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Handwashing prevent infections and illness at home, school and work
Hands pick up germs, spreading them from surface to surface, food to food and person to person.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, "the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash you hands." Judicious hand washing can prevent not only common diseases like colds, but also more serious diseases like hepatitis A, meningitis, and infectious diarrhea.
Wash your hands in warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Wash front and back, between your fingers and under your fingernails. Sing two choruses of “Happy Birthday” or the “Alphabet Song” (both take about 20 seconds) — and teach your children to do the same.
Beware of Fraudulent Ads, Scams and Phishing

The FBI reminds shoppers to beware of cyber criminals and their aggressive and creative ways to steal money and personal information. Scammers use many techniques to fool potential victims including fraudulent auction sales, reshipping merchandise purchased with a stolen credit card, sale of fraudulent or stolen gift cards through auction sites at discounted prices, and phishing e-mails advertising brand name merchandise for bargain prices or e-mails promoting the sale of merchandise that ends up being a counterfeit product.
Be leery of e-mails or text messages you receive indicating a problem or question regarding your financial accounts. In this scam, you are directed to follow a link or call the number provided in the message to update your account or correct the problem. The link actually directs the individual to a fraudulent Web site or message that appears legitimate; however, any personal information you provide, such as account number and personal identification number (PIN), will be stolen. Another scam involves victims receiving an e-mail message directing the recipient to a spoofed Web site. A spoofed Web site is a fake site or copy of a real Web site that is designed to mislead the recipient into providing personal information. Remember if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. To receive the latest information about cyber scams, please go to the FBI Web site and sign up for e-mail alerts by clicking on one of the red envelopes. If you have received a scam e-mail, please notify the IC3 by filing a complaint at www.ic3.gov.

Mouse tests Positive for Hantavirus
SAN DIEGO- December 6, 2012- A mouse trapped in Campo during routine monitoring has tested positive for the potentially deadly hantavirus. San Diego County Department of Environmental Health officials said it was normal to find rodents carrying hantavirus in San Diego County, but that they rarely posed a threat to people if they remained in the wild. However, they said people should protect themselves whenever cleaning up after rodents if they found them in their homes or on their properties.
"Hantavirus can become dangerous if infected rodents get indoors and people come into contact with their droppings" said Environmental Health Director Jack Miller.
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Protect Your Family Against Whooping Cough
..Three children at different schools contracted pertussis, also known as whooping cough, and may have exposed others to the highly contagious respiratory disease, according to County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) officials.
..Students and staff were notified of the potential exposure to whooping cough so they could watch for symptoms. A typical case of pertussis starts with a cough and runny nose for one to two weeks, followed by weeks to months of rapid coughing fits that sometimes end with a whooping sound. Fever, if present, is usually mild. The disease is treatable with antibiotics.
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Consumer Alert: Scam Targets Medicare Beneficiaries
By Centers of Medicare
Medicare Open Enrollment Period Now Underway. Most companies have open enrollment for benefits during October and November. Medicare open enrollment period it's time to warn everyone about potential scams.
Medicare is an insurance program for senior citizens and is administered by the federal government. During Open Enrollment, Medicare beneficiaries face an increased risk of becoming the victim of identity theft and other scams. Also, the scam artists may ask senior citizens for bank information, including bank account numbers, which they then use to electronically withdraw money from a beneficiary's account.
Watch out for "door-to-door salespersons." Insurance agents cannot solicit business for Medicare Part "D" or Medicare Advantage without an appointment, so unscheduled sales meetings are probably a scam.
It is against Medicare's rules to call a Medicare beneficiary and request bank account or other personal information, or cash payments. No beneficiary should ever provide that kind of information to someone who calls them, no matter how official the caller sounds.

First influenza death reported in San Diego
SAN DIEGO, November 21 – An 89-year-old woman died from influenza — the first reported death in San Diego County of this year’s flu season – and county health officials Wednesday encouraged residents to get vaccinated against the disease.
“This death serves as a reminder that influenza, regardless of what type, can be deadly,” county Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten said. “The best protection against the flu is to get vaccinated. It is not too late to be immunized.
Influenza could turn serious or deadly,especially for the elderly ,infants and those with chronic conditions like heart disease or diabetes, the county Health and Human Services Agency reported.
County officials said public health centers have the vaccine available for those without medical insurance. A list of locations is available at sdiz.org or by calling 211. In addition to getting vaccinated, Wooten recommended washing hands thoroughly and often or using hand sanitizers; avoiding sick people; avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth; and cleaning commonly touched surfaces.

Successfull jump from 24 miles in space
.November 12-Felix Baumgartner's historic jump from 24 miles above Earth captivated more than 8 million YouTube viewers on Oct. 14, 2012. Felix Baumgartner successfully completed his space jump, a 24-mile skydive. With his leap from 128,000 feet, Baumgartner becomes a larger-than-life figure in aerospace history, joining the ranks of those who have pushed personal and technological limits as they tempted fate and tested science.
A documentary, was aired on Nov. 11, featuring previously unseen footage of Baumgartner's dive taken by two suit-mounted cameras by National Geographic and the BBC.
Baumgartner's jump was not without drama. He complained about a lack of heat in his helmet on the way up, which caused mission engineers to debate whether or not to bring him down in the capsule. Then, on the descent, the skydiver could be seen by an infrared camera as a tiny white dot against a black backdrop spinning wildly, precisely the situation the team was hoping to avoid as it could lead to a loss of consciousness or worse.
"Sometimes you have to go really high to see how small you are," said Baumgartner, 43. Then he jumped, a diminishing white dot against an impossibly black sky.
Baumgartner exceeded the speed of sound during his jump and set records for the highest balloon ascent, highest parachute jump and fastest speed achieved by a human through the atmosphere.
As soon as Baumgartner landed, he dropped to his knees and raised his fists. The team at Mission Control in Roswell burst into applause.
"It's hard to realize what happened because there's still so many emotions," Baumgartner said shortly after landing.

Barack Obama has been elected to a second term as President of the United States
November 6- President Obama thanked all those who voted, and those who helped his campaign. He said he is returning to the White House more inspired than ever, and pledged to realize the vision of a prosperous, technologically superior, well-defended and inspirational America.
"You made your voice heard, and you made a difference," Obama told supporters.
"I will return to the White House more inspired and more determined than ever," he said. 'We've got more work to do."
"This happened because of you. Thank you," Obama tweeted to supporters. It was retweeted more than more than 318,000 times, a record. A picture posted around 11 p.m. EST on Obama's Facebook page showing him hugging first lady Michelle Obama under the headline "Four more years" was liked by more than a million users.
President Obama pledged that his national healthcare plan would keep people with preexisting conditions from being denied coverage. He also claims “Obamacare” will cut the deficit by over a trillion dollars over the next two decades and reduce healthcare costs in America.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Community Mental Health Act
By National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
....On October 31, 1963 President John F. Kennedy signed into law the Community Mental Health Act (also known as the Mental Retardation and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963) to provide federal funding for community mental health centers and research facilities devoted to research in and treatment of mental retardation. It was the last piece of legislation JFK signed before his assassination.
For millions of Americans with mental illness, JFK’s final legislation ended the nightmare of being warehoused in institutions and opened the door to a new era of hope and recovery — to a life in the community. Today, as we near the 50th anniversary of the Community Mental Health Act of 1963, it is time for organizations like yours that were born out of this legislation to look back and celebrate your progress, and to share the stories of all you’ve done for our nation’s most vulnerable citizens.

A Ghost in Cepheus
NASA - Described as a "dusty curtain" or "ghostly apparition," mysterious reflection nebula VdB 152 really is very faint. Far from your neighborhood on this Halloween Night, the cosmic phantom is nearly 1,400 light-years away. Also catalogued as Ced 201, it lies along the northern Milky Way in the royal constellation Cepheus. Near the edge of a large molecular cloud, pockets of interstellar dust in the region block light from background stars or scatter light from the embedded bright star giving parts of the nebula a characteristic blue color. Ultraviolet light from the star is also thought to cause a dim reddish luminescence in the nebular dust. Though stars do form in molecular clouds, this star seems to have only accidentally wandered into the area, as its measured velocity through space is very different from the cloud's velocity. This deep telescopic image of the region spans about 7 light-years.
Image Credit: NASA/Stephen Leshin

Dead Crow Tests Positive For West Nile Virus
.LA JOLLA - A dead American crow found in La Jolla has tested positive for West Nile virus, San Diego County vector control officials said.
Although summer-like temperatures have been dropping and San Diego County’s warm-weather West Nile virus season seems to be ending, County environmental health officials urged people to be careful and protect themselves from mosquitoes that can spread the potentially-deadly disease.
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You've Earned a Say
..... When it comes to the future of Social Security and Medicare, elected leaders are usually talking to each other — not to people who depend on these benefits to survive every month.That’s not right. Without the voice of those who earned these protections through years of hard work, closed-door conversations taking place in Washington are meaningless. .... America needs to strengthen the important safety nets of Social Security and Medicare, but it can’t happen without hearing from those who know their value better than anyone.
