.... WIC is a special supplemental food program for pregnant, breastfeeding, and post-partum women, infants, and children under five years of age. To be eligible for the program, a woman, infant, or child must meet the income guidelines and be at nutritional risk. A nurse or nutritionist will determine if an applicant is eligible for the WIC program. ....Special supplemental foods are provided to eligible participants. Health professionals also .Good nutrition helps protect the entire family against health problems ....WIC contributes to improved pregnancies and healthier children, resulting in better health and dramatic savings in medical care costs. The U.S. Department of Agriculture research has shown that participation in the WIC program significantly improves children’s intake of iron, folate, and vitamin B and that by participating in WIC, the entire family also improves on Healthy Eating Index scores for the household. .....“We want to make sure these women learn healthy habits and receive nutritious foods in order to get the proper nutrients and improve their family’s overall health,” Janet Salazar WIC SYHC Director said. “We not only provide them with the necessary healthcare referrals and nutritional tailored counseling, WIC provides them vouchers to be exchanged for specific foods at the WIC participating grocery store of their choice. We know that part of the needs are due to economic reasons and federal funding allows us to provide this food vouchers to all our participants.” .....WIC vouchers provide participants with supplemental foods through a monthly package tailored to enhance their health and meet their special dietary needs. The foods are specifically chosen to provide nutrients that have been scientifically shown to be lacking or needed in extra amounts in the diets of the WIC population. The foods are chosen to provide protein, fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C – nutrients likely to be missing from their regular diets.
....• MILK AND CHEESE are high in calcium, protein, and vitamin A to build strong bones and teeth. ....• EGGS, PEANUT BUTTER AND BEANS provide protein and minerals for muscle and brain growth. ....• CARROTS are rich in Vitamin A, beta-carotene, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. ....• WIC CEREALS for babies and mothers and their infants. These cereals are high in iron and fiber, which are needed for proper brain growth. The WIC cereals your child eats now may help him do well in school later on and may reduce the chance of behavior problems. ....• WIC FORMULA for babies with milk intolerance who are not breastfed. This infant formula is supplemented with iron. ....• WIC JUICES are vitamin C-rich juices to help fight infections and promote wound healing. ....• TUNA FISH for pregnant women is an excellent source of high quality protein. It is rich in a variety of important nutrients which include the minerals selenium, magnesium, and potassium; the B vitamins niacin, B1 and B6; and, perhaps most important of them all, the beneficial omega-3 essential fatty acids. ...With the proper nutrients, women can help reduce the risk of premature birth and low birth weights, both of which can cause mental retardation, neurological problems, lung deformities and many future health-related problems for newborns. By educating the new mothers during their pregnancy, they can improve their health and their family health for life. • Healthy Foods & Helpful Advice for Healthier and strong families. That’s What WIC Is All About! ...... If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have children under 5, come and learn more about good nutrition, health care and positive parenting by calling the WIC San Ysidro Health Center at 619-426-7966 |
Salud + Health Info is for information and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned abut your health or that of a child, please consult your family’s physician or health provider immediately and do not try to diagnose yourself.