"Breastfeeding: The First Hour – Welcome Baby Softly" |
... "Congratulations on Your New Baby!" Breastfeeding is the start of a healthy life! ....Breast milk is the best gift that only you can give your newborn. It is a gift of love and health because breast milk contains the right amounts of fat, sugar, water, and proteins needed for your baby's growth and development. It's a love bond
It's safe! ....Breast milk is always sterile. There are no chances that it might be prepared inadequately, or that it is contaminated or will go bad. It is always available and it's free! It's health for life! ....Breast milk is special for babies because many of the ingredients in it can't be found in cow's milk or formula. Breast milk has antibodies, which help protect babies and children from bacteria and viruses. They also help them fight infections and other illnesses. Your baby will be less exposed to respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and ear infections; will have less constipation and diarrhea; and in the future will grow stronger and less likely to suffer from obesity. When to start: ....During pregnancy, nature manages to prepare women physically for breastfeeding. However, it's normal to not know how to breastfeed given one needs to learn and practice with the correct and updated information. You should place the baby on your breast as soon as possible after giving birth. Ideally, this should happen in the delivery room. Make sure your doctor lets you breastfeed in the delivery room, granted everything was fine. When the baby is placed on your abdomen, he can reach your breasts by himself, although the process can take almost an hour. Once he learns, you and your baby will have less problems during breastfeeding. Your first milk is called “colostrum” and, although it is produced in small amounts, it is enough to calm your baby's thirst and hunger. How to start: 1- You should be in a comfortable and relaxed position, considering that you will change positions and breast in one session. How to tell if your baby is eating enough: ....Your baby will need to eat 8 to 12 times in a 24-hour period because breast milk is digested more easily, additionally newborns have very small stomachs. ....Allow your baby to eat as much as possible, and, once he feels satisfied, he will release your breast by himself. Some babies fall asleep because they get tired from eating and some even fall asleep attached to their mother's breasts. But to tell if your baby is getting enough milk, your baby needs to soil 6 to 8 diapers in 24 hours and have at least 3 to 5 bowel movements. It's okay if he uses more diapers than those mentioned, but you should call your pediatrician if he soils less than that. ....If you are breastfeeding, why you should avoid feeding him with a bottle? ....1- You will have less milk because, the less you breastfeed your baby, the less milk you'll have. Your baby needs your love and your milk! You can do it! ....Remember that the WIC program has specialized professionals who can answer all your questions, in addition to offering classes with educational videos and materials. The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program is a nutrition education program that provides nutrition and health information and referrals to the health and social services resources available in the community. ... ............. For more information on Breasfeeding , classes available and materials please call to WIC San Ysidro Health Center 619-426-7966 |
INFO: TEL.619-427-4111 EMAIL |
Salud + Health Info is for information and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned abut your health or that of a child, please consult your family’s physician or health provider immediately and do not try to diagnose yourself.