The City Heights Farmers' Marketar ket ......By Michael Tsang ......Now City Heights is the home to the newest Open-Air Farmers Market in San Diego. From the first Saturday in June, San Diegans have a new place to purchase fresh produce and foods, as well as mingle with local growers and artisans. With more than a year of planning behind it, the City Height's farmers market aims to be a cultural and resourceful hotspot. ...."The farmers' market is not only the newest avenue for local food growers, food vendors and artisans to share their goods, but it is the first and only farmers' market in San Diego where consumers are able to use their food stamps," exclaims Blanca Meléndrez with the Network for a Healthy California. Now Consumers are able to redeem their food stamps in the form of the Electronic Benefit Transfer Cards (EBT) for fresh locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
.....This is good news for the many food stamp recipients that live in San Diego. In City Heights alone, there are more than 25,000 eligible food stamp users. .....Previously without any other San Diego farmers market accepting food stamps, food stamp recipients have only had the option of redeeming their foods stamps at local supermarkets. In lower-income areas like City Heights, supermarkets and corner stores "often carry produce that is overpriced, of poor quality, or not culturally appropriate," says Meléndrez. .....In City Height's there are over 20,000 WIC participants, and the City Height s Farmers Market is the first San Diego's Farmers Market accepting the Women, Children, and Infants Farmers Market Vouchers (WIC) which allows consumers to purchase fruits, vegetables and herbs. ....EBT and WIC acceptance at the City Height's farmers market is a great benefit to consumers. "The problem is that San Diegans have a poor track record when it comes to enrolling for food stamps and WIC vouchers. It is a fact, that San Diego has the lowest food stamp participation rate in the nation," explains Tia Anzellotti of the San Diego Hunger Coalition. This means that fewer than one third of eligible people are actually utilizing the program. Similarly, Janet Salvador of the San Diego Mercy WIC Program expresses that, "the percentage of farmers' market vouchers issued in San Diego is at a low of 36%." ....Low food stamp participation results in a lot of dead money lying around that could be helping support much of our local economy. "San Diego County is leaving about $140 million federal dollars on the table," says Anzellotti. And at times like these, when the dollar is weakening, and gas prices and food prices increasing, we can't afford to dismiss such opportunities. ....This money does not only have the potential to increase access to fresh locally grown produce but also supports local farmers, and can also free up the cash in people's pockets that can be spent elsewhere. In fact, a study by the Project for Public Spaces found that for every $5 dollars in foods stamps that is used, another $9.20 is generated into the general economy. ....But before we can begin to reap these benefits, there are a number of barriers that need to be addressed. For one, many individuals in San Diego don't even know they qualify for food stamps. "There have been numerous rule changes over the years and a lot of people do not know that they are eligible," explains Anzellotti. Secondly, signing up to receive food stamps can be somewhat burdensome. It can take an individual up to four or five one hour office visits to complete the application process. Not to mention that these office visits must be held during normal business hours when the average person is working. ....And for some individuals, utilizing the WIC program, is a matter of accessibility. Many recipients of the WIC vouchers find that "the cost of traveling on a bus or walking with two to three children outweighs the $20 supplement," states Salvador. ....Members who helped organize the City Heights' farmers' market have confidence that the market will positively increase the amount of food stamp and WIC participation. One hope is that popular sentiment, from those who use food stamps at the market to purchase fresh produce, will influence those who don't yet receive food stamps to sign up, if they are eligible. ....WIC participation is not only something that organizers are hoping will increase, but it is something that must increase. That is because current funding given by the government for WIC programs are based on past redemption rates of the vouchers. “If the rate continues to decrease, the WIC agencies will have less, and less to offer to consumers,” Salvador explains. ....The City Heights' farmers' market will also provide help for individuals seeking to sign up for the Food Stamp Program. There will be on-site trained volunteers to help determine eligibility and guide individuals through the application process. "It is our hope that this combination of access and outreach/application assistance will create an influx of new Food Stamp applicants," explains Anzellotti. The market has been a culmination of vision and hard work from over 20 local organizations under the leadership of the Network for a Healthy California-San Diego Nutrition Network and Mid-City Community Advocacy Network. Contributions have been made by Supervisor Ron Roberts and Price Charities in sums of $15,000 and $25,000, respectively, in order to see that the market is successful. The market will be managed by the San Diego Farm Bureau, and the fiscal agency will be the International Rescue Committee. ....The City Heights' farmers' market is open every Saturday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. near the Weingart Library in City Heights. It has been designed and organized to reflect City Heights' abundant diversity of more than 78,000 residents and over 30 spoken languages in the area. Local residents will find it a great place to delve into one another's culture through different mediums like food, crafts, and conversation. Fresh fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers, hot food vendors, arts and crafts, health programs, live entertainment and more! EVERY SATURDAY For more information please visit
Funded by USDA’s Food Stamp Program through the California Department of Public Health. These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. |
>RELATED LINKS: • San Diego Union Tribune | • KPBS | • NBC San Diego | • La Prensa | • The Reader| • CITY HEIGHTS FARMERS'S MARKET FACE BOOK! ..Want to know what's selling and who's playing at this Saturday's City Heights Farmers' Market? Join the City Heights Farmers' Market Facebook page, and tell your friends! CLICK HERE! |
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