The Consecuences of Losing Control and Play Jostled Rough Names: “Shaking Baby Syndrome” ...."Shaking Baby Syndrome," is a serious injury which can have devastating .......Parents and caregivers may shake a baby in anger and frustration because they cannot stop him from crying. The average baby cries for approximately two hours every day, and many times even highly trained and experienced caregivers can't figure out why he is upset or find a way to make him quiet down. Inexperienced, overburdened parents or those with substance abuse problems become frustrated and irritated even more quickly. When the caregiver reaches the breaking point, he or she picks up the baby and shakes it to get the baby to stop crying. This is when the damage can, and usually does, occur. To help prevent this problem, parents and relatives need to learn healthy ways to relieve stress and anger, and carefully choose your child care providers. ....Normal play, such as bouncing a child on a knee or gently tossing a child in the air, does not cause shaking baby syndrome, but Shaking baby syndrome (SBS) is a form of child abuse. It refers to brain injury that happens to the child. It occurs when someone shakes a baby or slams or throws a baby against an object. A child could be shaken by the arms, legs, chest, or shoulders. ...."Shaking Baby Syndrome," can occur with 5 seconds of shaking. Long-term brain damage can result from as few as 20 seconds of forcible shaking. .
....Shaking baby syndrome is a term used to describe the signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking or shaking and impacting of the head of an infant or small child.The degree of brain damage depends on the amount and duration of the shaking and the forces involved in impact of the head. ....A young infant has very weak neck muscles and only gradually develops the strength to control his heavy head. If he is shaken, his head wobbles rapidly back and forth, causing the baby's fragile brain to slam against the skull wall. ...Shaking baby syndrome occurs mostly in children younger than 3, and is most common in babies younger than 1 year of age. But it also can affect children up to age 5. Shaking baby syndrome can cause serious long-term problems. ,,,Medical research indicates that even mild or moderate shaking can cause serious disabilities and even death. Children may also be accidentally injured by being shaken or jostled in rough play activities. ...Signs and symptoms move from irritability, lethargy, tremors, vomiting, to major seizures, coma, stupor, death. These neurological changes are due to destruction of brain cells secondary to trauma, lack of oxygen to the brain cells, and swelling of the brain. Extensive retinal hemorrhages in one or both eyes are found in the vast majority of these cases. ....Approximately 20% of cases are fatal in the first few days after injury and the majority of the survivors are left with handicaps ranging from mild learning disorders, moderate to severe behavioral changes which may include profound mental and developmental retardation, paralysis, blindness, inability to eat or exist in a permanent vegetative state. ...If you think your baby might have been injured from violent shaking, the most important step is to get medical care right away. Call your pediatrician or take your baby to the nearest emergency department. If your baby's brain is damaged or bleeding inside from severe shaking, it will only get worse without treatment. Getting medical care right away may save your baby's life and prevent serious health problems from developing. WHEN YOUR CHILD CRIES, TAKE A BREAK! ...DON'T SHAKE! ... If you feel as though you could lose control: • NEVER shake a baby or child, whether in play or in anger. Even gentle shaking can escalate to violent shaking when you are angry. Contact the Access Crisis Line for help and guidance:1-800-479-3339 |
Salud+HealthInfo is for information and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned abut your health or that of a child, please consult your family's physician or health provider immediately and do not try to diagnose yourself. Salud+Health Info is published and distributed free of charge by Info Option Network (ION) Publishing Company. Copyright © 2001-2006 Info Option Network |