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MISSION FEDERAL MEMORY WALK WEEKEND Saturday, October 27 at Balboa Park or Sunday, October 28 at Cal State University San Marcos HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO AREA FIRES AND THE POOR AIR QUALITY . For more information please visit:



Public Cautioned Not To Handle Bats to Prevent Rabies Exposure

Other Wild Animals, Including Skunks, Foxes and Raccoons,
Also Can Carry the Diseasee

....The County of San Diego HHSA (Health and Human Services Agency) reminds the public to stay away from bats to prevent possible exposure to rabies.“Bat sightings and exposure often occur this time of year. Bats are carriers of rabies, a disease that can be deadly. Don’t put yourself in the position of having to undergo the process of rabies vaccination due to exposure to bats,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County of San Diego Public Health Officer. “Curiosity about bats tends to rise around this time of year, with Halloween approaching. If you see a bat, dead or alive, don’t touch it.”
....Locally, this year, 19 bats have been tested for rabies to date; of the 19, four bats (21 percent) have tested positive for rabies. In 2006, 22 bats were tested and two (9 percent) were positive for rabies. Public Health Services tests bats that are typically found dead or dying by persons known or suspected to have had possible exposure to them.
....Rabies vaccination involves a series of six shots over a 28-day period after exposure. Rabies is a disease that affects only mammals, chiefly wild animals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 93 of 100 reported rabies cases in animals are identified in wild animals, including bats, skunks, foxes, and raccoons.
....Pet owners are urged to ensure that their pets are vaccinated against rabies. If your pet is bitten by a wild animal and has had its rabies vaccinations, it is recommended the pet be re-vaccinated for rabies within 48 hours from the time of the contact with the wild animal.
Anyone who finds a dead or incapacitated bat, or a wild or stray animal that is acting strangely, should call their local animal control agency. If you have been bitten by a wild animal, contact your physician.

Free Dental Clinic Offered in San Marcos

....“More than 200 children are expected to participate in a free dental clinic on Saturday, October 20, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to help protect their teeth from cavities and comply with a new California law (AB-1433) that requires all children to have an oral evaluation by May 31st of their first year in public school. The goal of the new law is to ensure students are healthy and pain-free so they can succeed in school.
....“The clinic is being funded by the San Diego County Employee Charitable Organization and the Alliance to the San Diego County Dental Society.
....““I’m proud to say that County staff have made their own contributions to this important clinic,” says Fifth District Supervisor Bill Horn, who himself has funded similar dental clinics in various locations around North County. “This shows the continued commitment of our staff to the children and families they serve each and every day.”
Tooth decay is the most common infectious disease among children, accounting for 5.1 million school hours lost annually in the nation. “Fluoride varnish and dental sealants are safe and painless ways to help prevent cavities,” says Peggy Yamagata with the County’s Dental Health Initiative.
....“Unfortunately, many children do not receive routine dental care and prevention services due to lack of insurance. In fact, for every child without medical insurance in this country, it is estimated that there are more than 2.6 without dental insurance. Families interested in attending the clinic, held at North County Health Services in San Marcos (150 Valpreda Rd), should call (619) 692-8858 for an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.

Influenza Vaccinations Available

County of San Diego -The Flu Shot Hotline, (877) FLU-0202, is now being staffed to give seniors and others information about where to receive a flu shot. Medicare (Part B) will pay for the flu shot as well as a flu signpneumonia vaccine. The influenza season typically occurs between November and May. The flu vaccine is recommended for people age 60 and older, and younger people with chronic medical conditions. Click HERE for flu listings near you!

...Five Students Have Chicken Pox; Parents Urged To Check If Their Child Is Immunized

....“The San Diego County HHSA (Health and Human Services Agency) is working with Santee School District officials in their effort to notify parents of students who were possibly exposed to chicken pox (varicella). Five students at Cajon Park Elementary School in Santee have been diagnosed with chicken pox.
“It is important to identify all children who have been exposed and to monitor their symptoms,” said Dr. Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., San Diego County Public Health Officer. “It’s imperative that parents check with their physicians to make sure their children are up to date for the chicken pox vaccine.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends two doses of chickenpox vaccine for all people one year of age and older who do not have evidence of immunity for the disease. Ninety-nine percent of people develop immunity after two doses.
The students ranged in age from 4 to 11 years old. None required hospitalization and all had previously received one chicken pox vaccine. “This stresses the message that breakthrough infection can occur and emphasizes the need to adhere to the recent recommendations of obtaining two vaccines,” states Dr. Wooten.
School officials have sent letters to parents informing them of the outbreak and asking them to make sure their children have been vaccinated against the disease.
Symptoms of chicken pox include a skin rash of blister-like lesions, covering the body but usually more concentrated on the face, scalp, and trunk. The risk of complications increases after puberty and includes bacterial infection of skin lesions, dehydration and pneumonia.
Most, but not all, infected individuals have fever, which develops just before or when the rash appears. If exposed, persons who have been vaccinated against the disease may get a milder illness, with less severe rash (sometimes involving only a few red bumps that look similar to insect bites) and mild or no fever. The incubation period is from 14-16 days from exposure, with a range of 10-21 days. The illness lasts about 5-10 days.
For more information on chicken pox and immunizations in general, please call the HHSA Immunization Branch at 619-692-8661 or visit the website at


County of San Diego Taking The Steps to Recover

Federal Resources Are Available Now to Assist Fire Victims

Thursday 25,07-The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is swiftly mobilizing federal resources and assets in coordination with the state of California and other federal agencies. Many federal agencies in coordination with FEMA are aiding in the response to the Southern California wildfires. For know about the key operational activities underway please visit , for information or to apply by telephone please call 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362) and to Request for Public Assistance, you could apply on line

Food Asistance Available

Thursday 25,07-San Diego County residents directly affected by the wildfires may be eligible for emergency food stamps, county officials said. People can apply for them at county family resource centers and the four local assistance centers set up to help wildfire victims.
The Food Stamps are available on a one-time-only basis if people meet specific requirements, such as losing a home or income because of the fires. Families who currently receive food stamps may be eligible for increased the amount levels if they were affected by the fires.
Applications will be accepted from today Thursday through Saturday. Complete instructions and guidelines are available by calling (866) 262-9881

Elderly Program Ready to Help Fire Victims

Wednesday 24,07-ElderHelp provides personalized services and information to seniors who want to remain living in their own homes. ElderHelp is offering its HomeShare Program services to qualified applicants that have been displaced by the San Diego County wildfires.
ElderHelp of San Diego’s HomeShare Program assists individuals seeking affordable housing by matching them with home providers who have a spare room available in their homes. Although ElderHelp serves primarily seniors 60 and better, people of all ages can be considered for the HomeShare Program. Unfortunately, the HomeShare Program can only assist individuals and not families.
Home Providers usually rent a spare room at a below market rate or provide a rent free room in exchange for household assistance. HomeShare is not a placement service and people interested in participating in the program take responsibility for choosing their housemates.
HomeShare matches are facilitated by trained social workers and the registration process includes thorough screening of all applicants and a background check. Once registration is complete, referrals are provided based on personal needs and preferences of the applicant. Written agreements are facilitated for people who match and ongoing support for the duration of the match is provided by ElderHelp.
The HomeShare Program serves most 921… zip code areas in central San Diego. All home Providers must reside within this service area.
Whether you are a homeowner with a spare room in your home or an individual seeking housing, please contact: Cynthia Hansen, HomeShare Coordinator, ElderHelp of San Diego, 619-284-9281 x16. Or email to

President Bush's declaration of a "major disaster" Means Federal Asistance to San Diego Fire Victims

Wednesday 24,07-The announcement of San Diego’s staggering losses came as President Bush signed a major disaster declaration for California in the wake of the wildfires that have charred about 426,000 acres, or about 665 square miles.
President Bush's declaration of a "major disaster" in Southern California means the government will provide direct financial assistance to people who have lost property and other possessions in this week's wildfires.
The declaration puts in motion long-term federal recovery programs to help state and local governments, families, individuals and certain nonprofit organizations recover. The assistance varies from direct aid for uninsured losses to help with rebuilding infrastructure.
“Americans all across this land care deeply about them,” the president said after a Cabinet meeting convened to coordinate federal relief efforts. “We’re concerned about their safety. We’re concerned about their property.”
The fierce Santa Ana wind that has stoked the explosive blazes had started to moderate Wednesday although stiff gusts continued to blow through some canyon areas. Forecasters said the wind eventually would be followed by cooling sea breezes bringing "healthier system".

Be Inform! Be prepared and ready with the latest news on tv, radio and on line

Wednesday 24,07- Knowing how to respond to any disaster that could occur in your area will help keep your family protected from all types of hazards. The county is posting fire updates at Please visit County of San Diego "Community Preparedness".San Diego Community Access 619-570-1070 with information in English and Spanish.

San Diego County Maps, weather, evacuation, road closures information and shelter information, and medical services, all in one source on tv channel 8, on radio 760AM and 100.7 FM and on line:
For quick posting for the urgent messages please use San Diego Union "Help Blogs" on

DA Issues Strong Warning Against Looting at Evacuated Neighborhoods in San Diego County

Tuesday 23,07-San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie M. Dumanis today warned that would-be looters looking to profit in the wake of San Diego County’s devastating wildfires will be vigorously prosecuted by her office.
..“The fires have victimized residents in our county once. We will not allow them to be victimized a second time by criminals without a conscience,” said DA Dumanis. “Local law enforcement and National Guard troops have been doing an excellent job of securing the evacuated neighborhoods across the county to reduce the incidence of looting.”
..During a state of emergency, looting is second-degree burglary, which is a felony crime punishable by up to three years in state prison.
..The San Diego Sheriff’s Department has reported a handful of looting incidents and the arrest of two looting suspects in Ramona.

Good News: "All Chula Vista Earlier evacuations are lifted"

Tuesday 23,07- Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox announced good news for Chula Vista: "The city of Chula Vista has lifted all evacuation notices within the city, officials said. Residents who evacuated are allowed to return to their homes". "Earlier, Rolling Hills Ranch residents were evacuated from an area south of the Auld Golf Course and north of Proctor Valley Road. But now fire officials report the immediate threat has been averted " "Winds moves to the west, pushing remnants of the Harris fire away from the city and the community of Bonita.These weather conditions, and the water drops by helicopters, backfires and a shift in wind direction have markedly improved the Harris fire situation in Chula Vista, Mayor said." " We have good support from the residents of Chula Vista and now the firefigthers and the helicopters have been gone to assist Spring Valley"
..About 440 evacuees have found shelter at the Chula Vista Community Youth Center on the campus of Chula Vista High School. The shelter will still be open until Thursday. Chula Vista residents who want updates on the current fire situation can call (619) 397-6399 to hear recorded messages.

Jonah Baby Needs Your HelpJonak Baby


Jonah Chuang is only a tiny infant (DOB August 2, 2007), he was diagnosed with HLH (Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis), ), a rare condition where one of the immune cells attacks and eats all other blood cells. He will need a bone marrow transplant.
ANYBODY of Chinese or Asian descent is preferred to get themselves screened, and join the bone marrow registry, so that when the time comes, their HLA-types can be compared with Jonah's.
....Sept 17,07 update - Jonah has NOT made significant progress with his chemotherapy (third week of eight). His marrow is still suppressed, and now he has significant side effects from the chemo with weight loss, anorexia, terrible diarrhea, and fussiness (likely from pain), and skin problems. Please keep him ardently in your prayers, as well as his family. Jonah’s aunt (Jeannie’s sister, an ID doc in orange county) has come down with this mysterious progressive muscle disorder in the last three days where she has weakened and is now unable to walk, and her son went into anaphylaxis for unclear etiology (ok now).
....Grandpa called me to send out prayers because he doesn’t know why God is challenging his family so much.
....To help and for more information please contact Susan J. Fernandez, Interim Research Coordinator University of California San Diego 619 5432918 Tel or email or log in
Monday Oct. 22,07- --> Jonah's Update
10-22-07- This morning, we and over 250,000 residents of San Diego were asked to evacuate our homes because of the numerous uncontrolled raging wildfires.Continued

"Solana Beach and Del Mar are lifted "

Solana Beach has lifted all evacuation notices within the city, officials said. Residents who evacuated are allowed to return to their homes.The city recommended that residents remain prepared to evacuate should the situation change.

County of San Diego News Conference

County of San Diego Emergency Office , Monday 22,07 - At 4 p.m., in a news conference, San Diego County officials said thousands of residents living in the paths of the wildfires need to be ready to evacuate their homes.
..Supervisor Ron Roberts advice for the people to call 511 for Road information and for non-emergency information call 211. "We are trying hard to save people from injuries and we need their cooperate" "If we ask you to leave , LEAVE please"
.."People need to stay away from the roads, if they don't need to evacuate, they have to remain in calm at home, but be prepared to leave inmediately if is the evacuate advice"
Once residents have been given notice to evacuate, they will not be allowed back in the area until further notice.
..An evacuation center has been set up at Chula Vista High School, 820 Fourth Ave. Parking is available at the Chula Vista Community Youth Center, on the south side of the school campus.
..County fire officials said " the Harris fire is pushing to Otay Mesa and Otay Lakes but if the weather conditions continue the same it will be contained by tomorrow"

Advisory to people with chronic lung or heart conditions

...Monday Oct. 22,07- If you have respiratory problems (including asthma, emphysema, bronchitis and lung cancer) or a heart ailment, extra precautions are necessary in light of blowing smoke from wildfires. Your lungs are more likely to be sensitive to low doses of certain chemical or pollutants. Anticipate a flare up of your condition, and be sure to have a sufficient supply of medications on hand. Stay inside your home and remain calm. Try not to... Continued

The Governor Calls in the State National Guard to Address San Diego Fires

.Monday 22,07 - At 3:24 p.m., Joined by City and County leaders, the Governor held a Press Conference in San Diego to address the growing threat of Wildfires affecting parts of San Diego County and Southern California.
..Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has directed the California National Guard to assign 1,500 guardsmen to the firefighting efforts. The 1,500 guardsmen, including 200 troops currently patrolling the California/Mexico border, will be deployed at the direction of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services to areas where they can have the greatest impact.
"It is a tragic time for California. I saw the tremendous devastation caused by these fires first hand today and I want to commend all of the brave firefighters that have been battling the blazes around our state. They have done an extraordinary job," said Governor Schwarzenegger. "We have the best-trained, the best-equipped and the most experienced firefighters in the world and I am committed to making all of the state's resources available to them to get these fires under control. That is why I have declared a state of emergency and directed the National Guard to support the firefighters in Southern California.
.."I urge everyone to follow the directions and evacuation orders issued by the emergency personnel." For the report from the State of California please visit, and for Spanish

District Attorney Investigators Deployed as Law Enforcement Support for County Wildfires

.Monday Oct. 22,07- San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie M. Dumanis announced today that investigators from her office have been deployed to assist in providing law enforcement at the county’s wildfires as part of the Countywide Law Enforcement Mutual Aid.
..“Our investigators are sworn law enforcement personnel who have all been previously employed as police officers, sheriff’s deputies or as federal agents,” DA Dumanis said. “We remain ready to help out our community any way we can.”
..The District Attorney’s Office has more than 125 investigators as part of its Bureau of Investigation who are available to participate in the mutual aid. They are reporting to the staging areas at the Vista Courthouse or Grossmont College to be dispatched by the incident commanders. Their duties include providing law enforcement to prevent looting in evacuated areas, supplemental patrol, traffic control, and security posts, among other assignments.
..The DA investigators are carrying firearms, dressed in khaki pants with black polo shirts with “Police” printed in reflective lettering. They drive unmarked cars with emergency lighting and have their County identification cards displayed prominently.
DA Investigators were also deployed during the Cedar fires in San Diego County in October 2003.For this infomation in Spanish

Pomerado Hospital is Evacuated

.Monday Oct-22-07- A description for the Hospital Pomerado Evacuation By Arthur Salm- POWAY – 11:26 a.m. - Fire and smoke crested the hills immediately east of Villa Pomerado here at 11 a.m. today, and mechanic and service workers for the hospital complex were manning hoses the defend the facility.
..All workers were being told at 11:15 to evacuate Pomerado Hospital and Villa Pomerado at 15600 block of Pomerado Road. Fire appeared to be coming over the hills from the east. Mechanics had gone to fire extinguisher boxes on the roof of the parking structure to pull hoses and fighting equipment. Smoke was thick.
..No fire trucks could be seen in the area of the hospital complex.
Meanwhile, a long line of Villa Pomerado patients in wheelchairs were quickly being moved onto school buses lined up to evacuate patients from the nursing facility. More than 120 patients from Pomerado Hospital were evacuated earlier this morning and 75 patients from the adjoining Villa Pomerado were now being taken to other sites.
Each Villa Pomerado patient was holding a large ziplock bag carrying confidential patient information and transfer documents as they were being loaded onto the buses.

SHARP Hospital Recommendations on The importance of fire safety:

.Monday Oct. 22,07- Thousands of people annually suffer injuries in home fires in the US. The majority of fire-related deaths (70 percent) are caused by smoke inhalation of the toxic gases produced by fires. Fires and burns are the fifth-leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths among children ages 14 and under.
The Fire safety recommendations also contains information for: Preventing fires and burns,The family escape plan and Preventing burns.

Health effects of Wild Fire smoke

Don't ignore the danger Asthma signs

American Lung association



....“The effects of smoke run from irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract to more serious disorders, including asthma, bronchitis, reduced lung function and premature death. Studies have found that fine particulate matter is linked (alone or with other pollutants) with a number of significant respiratory and cardiovascular-related effects, including increased mortality and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiovascular disease. In addition, airborne particles are respiratory irritants, and laboratory studies show that high concentrations of particulate matter cause persistent cough, phlegm, wheezing and physical discomfort in breathing. Particulate matter can also alter the body’s immune system and affect removal of foreign materials from the lung, like pollen and bacteria.

Carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream through the lungs and reduces oxygen delivery to the body’s organs and tissues. The health threat from lower levels of CO is most serious for those who suffer from cardiovascular disease. At higher levels, carbon monoxide exposure can cause headaches, dizziness, visual impairment, reduced work capacity, and reduced manual dexterity even in otherwise healthy individuals. At even higher levels (seldom associated solely with a fire), carbon monoxide can be deadly.

People exposed to toxic air pollutants at sufficient concentrations and durations may have an increased chance of getting cancer or experiencing other serious health problems. However, in general, it is believed that the long term risk from toxic air pollutants from forest fire smoke is very low. Some components of smoke, such as many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are carcinogenic. Probably the most carcinogenic is benzo-a-pyrene (BaP), which has been demonstrated to increase in toxicity when mixed with carbon particulate. Other components, such as the aldehydes, are acute irritants. Continued under "Composition of the Smoke"



A Cloud of Ashes Advance Over San Diego

Sunday Oct 21,07- Smoke rolls into town, blanketing the county, turning on street lights, wild firecreating an eerie and choking fog. Switch boards light up as people look for answers. Citizens want to know what they should do to protect themselves. Schools want to know if practices should be cancelled. The media wants to know how dangerous the smoke really is.

To provide the accurate information is the result of a collaborative effort that brought together scientists, air quality specialists and public health professionals from national, state and local agencies. Continued


Salud+HealthInfo is for information and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned abut your health or that of a child, please consult your family's physician or health provider immediately and do not try to diagnose yourself. Salud+Health Info is published and distributed free of charge by Info Option Network (ION) Publishing Company. Copyright © 2001-2008 Info Option Network

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