are experiencing these symptoms, medical attention could be necessary. ...Keeping it cleaner indoors TheDon’t smoke ...Sensible Cleanup Precautions. ....“Those with lung disease should not be involved in the clean up process at all. For those not in risk groups: Who is most at risk? • Children (they breathe more often, so exposure is heavier)
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