.Second-Hand Smoke:
By Daniella Cardenas, Prevention Coordinator San Diego –Tijuana Border Initiative .......At the beginning of the 20th century, smoking became popular because large .......Passive smokers are those who inhale the smoke that comes from an ignited cigarette and/or the smoke that is exhaled by the smoker. Second-hand smoke is dangerous due to the fact that it contains not only more than 4.000 chemicals known to provoke different types of cancer, but it also contains exhaled carbon monoxide from the smoker. Second-hand smoke not only causes health problems for adults and children, but can also cause damage to the fetus during the pregnancy as well as bringing irreversible problems to the health of newborns. .......Second-hand smoke during pregnancy can also cause miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and/or delays in physical and intellectual growth. Newborns whose mothers are exposed to second-hand smoke, or whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are more prone to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or “cradle death,” which causes that the lungs or brain of newborns to stop functioning suddenly and without warning.
.......In adults, besides the respiratory problems mentioned previously, second-hand smoke can also damage the lining of the blood vessels, which can lead to cardiac attacks. But second-hand smoke causes more than just respiratory and cardiac problems; it has been linked to a countless amount of cancers related to the tobacco use, among them, cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, neck, uterus, bladder and skin. Persons who have a tendency to develop cancer due to hereditary factors, can develop disease more quickly if they smoke or if they are exposed to second-hand smoke. .......Our bodies and our families are treasures that we must take care of and protect from any possible harm and from preventable diseases caused by second-hand smoke. Knowing the risks that exposure to second-hand smoke causes, it is important that we look for the ways to avoid its propagation and make our indoor and outdoor environments free of tobacco and free of second-hand smoke in every instance possible. |
When you start making choices you will start living the life you dream about: Freedom from cigarette addiction! If you’re looking to quit or are thinking about quitting, call 1–800–QUIT–NOW for assistance and information.
• More information on Second hand smoke | ||
U.S.Surgeon General's Report on Effects of Second Hand Smoke | ||
Second hand smoke the cloud that can harm | ||
Pregnancy and cigarretes | ||
Do you live in an apartment with second hand smoke? | ||
• More on addictions | ||
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