March is the National Nutrition Month
A registered dietitian can help you look at your total diet and learn the balance and moderation needed for success, and can dispel the myths and legends that get in the way of healthful eating.
National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign is designed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. NNM also promotes the Academy and its members to the public and the media as the most valuable and credible source of timely, scientifically based food and nutrition information. Through National Nutrition Month, created in 1973, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reminds consumers that registered dietitians are their most valuable and credible source of timely, science-based information.
With more than 67,000 members the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the nation’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. To locate a registered dietitian in your area, visit the American Dietetic Association at

Thursday March 1st tru 4th.- San Diego Bird Festival
16th Annual Bird Festival. Social mixers, keynote banquet, silent auction, seminars, Birding & Optics EXPO, special birding trips, guided nature and bird walks to popular local habitats or communities around San Diego. WHEN-From Thursday March 1st trough Sunday 4th., 2012- TIME- The EXPO is free and open to the public from 12 to 5 daily - WHERE-at Marina Village Conference Center - Mission Bay 1936 Quivira Way - San Diego CA 92109-INFO- Please call (858) 273-7800 or visit:

Saturday March 3- How I do this? Caregiving at home
Family caregivers can learn and practice the basics of caring for a loved one at home including transfers, personal care, proper body mechanics & more! Learn from a registered nurse how to physically care for your loved one and how to protect yourself from injury. Cost $10. WHEN-Saturday, March 3, 2012- TIME- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. -WHERE- Sharp Grossmont Hospital’s Brier Patch Campus, Classroom 13/14, 9000 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -INFO-Reservation required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at

Saturday March 3- 64th Annual Ocean Beach Kite Festival
A fun day of festivities including a crafts fair, food and entertainment along with kite making, decorating and a flying contest. Free event. WHEN- Saturday March 3, 2012-TIME-9:00 am - 4:00 pm- Kite Making 11am-1pm: Ocean Beach Recreation Center. - Festival 1pm: Santa Monica (between Ebers St & Sunset Cliffs Blvd). Hot dogs & punch for participants 1pm-4pm & Kite judging: Ocean Beach Elementary School. Ocean Beach Recreation Center 4726 Santa Monica Blvd - San Diego CA 92107-INFO-Please call the Kiwanis Club of Ocean Beach (619) 225-8705 for more information or visit:

Saturday March 3- 5K Run/Walk Health Fair
This inaugural event will help promote Health and Food Justice awareness for San Diego. We are having a 5K run/walk March 3, 2012. Sponsors include numerous Health and Healthy Food organizations whose Mission is to improve the healthy lifestyles of all residents. This will be the first run/walk and health fair event in our community.
It is designed to increase awareness for health and food justice issues. The 5k will be a 'Point-to-Point' one way race for runners and walkers, starting at Chollas Lake, and finishing at the Jacobs Center. WHEN-Saturday, March 3rd, 2012-TIME-WHERE-Chollas Lake, College Grove, from -Chollas Lake - to Jacobs Center. DISTANCE - 5k/3.1 Miles-INFO-For more information Please call: 619.392.0203 or

Monday March 5 -Get a restful, refreshing sleep
As we age we often experience normal changes in our sleeping patterns. However, disturbed sleep, waking up tired every day, and other symptoms of insomnia are not a normal part of aging. Learn ways to get a good night sleep from Dr. Ari Laliotis, Sharp Senior Health Center.-WHERE- Monday, March 5, 2012-TIME- 1 to 2 p.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavilion Classroom A, 3075 Health Center Dr., San Diego. Registration required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at

Monday March 5 -When the Time Comes
People facing serious illness, caregiving, the end of life or grief often turn to faith communities to seek solace and support. This one day seminar will help area faith leaders become more comfortable with the complex issues surrounding serious illness and grief. The seminar is designed to enhance services and care currently being provided by area leaders. Faculty will include physicians, social workers, bereavement specialists and faith leaders. Registration Fee: $60* Fee includes light breakfast, lunch and program materials. WHEN-March 5, 2012-TIME- from 8:00am-4:00pm-WHERE- at The Elizabeth Hospice 5938 Priestly Drive, Suite 103 Carlsbad, CA 92008- Suite 103- INFO- Please call (760) 737-2050 x2102 for more information or email.

Tuesday March 6 -Free blood pressure screenings
About one-sixth of all Americans have high blood pressure and the incidence of this disease increases with age. High blood pressure can cause diseases without any early warning symptoms. High blood pressure can cause arterial disease (atherosclerosis) that can lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Routine screening tests are part of basic prevention medicine.They allow doctors to find illness and treat it much earlier than they could otherwise. Patients with high risk factors for screened diseases can make sure they don't acquire the illness as well, and if they do they can treat it early on. Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. WHEN-Tuesday March, 6, 2012-TIME-9:30 to 11 a.m. - WHERE- at Sharp Grossmont Senior Resource Center, 9000 Wakarusa, La Mesa-INFO-For information, call 619-740-4214.

Tuesday March 6 -Chronic Pain: An Integrated Care Approach
Chronic pain affects millions of Americans, including those living with mental illnesses and addictions. In fact — as is the case with many chronic physical health conditions — behavioral health conditions are strongly connected to chronic pain, considering that behavioral health disorders are notably modulators of pain and more common among people with chronic pain.
This webinar will describe a novel approach to treating chronic pain via an integrated team of providers that includes a primary care physician, mental health professional, and pain medicine specialist. Such a multidisciplinary team from the Community Health Center of Central Missouri will shepherd the discussion, detailing this approach’s history, treatment goals, and case studies. They will also discuss the importance of gaining access to adequate chronic pain treatment for underserved or underinsured populations. In the end, this webinar will guide providers toward improving outcomes for patients living with chronic pain and receiving integrated primary and behavioral healthcare. WHEN-Tuesday March 6, 2012 -TIME-2:00-3:30 pm EST-WHERE- Free Webinar-INFO- * Space is limited - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Tuesday March 6 -Free blood pressure screenings
About one-sixth of all Americans have high blood pressure and the incidence of this disease increases with age. High blood pressure can cause diseases without any early warning symptoms. High blood pressure can cause arterial disease (atherosclerosis) that can lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Routine screening tests are part of basic prevention medicine.They allow doctors to find illness and treat it much earlier than they could otherwise. Patients with high risk factors for screened diseases can make sure they don't acquire the illness as well, and if they do they can treat it early on. Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. WHEN-Tuesday March, 6, 2012-TIME-9:30 to 11 a.m. - WHERE- at Peninsula Family YMCA, 4390 Valeta, San Diego

Wednesday March 7 -County's Aging program Seeks Ideas, Innovations.
Aging & Independence Services Schedules Public Hearings. Do you have an idea to improve the lives of seniors in San Diego County? The Health and Human Services Agency’s Aging & Independence Services (AIS) will be holding four public hearings to gather information on issues important to local seniors.
AIS, which is committed to improving the quality of life for seniors as part of the County’s Live Well, San Diego! initiative, is updating its goals for serving seniors – mandated every four years by the Older Americans Act.
WHEN-Wed., March 7,2012-TIME-12:30 to 2 p.m. -WHERE- at the Salvation Army Nutrition Center, 1011 E. Main St., El Cajon 92021. Lunch served at 11:30 for a suggested donation of $4 (age 60+).
If you cannot attend a hearing, written testimony will be accepted until March 15. For more information or to send comments, contact Sarah (Sally) Jackson, AIS, P.O. Box 23217, San Diego, CA 92193 or by email. You may also leave comments via voice mail by calling (858) 495-5525 (please limit comments to 2 minutes).

Wednesday March 7 -Free Blood Pressure Screenings.
About one-sixth of all Americans have high blood pressure and the incidence of this disease increases with age. High blood pressure can cause diseases without any early warning symptoms. High blood pressure can cause arterial disease (atherosclerosis) that can lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Routine screening tests are part of basic prevention medicine.They allow doctors to find illness and treat it much earlier than they could otherwise. Patients with high risk factors for screened diseases can make sure they don't acquire the illness as well, and if they do they can treat it early on. Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. WHEN-Wednesday, March 7, 2012-TIME-9 to 10:30 a.m. - WHERE- at St. Agnes Catholic Church, 1145 Evergreen, San Diego

Thursday March 8 -Empowering Health Professionals to Combat Obesity
Isn’t it time to reunite the mouth with the body?! Studies increasingly show the relationship between dental disease and systemic diseases, including weight-related diseases such as diabetes. It is important for health professionals to work together for the benefit of our mutual patients.
Join us to explore techniques for collaborating to provide consistent messages, and learn how to engage patients in making good health choices for themselves and their families.
Free parking- COST-$45 per person-WHEN-Thursday, March 8th , 2012-TIME-from 5:30-8:30 pm- WHERE-at Rady Children’s Office Building, Room 113, 3030 Children’s Way, San Diego. (park in Visitor Parking and go across the street to the 1st floor of the MOB, room 113)-INFO-For more information, call: 858-576-1700, ext. 4801

Friday March 9 -Good Start
"Good Start" workshop for newly diagnosed Parkinsons patients will be held in Vista. Presented by The Parkinson’s Association of San Diego, this free, 2-hour workshop is for people who are newly diagnosed with Parkinson's, their family members, caregivers, and friends. Family and friends are invited. registration required. COST- Free- Registration is required.WHEN-Friday March 9, 2012- TIME- from 1 pm- 3:00 pm--INFO- Please call Call Charlotte King 858-273-6763 or email

Friday March 9 - Purim Celebration
Hip-hip-hooray! Purim makes it a Party Day! Rochelle Danto will be here to start us off with a Purim sing along at 11:00am. At noon, we will have a special luncheon, complete with our favorite tri-corner treat, hamentashen! Entertainment at 12:30pm by Yochanan Sebastian Winston on flute, clarinet, and saxophone, with Tommy Gannon on the piano and vocals. Together they will showcase an upbeat and lively musical program of Hebrew, Yiddish, and popular tunes. Dressing up is encouraged! WHEN-March 9, 2012-WHERE-Jewish Family Service ,Turk Family Center , 8804 Balboa Avenue,San Diego, CA 9212- INFO-For more information, or to become a member today, call (858) 637-3270 or email.

Saturday March 10 -Colon Cancer Alliance Undy 5000 5K Run/Walk
This is a timed 5K run/walk to raise awareness about colorectal cancer and cancer screening. In an effort to do this, participants are encouraged to wear undies over their running attire. Yep, you heard right. Dress appropriately and be as creative as you want.-COST-Admission $30.00 (age 14 & older) and $25.00 (age 6-13). WHEN-Saturday March 10, 2012- TIME- 8:00 am - 9:30 am-WHERE- Route> East Mission Bay- De Anza Cove - Mission Bay Dr -Hilton Hotel- walkway - De Anza Cove. East Mission Bay - De Anza Cove-INFO- Please call the Colon Cancer Alliance at: (619) 261-5578 or visit:

Saturday, March 10- Old Glory to Fly Over Fallbrook Library
The community is invited to join County Supervisor Bill Horn to dedicate the Fallbrook Library's new flagpole.
........"This community should be proud," said Supervisor Horn. "Through its determination and dedication, the Fallbrook Library has a new flagpole and American flag. It is a powerful symbol of our freedom, and I am honored to have played a part in getting it here."
Supervisor Horn, Library Director José Aponte, and Jason Springston, who spearheaded fundraising for the new flagpole, will speak during the dedication ceremony. Continued

Saturday March 10 -Free Tire recycling/ Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Valley Center Event to Collect Tires, Electronics, Medicines and More. The County of San Diego will help unincorporated residents put a little spring into their cleaning March 10 by holding a special recycling event in Valley Center where people can safely get rid of old tires, household hazardous wastes, unwanted medicines, household medical “sharps” such as needles and lancets, old TVs and computer monitors.
“To make it even easier for our residents to recycle, we’re combining a ‘tire amnesty day’ and household hazardous waste collection event,” said County Supervisor Bill Horn. “So if folks have some of these items taking up space at home or in yards or garages, this is a great opportunity to properly get rid of or recycle that waste.”
It’s open to residents of unincorporated communities. It is not open to businesses. The event, sponsored by the County departments of Environmental Health and Public Works- WHEN-Saturday March 10, 2012--TIME- will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. -WHERE- at the Valley Center Elementary School parking lot, located at 28751 Cole Grade Road. -INFO-For more information, please go to the Department of Environmental Health website at

Monday March 12 -Free Blood Pressure Screenings
About one-sixth of all Americans have high blood pressure and the incidence of this disease increases with age. High blood pressure can cause diseases without any early warning symptoms. High blood pressure can cause arterial disease (atherosclerosis) that can lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Routine screening tests are part of basic prevention medicine.They allow doctors to find illness and treat it much earlier than they could otherwise. Patients with high risk factors for screened diseases can make sure they don't acquire the illness as well, and if they do they can treat it early on. Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Public welcome. WHEN-Monday, March 12, 2012-TIME-11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-WHERE- at War Memorial Building, 3325 Zoo Dr., San Diego

Monday March 12 -Why Do My Ears Ring?? Tinnitus
Tinnitus is the sound of ringing, roaring, buzzing, or clicking that occurs inside the head. The sounds may come and go, be continuous, occur in one or both ears, and vary in pitch. Currently, more than 50 million people in the US suffer from some degree of tinnitus. Hear from an audiologist about coping with tinnitus and treatment options.Registration required. WHEN- Monday, March 12,2012-TIME- 1 to 2 p.m. -WHERE-at the Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavilion Classroom A, 3075 Health Center Dr., San Diego. -INFO-Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at

Tuesday March 13 -The Healthy Bottom Line
TinnitusJoin Mark Fenton, national public health, planning, and transportation consultant! Explore with him how healthy community design can strengthen and support economic vitality and development in East County. Brought to you by: County Supervisor Dianne Jacob, East County Chamber of Commerce and Health and Human Services Agency, East Region. Made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, through the County of San Diego -WHEN-Tuesday, March 13, 2012-TIME-9:00 - 11:30 a.m. Registration and Networking: 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. WHERE-The Salvation Army Kroc Center Education Building – Multipurpose Room 6605 University Avenue San Diego, 92115-INFO- For more information, contact Katie Judd email or call 619-668-3758 - Flyer - Please register at

Thursday March 15 -Get a restful, refreshing sleep
Do you or your partner have trouble sleeping through the night? Snoring? Too much or too little sleep can affect your overall health. Learn from our experts at the Sharp Grossmont Sleep Disorder Center about ways to get a good night’s sleep. Reservation required. WHEN- Thursday, March 15,2012- TIME- 1 to 2:30 p.m. -WHERE- at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa. -INFO- Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at

Wednesday March 14 - HICAP Insurance Counseling
Receive free information about Medicare, HMO’s supplement insurance or long-term care insurance from trained volunteer counselors of HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). Appointment required. -WHEN-Wednesday, March 14, 2012-TIME-from 9 a.m. to 12 noon -WHERE- at the Sharp Senior Health Center, 4320 Genesee Ave. #104, San Diego. -INFO-Call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or 858-565-8772.

Friday March 16 -Free Blood Pressure Screenings
About one-sixth of all Americans have high blood pressure and the incidence of this disease increases with age. High blood pressure can cause diseases without any early warning symptoms. High blood pressure can cause arterial disease (atherosclerosis) that can lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Routine screening tests are part of basic prevention medicine.They allow doctors to find illness and treat it much earlier than they could otherwise. Patients with high risk factors for screened diseases can make sure they don't acquire the illness as well, and if they do they can treat it early on. Sharp Senior Resource Center’s Registered Nurse offers free blood pressure checks. No appointments necessary. Open to the public.WHEN-Friday March, 16, 2012-TIME-9:30 to 11 a.m. - WHERE- at La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd. -INFO-For information, call 619-740-4214.

_____ American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women Luncheon
More than 41 million American women are living with one or more types of cardiovascular disease, yet only one in five view heart disease as their greatest health threat. Heart disease is the number one cause of death for women in the United States. While this is ominous, the good news is that fewer women are dying of heart disease – both in San Diego and across the country.That’s why the American Heart Association encourages San Diegans to show their support for the fight against women and heart disease by attending the American Heart Association’s 2012 Go Red For Women Luncheon.-WHEN- Fiday March 16 ,2012- WHERE- at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. -INFO -For more information about the American Heart Association and the 2012 San Diego Go Red For Women Luncheon, please call (858) 410-3850 or visit The life you save could be your own._________________________________________________________________

Saturday March 17. 32nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Festival & Parade
Wear something green when you come to enjoy the festivities in a Celtic Village filled with Irish culture music, dancing, food, and beer; plus a Kid's Zone with rides. St. Patrick's Day Parade: 6th Ave & Juniper. A Free event.-WHEN-Saturday March 17, 2012- TIME-Festival: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Parade: 10:30 am-WHERE- at Balboa Park on West side of park along 6th Ave between Laurel & Quince-INFO- Please call the Irish Congress of Southern California, Inc. at (619) 281-0666 or visit:

Saturday March 17. Women’s Resource Fair Empowering Women in Need
The Women’s Resource Fair provides free services to low income, homeless, recovering, and abused women, and their children in San Diego County. Breakfast and Lunch Provided for Participants -Free child care- Activities, breakfast and lunch for children up to age 16. -FREE TRANSPORTATION: The Women’s Resource Fair will work with large groups to arrange transportation from areas geographically distant from downtown San Diego. Transportation Request Forms may be filled out at before March 9th. Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and space is limited! WHEN: Saturday, March 17, 2012-TIME- 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (All services may not be offered in the afternoon)-WHERE: Golden Hall at the Civic Center – Downtown San Diego 202 “C” Street, San Diego, CA 92101-INFO-For more information, volunteering and to Register please visit the website at or call (619) 338-6620

Saturday March 17. North County St. Patrick's Day Parade & Festival
Patrick's Day Parade & Festival in Historical Downtown Vista. There will be three possible prizes for parade participants: Best 30-Second Performance, Best Irish Theme and Best Dog Costume. After the parade: The Village Scavenger Hunt For Gold: search for clues that could lead you to be the winner of a gold coin valued at $250.00. Limerick readings at Gallery 204. Food vendor booths & other vendors are planned. Standard parade entry is $35.00, Dog Entry is $5.00. Opening ceremonies at 10:00 am and last approximately 1 hour. Parade participants and sponsors are being sought as well as vendors for the festival.-WHEN-Saturday March 17. 2012- TIME-10:00 am - 4:00 pm-WHERE- at Main Street & South Indiana- INFO- Please call the Vista Village Business Association (760) 414-9391 or visit:

Saturday March 17. Tour of Borrego Bike Event
This event is our most popular ride of the year. Choose from either 22, 40, 62 & 80 mile paved road This rides around the beautiful Borrego Springs Valley with mostly flat terrain. The 62 mile course does the 40 mile course then follows up with the 22 mile course. The 80 mile ride does 2 loops of the 40 mile course. Fee includes, rest stops with energy packs, energy drinks, fruit, and Dudley's bread. After the ride, Julian pie and ice cream along with refreshments will be served. WHEN- Saturday March 17,2012- TIME-Registration opens at 7:30 am. Start times: 8:30 to 9:30 am-Pre-registered riders receive free event t-shirt.-WHERE- Borrego Springs High School 2281 Diegueno Dr Borrego Springs CA 92004-INFO- Info Line: (760) 765-1598 Form more details please visit: 
Saturday March 17 SanTree Fest
An Earth Day tree planting event in Santee. Activities: Tree planting (40-50 trees), creek clean up, landscape improvements, crafts for kids, food sampling, live entertainment, and environmental booths. Free event.-WHEN- Saturday March 17, 2012- TIME- 9:00 am - 12:00 pm- WHERE- at Town Center Community Park 10123 Riverwalk Dr - Santee CA 92071-INFO- Please call: (619) 258-4100 ext 201

Saturday March 17 -7th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival
The cherry trees are blooming and the Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park is hosting a festival to celebrate the season. Get a taste of Japan by visiting gorgeous outdoor gardens, watching a traditional tea ceremony. Enjoy delicious foods, arts, crafts, and cultural demonstrations. COST- Admission $4.00 (adult)-Students/Seniors/Military $3-Children 12 and under are Free with a paid adult.-WHEN-Saturday March 17-TIME-10:00 am - 6:00 pm-WHERE- Balboa Park Japanese Friendship Garden 2215 Pan American Rd- INFO-Please call the Japanese Friendship Garden at: (619) 232-2721 form more information or visit:

Sat. 17 & Sun18- Head to Toe Women's Expo
Head to Toe Women's Expo is an extraordinary show with products and services appealing to women, such as clothing, jewelry, medical services, books, service organizations, dance, cosmetics and more. COST- $8.00 Adult - $7.00 Seniors 12 and younger free.WHEN-Sat. March 17 & Sun. Mar.18 TIME-Sat: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm - and -Sun: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm-WHERE- Del Mar Fairgrounds - Bing Crosby Hall 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd - Del Mar CA Fairgrounds -INFO- Please call (858) 755-1161 or the Info Line at : (858) 793-5555 or visit the website: for map and directions and the

Sat. 17 & Sun18- Tomatomania Herb Festival & Spring Plant Sale
Part of the World's Largest Tomato Seedling Sale and all you need to grow great tomatoes. There will be speakers on garden and herb-related topics, guided tours of the Herb Garden, Herb Festival Market-place, the A-Z on Herbs information booth, and the SDBG Spring Plant Sale with a multitude of vendors. Price: Free with admission or membership.WHEN-Saturday 17 and Sunday 18, 2012- TIME- 9:00 am - 5:00 pm-WHERE-San Diego Botanic Garden 230 Quail Gardens Dr - Encinitas CA- INFO: Please visit for more information

Tuesday March.20 -Medicare and You
Learn about the basics of Medicare including Parts A, B, C and D from Jean Soderberg, Community Education Specialist, HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). Also learn about Medicare Advantage, HMO’s PPO’s etc. Take advantage of Medicare’s expanded coverage of preventive benefits in 2012. Registration required. -WHEN-Tuesday, March 20, 2012-TIME-10 to 11 a.m. -WHERE- at the Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavilion Classroom B, 3075 Health Center Dr., San Diego. -INFO-Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at

Saturday March.22 -Register now for the Eye Gnat Symposium!
Celebrate the artistic expressions of those with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia at The Alzheimer’s Associations' annual fundraising event. Memories in the Making® is a creative art expression program for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Beautiful artwork is created by participants at art classes held throughout San Diego County. The silent auction and social hour will be in the Sefton Grand Atrium at the San Diego Natural History Museum followed by the live auction inside Charmaine and Maurice Kaplan Theater. Individual Tickets $175. VIP Tickets $250. Amethyst Package (8 VIP) $2,000.-WHEN-Friday March 23, 2012-TIME- 6:00 pm- WHERE-San Diego Natural History Museum 1788 El Prado Way San Diego,CA 92101- INFO-Please call (858) 492-4400 for more information or visit:

Friday March.23 -Memories in the Making Art Auction
Celebrate the artistic expressions of those with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia at The Alzheimer’s Associations' annual fundraising event. Memories in the Making® is a creative art expression program for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Beautiful artwork is created by participants at art classes held throughout San Diego County. The silent auction and social hour will be in the Sefton Grand Atrium at the San Diego Natural History Museum followed by the live auction inside Charmaine and Maurice Kaplan Theater. Individual Tickets $175. VIP Tickets $250. Amethyst Package (8 VIP) $2,000.-WHEN-Friday March 23, 2012-TIME- 6:00 pm- WHERE-San Diego Natural History Museum 1788 El Prado Way San Diego,CA 92101- INFO-Please call (858) 492-4400 for more information or visit:

Saturday March.24 -Race for Autism
100% of Race donations stay right here to support San Diego programs and classrooms that benefit thousands of local children. Featuring: 5K timed run or walk, 1-mile Family Fun Walk, educational resource fair, children's activities, prizes, refreshments and more! Together we can change lives. Run, Walk or Stroll. Be the Missing Piece. New this year: Chip timing, a fast, scenic course through the heart of Balboa Park and amazing prizes! COST- $15 - $35.-WHEN-Saturday March 24, 2012-TIME-from 7:00 am - 12:00 pm-WHERE- at corner of Balboa Park 6th Ave & Laurel St.-INFO- For more information please visit the National Foundation for Autism Research website at:

Saturday March.24 -Walk For Thought
The California Brain Injury Association understands the hardship people with brain injuries and their families face every day. More than 11,000 people in San Diego suffer from a brain injury. This walking event has been organized to obtain funding to continue with the help the Association provides. Walk distance is 1.5 miles in each direction. Walkers can determine their own distance. Warm-up session, music, and raffle items. Exhibitors will provide information and local resources. COST-Registration: $15 & $25.-WHEN-saturday March 24, 2012- TIME- From 9:15 am - 12:00 pm- WHERE-Mission Bay Park - De Anza Cove 2727 De Anza Road San Diego CA-INFO- For more information please call the California Brain Injury Association (619) 294-6541 or visit:

Sat. March 26 thru Wed. 28-1st National Immunization Conference Online
The 1st National Immunization Conference Online (NIC Online), a virtual conference, will take place in the spring of 2012. The conference will be entirely online.
The goals of the Conference are to provide information that will help participants provide comprehensive immunization coverage for all age groups and explore innovative strategies for developing programs, policy, and research to promote immunization coverage for all age groups. Many topics will be presented and discussed, with special emphasis on: Adolescent Immunization, Adult Immunization Communications,Epidemiology,Immunization Information Systems, HPV Vaccine, Programmatic Issues,Surveillance, and Vaccine Safety.
Need More Information? For more information about the 1st National Immunization Conference Online, please contact the Conference Planning Team at (404) 639-8225 or via email at or
Tuesday March 27-How to Talk to Your Doctor
Discover the tools to be successful when talking with your doctor or other health care provider from Dr. Wendy Stein from the Sharp Senior Health Center. Learn strategies for choosing a provider, good communication skills during office visits and importance of pre-planning. Receive free Vials of Life, Advance Directives and more. Reservation required. WHEN-Tuesday, March 27,2012-TIME- 1 to 2 p.m. -WHERE-at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 4425 Valeta St. San Diego. -INFO-Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at

Tuesday March 27-“Walk a Day in Someone Else’s Shoes"
“Walk a Day in Someone Else’s Shoes: Experience the 10 Most Common Health Challenges of Aging” WHEN-Tuesday, March 27,2012-TIME- 9:00 am to 12:30 p.m. -WHERE-at the Bonita-Sunnyside Branch- 43 75 Bonita Rd., Bonita 919202 -INFO-Please call 1-877-926-8300 to register .

Wednesday .March 28-HICAP Insurance Counseling
Receive free information about Medicare, HMO’s supplement insurance or long-term care insurance from trained volunteer counselors of HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). Appointment required.-WHEN-Wednesday, 28,2012-TIME- from 9 a.m. to 12 noon -WHERE-at the Sharp Senior Health Center, 4320 Genesee Ave. #104, San Diego.- INFO-Call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or 858-565-8772.

Mon.March 26 thru Fri. 31-San Diego Women’s Week
San Diego Women's Week will provide inspirational keynote speakers, host breakout forums and provide unique opportunities for all who attend. Speakers will focus on a variety of topics, ranging from health and fashion to business and technology.-WHEN- From Monday March 26 through Friday 31st. 2012-WHERE-Various Locations: San Diego - Poway - Escondido. INFO- For more information please call the San Diego North Chamber of Commerce (858) 487-1767 or visit:

Saturday March 31-“Multi-Cultural Aging expo" from 9:00 am to 12:30 at Rosa Park Elementary School field, 4510 Landis St.,san Diego 92105. For more information please call 619-471-2681