
Recovery Happens
National Recovery Month provides a vehicle to celebrate these accomplishments and helps to spread the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective and people can and do recover. Recovery is Real
Saturday Sept 7, 2013 is the "Recovery a Community Affair." Bring family and friends to celebrate! Let's celebrate! Please select the image for more information. |

National Farm Safety and Health Week
.....Farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers form the cornerstones of some of America's most essential economic sectors. Their products feed, clothe, and fuel our Nation. Their way of life -- handed down from generation to generation -- is central to the American story. During National Farm Safety and Health Week, we celebrate our agricultural producers' values, experiences, and contributions, and we recommit to secure work environments on all our country's farms.
For many agricultural workers, the risk of injury and illness is a daily reality. They face multiple challenges, including entering hazardous grain storage bins, handling livestock and chemicals, and transporting large machinery on our Nation's rural roadways. I encourage agricultural producers and their families and communities to participate in comprehensive farm safety and health programs, take precautions, and prepare themselves for emergencies.

Tropical weather in San Diego could...
increase the mosquito population.
.....Mosquitoes lay their larva in a moist wet climate. On average, tropical systems can produce as little as one inch of rain to ten or more inches of rain. The more water, the greater chances for mosquitoes to enhance in population.
Mosquitoes can be breeding in your backyard! They breed in the big lakes and lagoons found around San Diego County, but they can also breed right in your own backyard. Mosquitoes can breed anywhere; all they need is a ½ inch of water.
.....Check your yard for standing water. If you have any sources of standing water help your community by getting rid of them. Smaller sources such as pet water dishes or plant saucers can be dumped out. For the bigger backyard sources such as pools or ponds, make sure they are properly cleaned and maintained. If you suspect that a foreclosed or unattended property in your neighborhood is breeding mosquitoes in the backyard please contact the Vector Control Program.
Did you know that school supplies
are not all what a child needs to succeed in the school?
.....Health Check-Ups are Needed for School. Make sure your children have the healthy children succeeed in the school necessary health check-ups to start school.
.....California law requires all children entering first grade to have a health check-up. Check-ups, even when a child is not sick, allow the doctor to find and treat many health problems before they become serious and affect a child’s ability to succeed in school. Check-ups are also an opportunity for parents to ask questions about their child’s health.
.....“Check-ups help to prevent medical problems and ensure that children don’t miss school; they help ensure children are able to do their best and succeed.” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., San Diego County Public Health Officer.
.....California law also requires children entering public school for the first time at kindergarten or first grade to have an oral health assessment or “dental check-up” . Families unable to find or afford medical and dental check-ups may be eligible for exams at no cost by calling the San Diego County, Maternal, Child and Family Health Services at 800-675-2229. .
Vaccines are not just for kids.
...Some vaccine-preventable diseases have become very rare in the United States thanks to vaccines. However, outbreaks still happen. As you get your children ready to go back to school, it’s important to remember teens and even college students should also get the recommended vaccines, health officials say.
...“All parents should make sure their children and teens are up-to-date with their immunizations. Vaccines not only protect your children but also those around them. Immunizations prevent many diseases, disability, and death.” said Dr. Dean Sidelinger, child health medical officer for the County Health and Human Services Agency.
...Vaccinations are the best way to protect communities and schools from outbreaks that can cause unnecessary illnesses.Older children need vaccines too because they are at higher risk of catching certain diseases, like meningococcal meningitis.
...Preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that in 2012, more than 41,000 cases of whooping cough, including 18 deaths, were reported across the United States. In 2011, measles sickened 220 people in the U.S., a higher number than usual.
For more information on immunizations and the diseases they prevent, contact your health care provider or visit: www.sdiz.org
In September, San Diego Celebrates Grandparents Day
...Never in her wildest thoughts did Jeanne Salvadori think that after turning 60, her life would be filled with back-to-school shopping, pediatrician appointments and even potty training.
...Salvadori, who raised three children of her own, is a school nursing services program specialist with the San Diego County Office of Education. Due to a series of events, Jeanne and her husband Larry, 75, find themselves raising four grandchildren ranging from 5- to 11-years-old.The couple fortunately had a large enough house to accommodate the children.
...She said it’s important for whoever is responsible for raising a child to ensure the child has a healthy connection to his school and the necessary adult support to make that happen.
...“My point is I wish I had this information the first time around,” she said. “A lot of grandparents are struggling trying to raise grandchildren.”“There is nothing unique about our story,” Salvadori continued, “there are thousands of grandparents in San Diego trying to do right by their grandchildren.
...An estimated 21,000 grandparents and family relatives in San Diego County are in the same situation as the Salvadoris raising grandchildren. Jeanne has an important message for them she will be delivering as a keynote speaker at San Diego County’s "Grandparents Raising Grandchildren" event is being held on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013.
Select HERE for more information
Health Centers Increasing Access to Affordable,
Cost Effective, High Quality Care
...... More than 21 million people are getting health care at nearly 9,000 community health center sites in every state and territory. In San Diego, the community health centers focus on meeting the basic healthcare needs of their individual communities. Health centers maintain an open-door policy, providing treatment regardless of an individual's income or insurance coverage.
..... Health centers are places where mothers can take their children for dental checkups, or flu shots, where seniors can fill their prescriptions, and where adults can turn for help in managing their hypertension or diabetes. They are also key sources of local employment and economic growth.
..... With a proven track record of success, community health centers have played an essential role in national recovery and reinvestment efforts and will play a key role in implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
..... HHS Secretary Sebelius said: "That’s why health centers are one of the best investments our country can make in its future, and why the Obama administration has made expanding our nation’s network of centers a top priority. "
Is Your Child Fully Vaccinated?
......Getting every recommended dose of each vaccine provides children with the best protection possible. If a child misses a shot, it can be difficult to figure out the best way to catch up. To help, CDC and colleagues at Georgia Tech have developed the Catch-Up Immunization SchedulerExternal Web Site Icon , an online tool that shows parents and healthcare providers the best options for getting children 6 years of age and younger back on schedule.
......The Catch-Up Immunization Scheduler uses a child's birthdate and vaccination history to automatically create a personalized vaccination schedule. This tool simplifies the process, providing support for healthcare providers and parents/caregivers.
Using this tool, you can:
• Enter, update or modify a child's vaccination history
• Load a previously saved vaccination history
• Print a vaccination schedule
• Generate an accelerated vaccination schedule (to schedule immunizations as soon as possible)
• Save the child's vaccination history to your computer for future use
County’s “Cool Zones” Are NOW Open
.....With temperatures expected to reach the mid. 90s throughout the San Diego region, health officials warned the public to take precautions to avoid heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses.
.....“Even short periods of exposure to high temperatures can cause serious health problems,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County Public Health Officer. “Spending too much time in the sun, doing too much on a hot day, or staying too long in an overheated place can cause heat-related illnesses, including heat stroke, exhaustion and cramps.”
.....Elderly people, especially 65 years and older, infants and children and people with chronic medical conditions are more prone to heat stress. Neighbors of the elderly, especially those living alone, should check on their well-being.
Specific conditions contributing to risk include obesity,fever, dehydration, heart disease, poor circulation, and sunburn. Risk behaviors ...
Please select COOL ZONE word for the nearest site to your home.
Mosquito populations have begun to rise with the warmer weather.
....The County of San Diego Vector Control Program contractor applies mosquito larvicide by helicopter to wetlands in an effort to reduce the mosquito population and the risk of West Nile virus. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 200 eggs at a time in the still water found in wetlands. These eggs hatch into larvae which feed on organic material. Larvicides are made from bacteria that are specific to mosquito larvae and will not harm other wildlife. This results in the efficient elimination of larvae before they can develop into biting adults which can spread diseases such as West Nile virus.
....Controlling mosquito abundance is essential in preventing the spread of West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases.
Eating fruit provides a variety of health benefits.
Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that help your child grow and stay healthy. People who eat more fruits in an overall healthy diet have lower risks of some chronic diseases. Include fruits in meals and snacks every day. Fruits may be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed.
Choose canned fruits packed in water or 100% juice instead of syrup, because light or heavy syrup adds sugar and calories.

Please select: COOL ZONE for the nearest site to your home, and HERE for more information.
> Neighbors of the elderly, especially those living alone, should check on their well-being.
Walking is the right thing to do! Be good to yourself, Walk! "Every Body Walk" |