AN EMERGING DEADLY TREND:WATERPIPE TOBACCO USE .. American Lung Association report on HOOKAH USE AND EFFECTS Provided by Ross Porter, Communications Director, American Lung Association of San Diego California The American Lung Association is publishing a 10-page brief about the health For a pdf download of the report, click here: Trendalert_Waterpipes. Community members and coalition partners who have attended one of the two educational forums that the Tobacco Control Coalition has held on this topic during the past year will recognize familiar conclusions: - Hookah use is a health hazard - Hookah-related health hazards are underestimated by the consuming public - More research is needed to establish risks The American Lung Association is posting the brief on its “SLATI” website that tracks state and local tobacco controls. Please feel free to share this information with colleagues and interested members of the public. In San Diego, Hookah use continues to be a growing trend that needs regulation. The public – especially youth who are targets of this growing industry - should know more about the health hazards of Hookah use. The American Lung Association will celebrate 100 years of working for lung health in San Diego County at the 2007 event, Evening in the Sky. At work on cures, clean air, and smoke-free kids, the American Lung Association holds its annual Asthma Walk in September. Learn more at or call 800-LUNG-USA. |
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