Exercise is more
than image:
A Spring Challenge
"Spring to it"

Physical laziness is an epidemic in the United States. It often starts with children who are not exercise-wise "house-broken", that is, they do not want to go outside and do the natural things children have always done in the past: play games, run and jump around, climb the "forbidden" tree, play catch, or walk down to the creek or the park. Adults will often take their dogs to a leash-free park to let their dogs run around and play, but do not do the same thing for or with their children. Many adults themselves, after sitting all day at work, sit at the computer or before the television when they get home. Exercise, that is bodily movement, seems to many people to be an additional burden in their lives instead of an opportunity to enjoy the abilities and agility of their bodies. The trouble with play-stations is that there is no physical play or bodily movement.
The great philosopher, Plato, spoke of the earthly excellencies: health, comeliness, strength, and wealth. In that order. The first three depend on exercise; for health, beauty, and strength are all enhanced by regular exercise. Health does not come in clodded arteries. Beauty does not come in a lump of fat, and strength does not come without exercising the muscles of the body with great regularity. Even the brain needs exercise! Read, think, debate, discuss pertinent issues of the day, and learn of history and listen to the philosophers. Let the mind, as well as the body, be exercised daily. Living itself, like any other task, gives back only what one puts into it. LIVE WELL!
Jerry Dell Ehrlich, Ph.D. SALUD+HEALTH INFO