WalkAmerica is Now March for Babies Premier March of Dimes Event Takes A New Name To Signal Commitment to Health of Babies!
SAN DIEGO, CA—WalkAmerica, the March of Dimes largest fundraising event, which brought in $117 million nationwide last year, has been renamed March for Babies. The new name makes a clear connection to what the March of Dimes is all about—the health of babies. The new name of its premier event is part of a larger March of Dimes initative focused on all babies—those born healthy as well as those who need help to survive and thrive. The March of Dimes has also released a new public service advertising campaign, and is “The name of our event has changed, but our misson stays the same—working towards the day when every baby is born healthy” said Mary Henrikson, Chair, Board of Directors, San Diego-Imperial March of Dimes. “We hope the new name will bring more people on board to help make that day a reality,” added Henrikson. March of Dimes also offers Healthy Babies Healthy Business which is a wellness program on the March of Dimes web site (www.marchofdimes.com/hbhb/) that provides business educational tools for employees who are pregant or are thinking about becoming pregnant. In addition to a new name, March for Babies has a new Web site. Interested walkers and donors can visit marchforbabies.org or call toll-free 1-800-525-9255 to sign up as an individual, start a corporate, family or friend’s team, or donate to help babies to be born healthy. In 2008, national March for Babies sponsors are CIGNA, Continental Airline, Famous Footwear, Farmers, FedEx, Grain Foods Foundation, Liberty Tax Services, nesting.com, and Kmart, the March of Dimes number one corporate partner which has raised more than 63 million for babies. Discovery Health, Mead Johnson Nutritionals, Outdoor Services and Ther-RX provide additional national sponsorship.
Join the March for Babies.
Help us give every baby a healthy start by signing up at marchforbabies.org About March of Dimes.The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. With chapters nationwide and its premier event, March for Babies, the March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies. For the latest resources and information, visit marchofdimes.com or nacersano.org |
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